Dr. Wen Tong
CTO, Wireless Network, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Title of the Presentation:
Wireless Innovations in the Next Decade
Place of the Presentation:
EE-01 Auditorium
Electrical and Electronics Engin. Dept.
Date of the Presentation:
April, 1, 2019, 13:40-14:40
Bio Scketch of Dr. Wen Tong:
Dr. Wen Tong is the Huawei Fellow, CTO, Huawei Wireless. Dr. Tong is the head of Huawei wireless research. In 2011, He was appointed the Head of Communications Technologies Labs of Huawei, currently, he spearhead to lead Huawei’s 5G wireless technologies research and development. Prior to joining Huawei in 2009, Dr. Tong was the Nortel Fellow and head of the Network Technology Labs at Nortel. He joined the Wireless Technology Labs at Bell Northern Research in 1995 in Canada.
Dr. Tong was elected as a Huawei Fellow and an IEEE Fellow. He was the recipient of IEEE Communications Society Industry Innovation Award for “the leadership and contributions in development of 3G and 4G wireless systems” in 2014 and IEEE Communications Society Distingushed Industry Leader Award for “pioneering technical contributions and leadership in the mobile communications industry and innovation in 5G mobile communications technology” in 2018.
He had pioneered fundamental technologies from 1G to 5G wireless with more than 400 granted US patents.
Dr. Tong is a Fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering, and he also serves as Board of Director of WiFi Alliance. He is based in Ottawa Canada.