FE Etkinliği: “2024 Responsible Artificial Intelligence Competition”, 12:30 14 Mayıs 2024 (EN)

Place: Mithat Çoruh Amfi
Time: Tuesday, May 14th, 2024 at 12:30 PM to 13:20

MathWorks and FIGES have sponsored the 2024 Responsible Artificial Intelligence Competition. Marco Rossi (MathWorks Academia Team) and Silvan Schwaller (FİGES Academic Planning and Development Engineer) have both played central roles in developing the RAI competition with Bilkent University. The 2024 event is a follow up to the Fall 2023 RAI competition (see http://ge301.bilkent.edu.tr/activities/responsible-artificial-intelligence-competition/responsible-artificial-intelligence-awards/
). Engineering students from various Science, Technology and Society (GE
301) sections are participating in the Spring 2024 RAI Competition. The jury, which includes representatives from MathWorks, FIGES and Tubitak Sage (see full details below), will select winners for the Outstanding Responsible Artificial Intelligence Award and the Responsible Artificial Intelligence Innovation Award. All of the jury members will participate in the event. On May 14th, the award winning groups will give 10 minute presentations.

Alex Tarchini (MathWorks) and Sebahattin Babur (FİGES AI Team Leader) will host the event and discuss future plans for the RAI competition.
MathWorks and FIGES plan to invite engineering classes at Bilkent University and beyond to participate in future RAI competitions.


Alex Tarchini (Host and Jury Member) – Welcome and Short talk on the future goals for the RAI competition.

Sebahattin Babur (Co-Host and Jury Member)

Outstanding RAI Award presentation – 10 minutes

RAI Innovation Award presentation – 10 minutes

Awards ceremony: the recipients of the award will receive certificates

Questions from the audience on the RAI competition and the vision for the future.

The Jury members will all be present at the event.

Alex Tarchini, MathWorks Academia Team
İrem Uncu, FİGES Academic Manager
Sebahattin Babür, FİGES AI Team Leader
Talha Korkmaz, TÜBİTAK SAGE, Team Lead, Applied Artificial Intelligence Division (Ankara)

Please follow this page for updated information on the event: