You are cordially invited to the seminar organized by the Department of Mathematics.
Speaker: Aidan Backus (Brown University)
“Functions of Least Gradient and Minimal Laminations”
Abstract: A lamination is a closed subset of a manifold $M$ which has been partitioned into submanifolds of $M$. I will discuss laminations of locally area-minimizing submanifolds, arising as the limit of solutions of the $p$-Laplacian, the PDE $\nabla \cdot (|\nabla u|^{p – 2} \nabla u) = 0$, as $p \to 1$ or $p \to \infty$. The limits as $p \to 1$ are called “functions of least gradient” and I shall show that locally, they are the same thing as minimal laminations of codimension $1$. As a consequence, we shall see that certain topological conditions on $M$ imply the existence of many uniquely ergodic minimal laminations.
Date: February 19, Wednesday, 2025
Time: 5:00 PM (Turkey)
Place: ZOOM
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