Film Gösterimi: “Blow-Up” Michelangelo Antonioni, FB-309, 18:00 16 Ekim (EN)

Lust, Murder, and Photography:

Bilkent Cinematics will be screening Michelangelo Antonioni’s thrilling and highly influential film ‘Blow-Up’ on Wednesday, October 16, at 6 p.m in FB309 followed by a discussion of the film.

‘Blow-Up’ was awarded the ultimate prize at the 1967 Cannes Film Festival and made a splash with audiences around the world, among photographers and non-photographers alike. The controversial film juxtaposed the edgy photography of the street with the staid environment of the studio, becoming iconic for the way it explores photography as a way of documenting, experiencing, and questioning life itself.

Bilkent Cinematics aims to bring film lovers together and create a community through film sessions and entertaining thought-provoking post-screening discussions. In doing this we want to promote the development of film appreciation at Bilkent University and create an academic community for all interested persons where they can experience their passion for film.

As with all Cinematics film screenings, the movie will be shown in its original language (English), with English subtitles; everyone is welcome to attend, and snacks and beverages will be served.

Contact Hossein Dabir at for more details.