Book Chapters by Bilkent* Authors (2023)
- Faculty of Applied Sciences
- Tourism and Hotel Management
- R. Rentschler, B. Lee, A. Collins, J. Yoon, "'I Am a Professional Dancer' The Case of Professionalization in Disability Arts", Professionalization in the Creative Sector: Policy, Collective Action, and Institutionalization, M.J. Wyszomirski, W. Chang (Eds.), pp. 227-246, London: Routledge (2023)
- R. Rentschler, A. Collins, K. Williams, F. Azmat, "What Color is Your Collar? Examining Gray-collar Disabled Arts Workers", Management and Organizational Studies on Blue- and Gray-collar Workers: Diversity of Collars, J. Paliszkiewicz, D. Varoğlu (Eds.), pp. 139-155, Leeds: Emerald Publishing Limited (2023)
- Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture
- Communication and Design
- M.M. Örsler, C. Kennedy-Karpat, "Adaptation in the New Turkish Cinema", Companion to Global Literary Adaptation in the Twenty-First Century, L. Ho, B. Chua (Eds.), pp. 274-287, London: Routledge (2023)
- S. Günal, C. Kennedy-Karpat, "Authorship Discourse and Lovecraftian Video Game Adaptations", The Medial Afterlives of H. P. Lovecraft: Comic, TV, Podcast, Games, T. Lanzendörfer, M.D. Passos de Carvalho (Eds.), pp. 295-314, Palgrave Studies in Adaptation and Visual Culture (2023)
- Landscape Architecture and Urban Design
- Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences
- Economics
- R.S. Gürkaynak, J. Wright, "Futures and Options", Research Handbook of Financial Markets, R.S. Gürkaynak, J. Wright (Eds.), pp. 490-507, London: Edward Elgar (2023)
- R.S. Gürkaynak, J. Wright, E. Zakrajsek, "Banks", Research Handbook of Financial Markets, R.S. Gürkaynak (Eds.), pp. 126-146, London: Edward Elgar (2023)
- History
- D.E. Thornton, "The Monks and Attorneys of Beaubec iuxta Drogheda, c.1300–1400", Beaubec, Co. Meath: Excavation of a Cistercian Grange in the Boyne Valley, G. Stout, M. Stout (Eds.), pp. 28-34, Ireland: Chapel Press (2023)
- K. Weisbrode, "The Closing of the Diplomatic Mind", The Palgrave Handbook of Diplomatic Reform and Innovation, P.W. Hare, J.L. Manfredi-Sanchez, K. Weisbrode (Eds.), pp. 23-39, Palgrave McMillen (2023)
- K. Weisbrode, "The Emergence of a Divided World and a Divisible West", The Cambridge History of the European Union, M. Segers, S. van Hecke (Eds.), pp. 31-52, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (2023)
- Zavagno, Luca, "The Byzantine City and its Historiography", The Routledge Handbook of the Byzantine City: From Justinian to Mehmet II (ca. 500 - ca.1500), N. Bakirtzis, L. Zavagno (Eds.), pp. 17-36, London-New York, Routledge (2023)
- Zavagno, Luca, "Assetti urbani e fortificazioni a Cipro nella transizione fra Tarda Antichità e alto Medioevo", Perchement et réalités fortifiées en Méditerranée et en Europe (Vème Xèmesiècles) –Fortified Hilltop Settlements in the Mediterranean and in Europe (5th-10th centuries), P. Pergola, G. Castiglia, E. Essa Kas Hanna, I. Martinetto, J-A. Segura (Eds.), pp. 324-335, Oxford: Archaeopress (2023)
- Zavagno, Luca, "Insular Urbanism in Byzantium", The Routledge Handbook of the Byzantine City: From Justinian to Mehmet II (ca. 500 - ca.1500), N. Bakirtzis, L. Zavagno (Eds.), pp. 171-190, London-New York, Routledge (2023)
- B. Torunoğlu, ""The Hive of Villainy" Ottoman Perspectives on Spetses during the Greek Revolution", Bouboulina and the Greek Revolution: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Heroine of 1821, A.K. Householder (Eds.), pp. 231-246, Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield (2023)
- International Relations
- S.J. Hirst, E.Forestier-Peyrat, "On the Margins of the Lausanne Conference: The Soviet Union and the Exclusions of the Post-World War I International Order", They All Made Peace—What is Peace? The 1923 Lausanne Treaty and the New Imperial Order, J. Conlin, O. Özavcı (Eds.), pp. 77-96, London: Ginko (2023)
