PSYC Semineri: “What Brain Networks Can Tell Us About Brain Function”, Olaf Sporns, 16.30 6 Nisan (EN)

I am very pleased to be able to welcome you all to our next Bilkent Psychology Department seminar, given by Professor Olaf Sporns of Indiana University. This is a special opportunity, so please talk to any interested students about this, and make sure they understand that it is not an event to miss.

Speaker: Olaf Sporns, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Indiana University, Bloomington

“What Brain Networks Can Tell Us About Brain Function”

Date: Tuesday, 6 April 2021
Time: 16:30
Place: zoom

Abstract: Networks (connectivity) and dynamics are two key pillars of network neuroscience – an emerging field dedicated to understanding structure and function of neural systems across scales, from neurons to circuits to the whole brain. In this presentation I will review current themes and future directions, including structure/function relationships, use of computational models to map information flow and communication dynamics, and a novel edge-centric approach to functional connectivity. I will argue that network neuroscience represents a promising theoretical framework for understanding the complex structure and functioning of nervous systems.

About the speaker: After receiving a bachelor’s degree in biochemistry, Olaf Sporns earned a PhD in Neuroscience at Rockefeller University and conducted postdoctoral work at The Neurosciences Institute in New York and San Diego. Currently he is the Robert H. Shaffer Chair, a Distinguished Professor, and a Provost Professor in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at Indiana University in Bloomington. Sporns holds adjunct appointments in the School of Informatics, Computing and Engineering, and in the School of Medicine. His main research area is theoretical and computational neuroscience, with a focus on complex brain networks. In addition to over 250 peer-reviewed publications he has written two books, “Networks of the Brain” and “Discovering the Human Connectome”. He is the Founding Editor of “Network Neuroscience”, a journal published by MIT Press. Sporns received a John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Fellowship in 2011, and the Patrick Suppes Prize in Psychology/Neuroscience, awarded by the American Philosophical Society, in 2017. He is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the Society of Experimental Psychologists and of the Society of Experimental Psychologists.


Webinar 102 is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Psychology Colloquium-Prof. Olaf Sporns
Time: Apr 6, 2021 04:15 PM Istanbul

Please contact to the department for the Zoom Meeting information details.