
Ayın Sorusu – Mart 2025

600 kişinin katıldığı bir partide toplam 3300 el sıkışma gerçekleşti. Bu partide herhangi 300 kişi arasında gerçekleşen toplam el sıkışma sayısının en az N olduğu gözlemlendiyse, N sayısının alabileceği en büyük değer kaçtır?

PSYC Semineri: “Advancing a relational developmental system of morality: Action, scaffolding, and helplessness”, Stuart Hammond, 12:30 12 Mart 2025 (EN)

You are invited to this week’s special talk organized by the Department of Psychology, featuring Assoc. Prof. Stuart Hammond. Everyone is welcome to attend! Title: Advancing a relational developmental system of morality: Action, scaffolding, and helplessness Speaker: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stuart Hammond, School of Psychology at the University of Ottawa, […]

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MATH Semineri: “Linear and Nonlinear Dispersive Equations in Domains with a Boundary”, Dionyssis Mantzavinos, 15:40 12 Mart 2025 (EN)

You are cordially invited to the Analysis Seminar organized by the Department of Mathematics. Speaker: Dionyssis Mantzavinos (The University of Kanzas) ” Linear and Nonlinear Dispersive Equations in Domains with a Boundary” Abstract: A plethora of physical phenomena are modeled by partial differential equations (PDEs). In the case of waves […]

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