MATH Semineri: “Brauer Pairs, Pointed Groups, and Block Fusion,” Matthew Gelvin, SA-141, 10:40 12 Kasım (EN)

Dear Colleagues and Students,

You are kindly invited to the Algebra Seminar organized by the Department of Mathematics.
Speaker: Matthew Gelvin (Bilkent University)
“Brauer pairs, pointed groups, and block fusion”

Abstract: In this talk we will describe how a block B of the finite group G gives rise to a fusion system on the block’s defect group D. The rough idea is that G induces conjugacy relations among the subgroups of D, but we only consider those conjugations that respect B.
To make sense of what this means, we introduce the notion of a Brauer pair, whose technical properties we will prove by considering the more refined notion of a local pointed group.

Date: Monday, November 12, 2018
Time: 10:40
Place: Mathematics Seminar Room, SA – 141