PHYS Semineri: “Nonlinear Quantum Light Sources for Quantum Technology Applications”, Ozan Arı, 15:30 23 Ekim 2024 (EN)

Asst. Prof. Ozan Arı
Hacettepe University

“Nonlinear Quantum Light Sources for Quantum Technology Applications”


Recent advancements in quantum technologies, including quantum computing, quantum sensing, cryptography, and navigation, have led to the emergence of prototypes and products characterized by high technology readiness levels. Quantum technologies are defined by the generation, manipulation, and detection of quantum states for practical applications. Nonclassical states of light (i.e. qubits and qumodes) are an essential resource for quantum technologies. Nonlinear light-matter interactions in solid-state materials are widely used for the generation of nonclassical states of light, including single photon states, correlated/entangled-photon pairs, and quadrature-squeezed states. In this talk, a brief introduction to discrete variables (DV) and continuous variables (CV) will be provided, and the generation of quantum states employing nonlinear interactions will be discussed. Furthermore, I will share the recent results from our research on quantum light sources and quantum technology applications.

Ozan Arı is an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Hacettepe University, Department of Photonics. He received his BSc degree in Physics in 2009 from Ege University. He received his MSc (2011) and PhD (2017) degrees in Physics from the İzmir Institute of Technology. He then pursued his research as Chief Research Scientist at ASELSAN from 2018 to 2024. He established and managed the ASELSAN KUANTAL research laboratory, which is focused on practical implementations of quantum technologies for the defense business sector. He worked as a project manager for several Defense Industry Projects, including (Quantum RADAR and LIDAR) and was the group leader of ASELSAN Quantum Technologies Research Group. In 2024, he joined Hacettepe University to continue his research on integrated approaches to quantum technologies.

Date : October 23, 2024 Wednesday
Time : 15:30
Place : SA-240

All interested are cordially invited.