You are kindly invited to follow LAUD TALKS: Fall 2020-2021 organized by the Department of Urban Design and Landscape Architecture, FADA, Bilkent University.
Speaker: Jesús López Baeza
Title: “Digital City Science: using data for advanced spatial analysis”
Date & Time: November 23, 2020, Monday, 10.30-11.30
Abstract: The Talk will address several trans-disciplinary resources for understanding cities beyond their physical form and spatial processes. The conceptualization of cities from a top-down, modern and post- modern approach to the form-function duality lacks multiple dimensions, which need to be studied in order to gain a deeper understanding of how contemporary urban societies perform nowadays. Instead, the contribution will investigate settlements as a set of an infinite number of individual perceptions and experiences, which construct overlapping layers of hidden and intangible information that shape cities as complex systems. Social relations that are moving progressively to the virtual realm are becoming major factors in decision-making and location choices by citizens. This definition of a city’s hidden image is developed through the study of data retrieved from online servers.
Biography: Jesús López Baeza holds a PhD in Architecture at the University of Alicante. He currently works as Science Lead at the CityScienceLab – HafenCity Universität Hamburg, and Project Architect at the SPIN Unit Lab Helsinki. He has led and participated to several national and international projects in Europe and Asia. Part of his work encompasses social cohesion, activities and livability of urban spaces, and citizen preferences in urban public spaces, urban identity production, spatial perception, agent-based modeling, among other dynamics in the field of advanced socio-spatial analysis.
Zoom Meeting
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