MATH Semineri: “Topological methods for studying contextuality and Bell inequalities”, Selman Ipek, 13:30 2 Aralık 2024 (EN)

You are cordially invited to the Topology Seminar organized by the Department of Mathematics.

Speaker: Selman Ipek (Bilkent University)

“Topological methods for studying contextuality and Bell inequalities”

Abstract: Going back to the seminal work of J.S. Bell [1], and later A. Fine [2] and M. Froissart [3], it is possible to study the separation between noncontextual and contextual measurement statistics using polyhedral geometry. From this geometric point of view a distribution is termed noncontextual if it lies within the convex hull of so-called deterministic distributions, and contextual otherwise. The facet defining inequalities of this convex set are called Bell inequalities. In this talk we follow [4] and use the framework of simplicial distributions to derive Bell inequalities for the well-known N-cycle scenarios and their generalization, the flower scenarios first introduced in [4]. We restrict our attention to outcomes in integers mod 2. Our proof techniques utilize topological notions, such as gluing and extension, together with a topological interpretation of Fourier-Motzkin elimination, a common technique used in polytope theory.
[1] J.S. Bell, On the Einstein Podolsky Rosen Paradox [2] A. Fine, Hidden variables, joint probability, and the Bell inequalities [3] M. Froissart, Constructive generalization of Bell’s inequalities [4] Kharoof, et al. Topological methods for studying contextuality: N-cycle scenarios and beyond

Date: Dec 2, Monday, 2024
Time: 13:30 UTC+3
Place: ZOOM

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