Book Chapters by Bilkent* Authors (2024)
- Interdisciplinary Fields
- Materials Science and Nanotechnology
- A. Atilla,E. Avcı, N. Tunç, D. Akboğa, U.Ö.Ş. Şeker, "Synthetic Biology Applications for Biosensing of Biological and Chemical Threats", Plasmonic Nanosensors for Biological and Chemical Threats, A. Denizli (Eds.), pp. 55-83, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group (2024)
- Y. Saylan, Ö. Altıntaş, Ö. Erdem, F. İnci, A. Denizli, "Overview of Molecular Recognition and the Concept of MIPs", Molecularly Imprinted Polymers as Artificial Antibodies for the Environmental Health, S. Patra, M. Sillanpaa (Eds.), pp. 1-29, Springer Nature (2024)
- Ö. Erdem, E.G. Yılmaz, B.N. Küçük, F. İnci, Y. Saylan, "Microfluidic-based plasmonic nanosensors for biological and chemical threats", Plasmonic Nanosensors for Biological and Chemical Threats, A. Denizli (Eds.), pp. 91-117, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group (2024)
- B.N. Küçük, Y. Aslan, G.A. Akçeoğlu, F. İnci, "Microfluidic Synthesis of Carbon-Based Nanomaterials", Microfluidics in Pharmaceutical Sciences: Formulation, Drug Delivery, Screening, and Diagnostics, D.A. Lamprou, E. Weaver (Eds.), pp. 163-182, Springer (2024)
- E.G. Yılmaz, N. Hacıosmanoğlu, F. İnci, N. Ashammakhi, "Modeling the Synapse and Neuromuscular Junction Using Organ-on-A-Chip Technology", Handbook of Neural Engineering: A Modern Approach, S. Willerth (Eds.), pp. 625-643, Academic Press (2024)
- Faculty of Science
- Chemistry
- M.T. Camci, P.A. Gokturk, M. Basaran, B. Ulgut, A. Kocabas, C. Kocabas, S. Suzer, "Dynamics of potential screening upon electrification of solid-ionic liquid interfaces probed by XPS", Encyclopedia of Solid-Liquid Interfaces, K.Wandelt, G.Bussetti (Eds.), pp. 661-680, Elsevier (2024)
- M.T. Camci, P.A. Gokturk, M. Basaran, B. Ulgut, A. Kocabas, C. Kocabas, S. Suzer, "Dynamics of potential screening upon electrification of solid-ionic liquid interfaces probed by XPS", Encyclopedia of Solid-Liquid Interfaces, K.Wandelt, G.Bussetti (Eds.), pp. 661-680, Elsevier (2024)
- Department of Foreign Languages
- English Preparatory Program
- J. O'Dwyer and H.Atlı, "The innovative teacher within learning organisations: A leadership perspective", Characteristics and Conditions for Innovative Teachers, Kay Livingston, Carol O'Sullivan, and Karl Attard (Eds.), pp. 80-101, Routledge (2024)
- Faculty of Art, Design, and Architecture
- Communication and Design
- Colleen Bevin Kennedy Karpat, "Jim Jarmusch", Contemporary Literary Criticism Vol. 545, R. Parks (Eds.), pp. 211-214, Gale (2024)
- C. Kennedy-Karpat, "Relational Geometries in Our Grand Despair (2011) and Jules Et Jim (1962)", Adaptation in Turkish Literature, Cinema and Media, S. Öz, T. Can (Eds.), pp. 169-185, Palgrave Macmillan (2024)
- Faculty of Law
- Law
- E.E. Dalkılıç, Z. Yılmaz, "Hukuk Gözünden Afetlere Hazırlık ve Afetlerin Önlenmesi", Deprem Dirençli Kentler Bir Yol Haritası, N. Görür (Eds.), pp. 46-68, Bilim Akademisi Yayınları (2024)
- E. Göztepe, "Länderbericht Türkei: Die „Blaue Karte“ als Form eines privilegierten Ausländerstatus", Zuwanderung und Zugehörigkeit. Entwicklungen im Migrations- und Staatsangehörigkeitsrecht, M. Friehe (Eds.), pp. 129-157, Berlin: Duncker&Humblot (2024)
- P. Altınok-Ormancı, "Dijital Vasiyetnamelerin Geçerliliği", Bilişim ve Hukuk, G. Okuyucu Ergün (Eds.), pp. 11-30, Ankara, Yetkin (2024)
