GSE Semineri: “The Perspectives of Effective Teaching and Learning of Current Undergraduate and Graduate Mathematics Students”, Anita N. Alexander, 16.30 5 Mayıs (EN)

You are cordially invited to the presentation organized by the Graduate School of Education.

Date: 5/5/2021 Wednesday
Time: 16.30-17.20

Presentation Title: “The Perspectives of Effective Teaching and Learning of Current Undergraduate and Graduate Mathematics Students.
Speaker: Anita N. Alexander

Please contact to the department for the Zoom Meeting information details.

Some mathematics professors engage their students in discourse and explorations to promote a deep understanding of critical concepts. Still, lecture remains the norm in mathematics courses according to current mathematics students’ survey responses (Mostly Lecture 52%; Lecture & Discussions 35%; n = 89). Students were asked the best way for them to learn mathematics, whether their career plans are teaching related (Teaching Related: Yes 22%; Not Sure 36%; No 42%), and what they enjoy, and want to change about their mathematics courses. Students requested “more discussions, and more questions to solve in class,” and regarding lecture stated that “this is an unacceptable way to teach,” and that “it is the worst way to learn.” Students’ perspectives on effective teaching and learning are critical for their continued passion to pursue mathematics and STEM related fields, rather than stating that “I do not love mathematics anymore.”