MBG Seminar: “Prenatal Hypoxia and the Impact of Maternal Antioxidant (MitoQ) Treatment on Developmental Programming of Cardiovascular Disease”, Mais Aljunaidy, Ph.D., 2:00PM November 10 (EN)

“Prenatal Hypoxia and the Impact of Maternal Antioxidant (MitoQ) Treatment on Developmental Programming of Cardiovascular Disease”

Mais Aljunaidy, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology, Bilkent University

Cardiovascular disease is the primary cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Prenatal hypoxia (due to placental or maternal hypoxia) is an established risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Hypoxia in pregnancy can lead to intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR; defined as a fetus who does not reach its genetic growth potential) and to an increase in offspring susceptibility to develop cardiovascular disease later in life, a concept known as developmental programming of cardiovascular disease. The seminar will focus on assessing the effect of hypoxia in pregnancy on maternal vascular function, fetal development and on offspring cardiovascular function later in life in both males and females separately. Furthermore, an intervention will be proposed to improve offspring cardiovascular health due to pregnancy complications. As placental oxidative stress is important in the pathophysiology of many pregnancy complications including IUGR and developmental programming, the mitochondrial antioxidant MitoQ loaded onto nanoparticles (nMitoQ) was proposed as an intervention to prevent placental oxidative stress and optimally prevent IUGR and fetal programming of cardiovascular disease. Nanoparticles were used to prevent MitoQ from crossing the placental barrier to the fetus to avoid risking direct fetal exposure to the antioxidant treatment.

Date-Time : Wednesday, November 10, 2021 at 14:00
Please contact to the department for the Zoom Meeting information details.

All interested are cordially invited