You are cordially invited to the Analysis Seminar organized by the Department of Mathematics.
Speaker: İsmail Sağlam (Adana Science and Technology University)
“Convergence-symmetric metric spaces and weak Banach spaces”
Abstract: A convergence symmetric metric space is a possibly asymmetric metric space $(X,d)$ with the property that $d(p_n,q_n)\to 0$ as $n \to \infty$ implies that $d(q_n,p_n)\to 0$, where $(p_n)$ and $(q_n)$ are sequences in $X$. Basic properties of these metrics spaces will be explained. A (real) weak Banach space is a real vector space $V$ together with a weak norm such that the induced metric is complete. We will see the classical Uniform Boundedness Principle, Open Mapping Theorem, Closed Graph Theorem and Hahn-Banach Theorem can be generalized in this setting.
Date: Monday, February 10, 2025
Time: 15:40-16:40
Place: Mathematics Seminar Room SA – 14129