Seminer: “Machine Learning Efforts at Aselsan Research Center,” Dr. Aykut Koç, Müdür (ASELSAN Araştırma Merkezi), EE-517, 10:40 13 Aralık (EN)

Machine Learning Efforts at Aselsan Research Center
Dr. Aykut Koç, Manager, ASELSAN Research Center

Date/Time: Tuesday, December 13 at 10:40AM
Place: EE-517

In this talk, Dr. Aykut Koç will first give information about ASELSAN Research Center and its research programs. In this center, applied research projects are being carried out on Signal & Image Processing, Medical Imaging, Biosensors, Machine Learning (especially deep learning) and Natural Language Processing. Then, he will talk about some work and applications of deep learning on object classification as well as give information about how machine learning is applied to real-world problems at ASELSAN.

Short Bio:
Dr. Aykut Koç obtained his B.S. Degree in Electrical Engineering from Bilkent University in 2005 and moved to Stanford University to pursue his PhD. From 2005 to 2011, he received M.S in Electrical Engineering, M.S in Management Science and PhD degrees in Electrical Engineering, all from Stanford University. Following his PhD he worked briefly in Silicon Valley and then started to work at ASELSAN Inc. He was in the founding team of ASELSAN Research Center and worked on its initial founding process from ground up. He is currently managing one of the research departments of ASELSAN Research Center, which can be considered a pioneer for corporate research labs in Turkey. He also teaches Fourier Optics course part-time in Middle East Technical University Electrical Engineering Department. Throughout his career, he worked on digital algorithms for optics and image processing, visual target tracking algorithms as well as natural language processing.