Rusya Çalışmaları Merkezi Konferansı: “The Cold War in the Middle East – New Sources,” C-Blok Amfi, 9:30-17:30 17 Ekim (EN)

Dear Colleagues,

The Bilkent Center for Russian Studies is pleased to invite you to two upcoming events.

On October 17th, we are hosting a conference on the Cold War in the Middle East, organized together with the U.S. Congress-chartered Wilson Center. Prominent academics from Iraq, Israel, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States will speak over the course of the day on subjects ranging from Carlos the Jackal to the Yom Kippur War to civil war in Yemen. Many of the lectures focus on the Soviet Union’s and Turkey’s roles in this crucial period of international relations.

On October 23rd, Dr. Andrei Fursov of Moscow State University will deliver a lecture titled “Capitalism: Terminal Crisis of the Most Enigmatic Social System.” Dr. Fursov is a leading Russian academic and journalist; his publications covering various aspects of geopolitics have received numerous prizes.

For more information on these events and the Bilkent Center for Russian Studies, please see the attached conference program or visit our website.

Onur İşçi (Director) and Samuel J. Hirst (Associate Director)

Event: The Cold War in the Middle East – New Sources
Date: 17 October 2019
Time: 9:30-17:30
Place: Bilkent Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences, C-Block Auditorium

Event: Capitalism: Terminal Crisis of the Most Enigmatic Social System
Date: 23 October 2019
Time: 13:30-15:00
Place: Bilkent Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences, C-Block Auditorium