- H. Toroslu, U. Orhan, B. Erdem, "On Limits of Freedom of Public Authorities with Respect to Obtaining Evidence at the Stage of Investigation under Turkish Criminal Procedure and Evidence Law", Limits of Freedom of Public Authorities with Respect to Obtaining Evidence at the Stage of Investigation, M. Rogacka-Rzewnicka (Eds.), pp. 105-128, Brill (2024)
- Gülüm Bayraktaroğlu-Özçelik, Rifat Erten, "Questions of Applicable Law as Regards Unpaid Wages of Turkish Employees under the Foreign Employment Contracts", Yearbook of Private International Law Vol. XXV - 2023/2024, A. Bonomi, I. Pretelli (Eds.), pp. 571-592, Verlag Dr. Otto Schmidt (2024)
- Ş. Barış Özçelik, "Legal Aspects of Artificial Intelligence in Health: An Overview under Turkish and Comparative Law", Artificial Intelligence: Technical and Societal Advancements, U. Köse, M.U. Demirezen (Eds.), pp. 116-128, CRC Press, Taylor&Francis Group (2024)
- P. Çağlayan Aksoy, "AI and Smart Consumer Contracts", The Cambridge Handbook of AI and Consumer Law: Comparative Perspectives, L.A. DiMatteo, C. Poncibo, G. Howells (Eds.), pp. 99-115, Cambridge University Press (2024)
- P. Çağlayan Aksoy, "Regulation of FinTech and Crypto Assets", The Economics and Regulation of Digitalisation: The Case of Türkiye, M. Eroglu, M. Finger, E. Köksal (Eds.), pp. 244-273, Routledge (2024)
- Ö. Perçin, M.K. Dağlı, B. Tümer, P. Çağlayan Aksoy, "Blokzinciri, Akıllı Sözleşme, DAO, Metaverse ve Diğer Temel Fintek Kavramları", Sorularla Fintek, Ö. Perçin (Eds.), pp. 190-294, Oniki Levha Yayıncılık (2024)
- P. Çağlayan Aksoy, "Temsilcim Yapay Zeka: Medeni Hukuk Ekseninde Bir Değerlendirme", Dijital Dönüşüm ve Hukuk, Z. Akıncı, Y. Ekmen (Eds.), pp. 77-127, Oniki Levha Yayıncılık (2024)
- P. Çağlayan Aksoy, "Legal Services in the Metaverse", Research Handbook on the Metaverse and Law, L.A. DiMatteo, M. Cannarsa (Eds.), pp. 229-244, Edward Elgar Publishing (2024)
- Z. Yılmaz, "Osmanlı’dan Bugüne Yerel Yönetim Politikasında Halkın Tezahürleri: Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin Yüzüncü Yılı İçin Bir Değerlendirme", Cumhuriyet’in 100. Yılında Anayasa Hukuku Tartışmaları, S. Tahmazoğlu Üzeltürk, F. Yazıcı (Eds.), pp. 529-584, Onikilevha Yayıncılık (2024)
- E.E. Dalkılıç, Z. Yılmaz, "Hukuk Gözünden Afetlere Hazırlık ve Afetlerin Önlenmesi", Deprem Dirençli Kentler: Bir Yol Haritası, N. Görür (Eds.), pp. 45-68, Bilim Akademisi Yayınları (2024)
- Z. Yılmaz, "Hindistan'da Anayasayı Değiştirme Sorunsalı: Anti-Kolonyal Politik Tutum, Asli Kuruculuk ve Gelecek Nesillerin Özgür İradesi Uyumlaştırılabilir mi?", Bağlam, Usul, Aktör ve Süreç Yönünden Anayasa Değişiklikleri – Karşılaştırmalı Bir İnceleme, E. Kalaycıoğlu, Ö.F. Gençkaya (Eds.), pp. 149-207, İmge Yayınevi (2024)
- Faculty of Humanities and Letters
- Cultures, Civilizations and Ideas
- N. Leidholm, "Governing the Byzantine Empire: Politics and Administration, ca. 850-1204", How Medieval Europe was Ruled, C. Raffensperger (Eds.), pp. 107-126, London and New York: Routledge (2024)
- A. Menevse,, "The Monument of the Present: The Fossati Restoration of Hagia Sophia (1847–9)", Hagia Sophia in the Long Nineteenth Century, E. Neumeier, B. Anderson (Eds.), pp. 197-239, Edinburgh University Press (2024)
- B.D. McPhee, "Primus amor Phoebi: A Programmatic Bilingual Wordplay at Ovid Metamorphoses 1.452", Fervet opus: Per i primi 60 anni di Vichiana, C. Formicola (Eds.), pp. 220-225, Pisa: Fabrizio Serra (2024)
- English Language and Literature
- A. Çelikkol, "Historical Ecologies in Heterodox Economic Thought and Literary Realism of the 1860s", Nineteenth-Century Literature in Transition: the 1860s, P. Gilbert (Eds.), pp. 254-271, Cambridge University Press (2024)
