Chemistry Discussions 2017: Mithat Çoruh Auditorium, 9:30AM-8PM May 16 (EN)

Dear All,
You are cordially invited to join the second of our graduate student workshop series Chemistry Discussions* hosted by the Chemistry Department, on May 16th.

This year’s event includes 3 plenary lectures (Assoc. Prof. Emrah Özensoy, Prof. Viktorya Aviente, and Prof. Bartosz Grzybowski (2016 Feynman Prize). The detailed program can be found at;

An oral and a poster presentation award (cash prizes) will be given to the best presenters. Free coffee, goodies and dinner (during the evening poster session) is served to all attendees. Admission is free for registered attendees. Please register at (registration takes 20 sec max. !!)

We are looking forward to seeing you at Chemistry Discussions!

*This workshops series aims to gather graduate students from various disciplines of chemistry (or research related to chemistry) and encourage them not only to interact with other students and researchers but also to present their work in a scientific environment.

Chemistry Discussions@Bilkent Organizing Committee
Bilge Baytekin, Ferdi Karadaş, Emrah Özensoy, Yunus Emre Türkmen, Burak Ülgüt