On the Vernacular Roots Of Finnish Modernism
Aino Niskanen, Professor
History of Architecture, Aalto University
14 April, Friday
13:40 FF Building, Room FFB-22
The lecture discusses Finland as a Nordic country with her arctic climate and large forests. Wooden vernacular architecture has been important for Finnish modernism, and master architect Alvar Aalto started his references to it in the 1930s. After him, many Finnish architects followed. Nowadays, wood architecture implemented by both old and modern technology is a top priority among architects.
Professor Aino Niskanen was leader of the education programme of Architecture at the Department of Architecture 2010-12, Aalto University. Her confidential posts have been Voting Finnish representative in Icomos international committee for training 2001-2006, member of Arkkitehti journal editing board 2007-2008; in the representative body of Museum of Finnish Architecture 2009- , in board of the of Alvar Aalto Foundation (presently vice chair), in board of Nils Erik Wickberg Foundation from 2009 (chair from 2013) and in the Finnish National Council of Architecture and Design from 2013.