COMD Sunumu: “Dijital Bunama? İnternet Kullanımının Etkilerine Dair Efsaneler,” Prof. Dr. Markus Appel (Würzburg Üniversitesi), Goethe Enstitüsü, 18:00 28 Eylül (DE)(TR)

Digital Dementia? Myths about the Effect of Internet Usage

Goethe Institute Ankara and the Department of Communication and Design kindly invite you to Goethe Institute Ankara for presentation ‘Digital Dementia? Myths about the Effect of Internet Usage’ of Prof. Dr. Markus Appel from University of Würzburg on September 28, 2018 at 18:00.

In the last 20 years, computer and online media changed substantively our life world, as well in concreto the lessons at school. This digital turn is a cross-cultural process which has different effects on respective cultures according to its perception. There are obviously ‘myths about the negative effects of digital media in popular books and mass media, e.g. concerning of learning and reading competences. These myths are distributed in the every day life as well. The question is: Do digital media make us really thick, stupid, aggressive, lonely, ill and unhappy, as we believe commonly? Aiming a more objective presentation of the scientific findings and including the big amount of survey from different disciplines, Prof. Dr. Markus Appel would like to give answers which will be critically discussed with you in a talk moderated by Dr. Dr. Lutz Peschke from Bilkent’s Department of Communication and Design.

Language: German/Turkish (simultaneous translation)
After the presentation and talk there will be a little reception.
Prof. Dr. Markus Appel studied Psychology and Cultural Science at the University of Mainz and at Humboldt University Berlin. He got his Ph.D degree at University of Cologne from Norbert Goeben. He was guest lecturer at the University of Bergen, New York University as well as at the UNSW Sydney. From 2013 until 2017, he was head of the unit Media Psychology at the University of Koblenz-Landau. Since March 2017, he is professor for Media Communication at the University of Würzburg.
Dr. Dr. Lutz Peschke studied Chemistry in Heidelberg and Bonn and Media Studies in Bonn. He is Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication and Design at Bilkent University in Ankara.

Goethe-Institut Ankara
Atatürk Bulvarı 131
06640 Bakanlıklar, Ankara
Tel. 0312 471 41 41