Please join Bilkent University’s Psychology Department on Wednesday for the virtual visit of Prof. Geoffrey MacDonald.
Speaker: Geoffrey MacDonald, University of Toronto
“Singlehood and Well-Being: Developing a Picture of the Happy Single Person”
Date: Wednesday, 28 September 2022
Time: 17:00
***This is an online seminar. To obtain the event link, please send a message to department.
Around the world, increasing numbers of people are living without romantic partners. Although relationship science suggests the average person in a romantic relationship is higher in well-being than the average person who is single, only recently have researchers begun to consider within-group variability among singles to determine what predicts who is more or less happy as a single person. In this talk, I will discuss research from my lab examining factors such as age, desire for a romantic partner, sexual satisfaction, and attachment security. Further, I will discuss research examining the tradeoffs between different life domains singles make in order to build a happy life. Overall, I will convey what we currently understand about who is likely to be happy as a single person.
About the speaker:
Geoff MacDonald is Professor and Acting Chair of the Department of Psychology at the University of Toronto. Geoff was raised in and received his Ph.D. in Canada, held a post-doctoral fellowship at Wake Forest University in the United States, and held an assistant professor position at University of Queensland in Australia before moving to Toronto. Geoff is a Fellow of the International Association for Relationship Research and a past Lead Editor of the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. His research ha