Film Gösterimi: “Start Up (2017)” Alessandro D’Alatri, FFB-22, 17:45-19:45 23 Ekim (IT)(STR)

Dear Students and Dear Members of the Bilkent University,

It is my sincere pleasure and honor, as the head of the cultural office of the Italian Embassy in Ankara, to kindly invite You to join the screening of “Start up” a movie of 2017 from Alessandro D’Alatri (in Italian language with Turkish subtitles), that we organize together with Your University. (Foreign Languages Unit Italian Department) The movie “Start up” will be presented by Anna Frigioni, lecturer of Italian language and culture as the the Ankara University and collaborator of the Embassy.

The event is also an important part of the program – which You can consult on the website of the Embassy in Ankara ( Ankara/it) – of the “19th) Italian Language Week in the World”, which will take place in all the capitals under the auspices of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Embassies, Consulates and Italian Institutes of Culture during the week from 22th to 27th of Ocboter 2019.

For any information please do not hesitate to contact us at and at our info point at the number 0312 457 4268

Day: Wednesday, October 23th
Time: 17:45-19:45
Place: Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture, Hall FFB-22

While reassuring You of all the sense of my highest consideration, I am looking forward to have and see you all the screening on the next 23th October.

Dr. Rocco Palma
Italian Embassy