UNAM Nanokonferans: “Nonlinear World of Commercial Photonic Systems,” Dr. Sergei K. Turitsyn (Aston University), UNAM Konferans Salonu, 16:00 12 Nisan (EN)

Dear Colleagues and Students,

You are cordially invited to UNAM Nanocolloquium seminars focusing on advancements in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology. The seminars bring us the most recent developments in these exciting fields. This week’s talk will be presented by Dr. Sergei K. Turitsyn*

Title: “Nonlinear world of commercial photonic systems”
Date: April 12, 2019 (Friday)
Refreshments: 15:40
Time: 16:00
Place: UNAM Conference Hall

Many nonlinear photonic technologies are already weaved into the operation of commercial systems ranging from fibre-optic communication lines to high power lasers. In particular, fibre lasers have many attractive features and advantages such as compactness, stability, reliable beam quality, high electrical-to-optical efficiency, low running costs and relative simplicity of operation and maintenance. Applications of fibre lasers include industrial cutting and welding, telecommunications, medicine, metrology, spectroscopy and many others. However, fibre laser is not only an important and already widely used practical device, but also a complex nonlinear physical system. Nonlinearity is an essential component in the design of numerous photonic systems and devices, but it is often shunned by engineers in view of its practical intractability and greatly increased difficulty of comprehension of system behaviour. The understanding and mastering of nonlinear effects can translate into improving performance of the existing devices and enabling a new generation of engineering concepts. Many modern measurement techniques and signal processing methods have been developed and optimised for linear systems. In this talk I will discuss our recent works on the nonlinear science of fibre lasers and applications of the machine learning methods and other nonlinear techniques to analysis of the properties of nonlinear photonic systems.

About the Speaker:
Professor Sergei K. Turitsyn graduated from the Department of Physics of the Novosibirsk University, in 1982 and received his Ph.D. degree in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics from the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk, Russia in 1986. In 1992 he moved to Germany, first, as a Humboldt Fellow and then working in the collaborative projects with Deutsche Telekom. Currently, he is a director of the Aston Institute of Photonic Technologies, which is a world known photonic research centre, with a strong track record of academic achievements, range of developed technologies and expertise in knowledge transfer. Sergei Turitsyn is the originator of several key concepts in fields the nonlinear science, optical fibre communications and fibre lasers. He was/is a principal investigator in 63 national and international, research and industrial projects. Turitsyn serves as a Topical Editor (Nonlinear Effects in Optical Fibres) of the JOSA B and as a member of the Editorial Board (Electronics, Photonics and Device Physics) of the Scientific Reports, Nature Publishing Group. Turitsyn was the recipient of a Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award in 2005. In 2011 he was awarded the European Research Council Advanced Grant. He received Lebedev medal by the Rozhdestvensky Optical Society in 2014, Aston 50th Anniversary Chair medal in 2016 and Chancellor’s Medal in 2018. He is a Fellow of the Optical Society of America and the Institute of Physics.
* Aston University