“Protecting Human Rights at the World’s Borders: Migrant Loss and Disappearance ”
Dr. Danai ANGELI
December 3, Tuesday, 12:40 – 13:30
Place : B 114
Every year thousands of migrants and refugees die or go missing in an attempt to cross international borders. Yet international standards and procedures on how to respond to these tragedies and particularly how to treat the victims in a manner respectful of human dignity and of human rights are in large still missing or are underdeveloped. Procedures for how the dead should be recorded, identified, laid to rest and repatriated in situations of armed conflict are set out in international humanitarian law. Principles to protect the rights of the missing and their families and to secure justice and accountability in death have also been developed by human rights courts in the particular contexts of enforced disappearances. Attention has yet to be paid to situations of border death and loss. Drawing on different branches of international law, the present lecture discusses the scope and content of the international obligations of States towards the dead and the missing migrants and the rights of their surviving family members as derivates of the right to life and human dignity.
Short bio:
Danai Angeli is an instructor of international law at Bilkent University. She holds a degree in law from the University of Athens (LLB), is a qualified lawyer (Athens Bar Association) and is a graduate of the University of Essex (LLM) and of the European University Institute (LLM, PhD). She has been working for several years in the field of asylum and migration, has represented cases before the European Court of Human Rights and has published on a variety of issues. She currently works as a consultant for the development of international norms and standards for the dignified treatment of those who die or go missing as a result of migrant journeys and the rights of their surviving families.