Title: Computation as Design Pedagogy
Presenter: Prof. Dr. Mine Özkar, İstanbul Technical University, Department of Architecture
Date and Place: June 20, 2016, 13.40, FFB05
Abstract: The talk will focus on the pedagogical pragmatism of visual computation. Computation, with or without computers, can be a pedagogical tool for design learning, especially in the context of first year education, answering in many ways to acquiring a foundational core of design knowledge, skills and attitudes.
Bio: Mine Ozkar is the Coordinator of the Architectural Design Computing Program and a Professor of Architecture at Istanbul Technical University. Collaborating with design professionals, computer scientists and art historians, her research focuses on visual, spatial and material aspects of design computation, and their integration to foundational design education. Mine holds a SMArchS in design inquiry and a PhD in design and computation from MIT where she was a visiting professor for a semester in 2013. She is currently an elected member of IJAC editoral board.