- C. Köşker-Bevington, "The Domestic Transformations of Bram Stoker’s Dracula in the Formative Years of the Turkish Republic", Adaptation in Turkish Literature, Cinema, and Media, S. Oz, T. Can (Eds.), pp. 39-56, Palgrave Macmillan (2024)
- Andrea Selleri, "Introduction: Literature and Philosophy in the “Long-Late-Victorian” Period", Literature and Philosophy in Nineteenth-Century British Culture, Volume 3: The Later Victorian Period, 1870-1910, Andrea Selleri (Eds.), pp. xxvii - xliii, Routledge (2024)
- Archaeology
- "Thomas , "Kinet Höyük 2: The Early Bronze Age and Earlier Occupations", Zimmermann", Metallurgy (Eds.), pp. Ege Yayınları, Christine Eslick (2024)
- S. Cleymans, P. Talloen, "From Nekropoleis to Koimeteria: Burial Practices in Late Antique Sagalassos, South-West Turkey", Burial and Memorial in Late Antiquity, A. Dolea, L. Lavan (Eds.), pp. 811-831, Brill (2024)
- P. Talloen, "Games and gaming in southwestern Asia Minor", Games in the Ancient World: Places, Spaces, Accessories, A. Pace, T. Penn, U. Schadler (Eds.), pp. 89-106, Editions Mergoil (2024)
- Philosophy
- I. Aranyosi, "God and/as the Universe", Ontology of Divinity, M. Szatkowski (Eds.), pp. 269-290, De Gruyter (2024)
- Turkish Literature
- Faculty of Business Administration
- Management
- G. Ger, "Neocoloniality of Marketing Communications in the Global South", Postcolonial Marketing Communication: Images from the Margin, A. Das, H.R. Chaudhuri, O. Sandıkçı Türkdoğan (Eds.), pp. 7-16, Springer (2024)
- E. Bulut, B. Tanyeri Günsür, "Investor Reactions to Major Events in the Global Financial Crisis in Europe and Asia-Pacific", Advances in Pacific Basin Business, Economics and Finance, Volume 12, C-F. Lee, M-T. Yu (Eds.), pp. 215-250, Emerald Publishing Limited (2024)
- Faculty of Economics, Administrative, and Social Sciences
- Economics
- History
- K. Weisbrode, "Cold War Strategy and Practice", The Practice of Strategy: A Global History, J. Black (Eds.), pp. 435-453, Società Italiana di Storia Militare (2024)
- L. Zavagno, "My name is Euphemios….Euphemios of Amastris’: Memories of a Eunuch at His Emperor(s)’ Service in the Byzantine Insular and Coastal Koine (ca. 680-ca. 740)", Portraits of Medieval Europe, 800–1400, C. Raffensperger, E.T. Dailey (Eds.), pp. 12-27, Routledge (2024)
- International Relations
- P. Bilgin, "International Security", Security Studies: An Applied Introduction, N. Rossi, M. Riemann (Eds.), pp. 41-57, SAGE Publications (2024)
- T. Bayar, M. Bayar, "Syria Issue: A Source of Competition in Turkish-Iranian Relations", The Security Dimensions of the Syrian Civil War:The Case of Türkiye, S.A. Erkmen, M.E. Erendor (Eds.), pp. 7-14, CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group (2024)
- Political Sciences
- Psychology
- Faculty of Engineering
- Computer Engineering
- S. Sonlu, K. Shabanovi, U. Güdükbay, F. Durupınar, "Emotional Expression as a Means of Communicating Virtual Human Personalities", Modeling Visual Aesthetics, Emotion, and Artistic Style, J.Z. Wang, R.B. Adams, Jr. (Eds.), pp. 293-312, Springer Nature (2024)
- J.C. Tilton, S. Aksoy, Y. Tarabalka, "Image Segmentation Algorithms for Land Categorization", Remote Sensing Handbook: Vol II:Image Processing, Change Detection, GIS, and Spatial Data Analysis, P.S. Thenkabail (Eds.), pp. 196-232, Francis & Taylor Group / CRC Press (2024)
- Electrical and Electronics Engineering