“39 STEPS” (Turkish)
(Black Comedy)
Junior Project
Writer: Patrick Barlow
Translated by: Mehmet Ergen
Director: İlham Yazar
Played by: Ahmet Kılıç-Berk Cem Göksel- Melisa Berboğlu-Naz Göktan
Decor Design: Ozlem Gezginler
Costume Design: Türküler Topal
Light Design: Yılmaz Ertekin
From John Buchan’s same-named novel; The play “39 Steps”, which was screened by Alfred Hitchcock, is telling the story of Richard Hannay’s relationship with the mysterious and beautiful woman Anabella and the changing of his life.
A combination of tension and humor…
APRIL 25-26 AND 3, 10 MAY ..
MSSF Chamber Theater at 20:00
GE 250-251 20 points
Tickets: https://stars2.bilkent.edu.tr/bso/
Tel: 0.312.290 17 75