MATH Semineri: “Voronoi’s summation formula”, Tomos Parry, 19:00 7 Mart 2025 (EN)

You are cordially invited to the Number Theory Seminar organized by the Department of Mathematics.

Speaker: Tomos Parry (Bilkent)

” Voronoi’s summation formula”

Abstract: The divisor function

d(n):=# divisors of n

is one of the most studied sequences in number theory. We will give a proof of Voronoi’s summation formula, which writes the count of d(n) in terms of another count (the dual count)

∑_(n≤x)▒〖d(n)〗≈ main term +x^(1/4) ∑_n▒〖d(n)/n^(3/4) f(n,x)〗

for some hopefully tractable f(x,n). This is good because the dual sum may be of shorter length than the original sum.

Date: Friday, March 7, 2025
Time: 19:00
Place: SB-Z11