“The Prodigal Child Returns? Attitudes Towards Return Migration in a Developing Economy”
Date and Time: March 26, Wednesday, 2025, 12:30-14:30
Venue: A130 Seminar Room
Melle Scholten, University of Virginia
Data estimates suggest that up to half of all migrants return to the country of origin within 5 years of leaving. Return migration is known to be a boon for the local economy and a catalyst for political reform. However, these effects are conditional on successful reintegration, which is dependent on the preferences of non-migrants. What causes negative attitudes towards return migration, given its significant potential economic benefits? I argue that non-migrants are concerned about both the economic and political competition of returnees. Non-migrants prefer to welcome back migrants who can bring back home financial capital and employment, but will oppose competitors on the job market when unemployment is high. Furthermore, non-migrants are concerned about the potential role of return migrants as norm entrepreneurs. I test my hypotheses with a conjoint survey experiment conducted in Colombia, as well as an analysis of the 2016 peace referendum.
Short biography:
Melle Scholten is a Ph.D. candidate (ABD) at the University of Virginia, where he studies the international and comparative political economy of globalization, with a particular focus on the effect of migration on countries of origin. He received a BA from Maastricht University and an MA (cum laude) from the University of Groningen, both in his native country of the Netherlands. His work has been published in, or invited to revise and resubmit to World Politics, International Studies Quarterly, Review of International Political Economy, The Journal of Common Market Studies, Political Science Research & Methods, and European Union Politics. In 2023 he received the Allison J. Melloy Award for Excellence in Teaching from the University of Virginia. Outside of his academic endeavours, Melle enjoys hiking, kayaking, cooking, and reading science fiction novels.