MATH Semineri: “Lines in singular triquadrics”, Alexander Degtyarev, Bilkent University, 15:40 4 Aralık (EN)

You are cordially invited to the ODTU-Bilkent Algebraic Geometry Seminar
Speaker: Alexander Degtyarev (Bilkent)

“Lines in singular triquadrics”

Date: 4 December 2020, Friday
Time: 15:40
Place: Zoom

This is an online seminar. To request the event link, please send a message to

Abstract: Thanks to the global Torelli theorem, one can relatively easy bound the number of lines (and even classify the large configurations of lines) in any *smooth* polarized K3-surface. The situation changes if *singular* (necessarily ADE-) surfaces are considered: only partial results are known (mainly due to Davide Veniani) and only for quartics. I will discuss our recent work where we adjust the arithmetical reduction for the singular case; in particular, I will explain why it is difficult to keep track of the lines and exceptional divisors simultaneously.

We have tested our approach in the case of octic surfaces in P^5, most notably triquadrics. The sharp upper bound on the number of lines in a *singular* triquadric is 32, as opposed to the 36 lines in a smooth one. For special octics these bounds are 30 and 33, respectively.