- C. Whetstone, "Grieving Mothers Who Nurture Sustainable Peace and Women’s Political Agency in Argentina", Constructing Motherhood Identity Against Political Violence: Beyond Crying Mothers, D.Ü. Arıboğan, H. Khelghat-Doost (Eds.), pp. 39-56, Springer Link (2023)
- C. Whetstone, F. Demiroz, "Understanding Intersectionality and Vulnerable Populations: A Missing Part In Building Disaster Resilient Communities?", Intersectionality and Crisis Management: A Path to Social Equity, H.J. Knepper, M.S. Evans, T.J. Henley (Eds.), pp. 18-37, Routledge (2023)
- Political Science and Public Administration
- İ. Aytürk, "'Not Good Enough But Yes': The Long Shadow of the 2010 Referendum", A Hundred Years of Republican Turkey: A History in a Hundred Fragments, A. Yenen, E-J. Zürcher (Eds.), pp. 477-481, Leiden University Press (2023)
- İ. Aytürk, A. Kahvecioğlu, "On the Possibility of a Liberal Islam: the Resurrection of the Constitution of Medina in Turkey", A Hundred Years of Republican Turkey: A History in a Hundred Fragments, A. Yenen, E.J. Zürcher (Eds.), pp. 381-385, Leiden University Press (2023)
- İ. Aytürk, "Political Islam in the Turkish Parliament: The National order Party", A Hundred Years of Republican Turkey: A History in a Hundred Fragments, A. Yenen, E.J. Zürcher (Eds.), pp. 265-269, Leiden University Press (2023)
- E.K. Selçuk, İ. Aytürk, "Rechtsextremismus, Antisemitismus und die Rolle des Staates wahrend des Kalten Krieges in der Türkei: Das Beispiel Mücadele Birliği (MB) 1960-1980", Anti-semitismus in und aus der Türkei, C. Guttstadt (Eds.), pp. 85-105, Hamburg: IKW (2023)
- I.N. Grigoriadis, "Post-War Reconstruction and Reforms of the 1920s and 1930s", A Companion to Modern Turkey’s Centennial, A. Özerdem, A.E. Öztürk (Eds.), pp. 27-37, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press (2023)
- İ. Aytürk, A. Kahvecioğlu, "On the Possibility of a Liberal Islam: the Ressurection of the Constitution of Medina in Turkey", A Hundred Years of Republican Turkey: A History in a Hundred Fragments, A. Yenen, E.J. Zürcher (Eds.), pp. 381-385, Leiden University Press (2023)
- Faculty of Engineering
- Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- R.M. Korey, S.S. Kozat, A.C. Singer, "Parametric estimation", Signal Processing and Machine Learning Theory, P.S.R. Diniz (Eds.), pp. 689-716, Academic Press (2023)
- T. Çukur, M. Yurt, S.U.H. Dar, H. H. Chung, J.C. Ye, "Image Synthesis in Multi-Contrast MRI with Generative Adversarial Networks", Deep Learning for Biomedical Image Reconstruction, J.C. Ye, Y.C. Eldar, M. Unser (Eds.), pp. 279-298, Cambridge University Press (2023)
- B. Bilgic, T. Çukur, "Parallel Imaging and Reconstruction Techniques", Advances in Magnetic Resonance Technology and Applications, K.M. Bloch, M. Guye, B.A. Poser (Eds.), pp. 139-159, Academic Press (2023)
- Industrial Engineering
- V. Bayram, B.Y. Kara, F. Saldanha-da-Gama, H. Yaman, "Humanitarian Logistics Under Uncertainty: Planning for Sheltering and Evacuation", Uncertainty in Facility Location Problems. International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, H.A. Eiselt, V. Marianov (Eds.), pp. 347, Springer, Cham. (2023)
- Mechanical Engineering
- M.B. Özer, B. Çetin, "Application of ultrasonic waves inbioparticle manipulation and separation", Acoustic Technologies in Biology and Medicine, A. Özçelik, R. Becker, T.J. Huang (Eds.), pp. 243-304, Wiley-VCH, Berlin (2023)
- E. Eraslan, Y. Yıldız, A.M. Annaswamy, "Safe Shared Control Between Pilots and Autopilots in the Face of Anomalies", Cyber-Physical-Human Systems: Fundamentals and Applications, A.M. Annaswamy, P.P. Khargonekar, F. Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, S.K. Spurgeon (Eds.), pp. 219-249, Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Press + Wiley (2023)
- Faculty of Humanities and Letters
- Archaeology and History of Art
- N.I. Gerçek, "Citizenship in Hittite Anatolia", Citizenship in Antiquity: Civic Communities in the Ancient Mediterranean, J. Filonik, C. Plastow, R. Zelnick-Abramovitz (Eds.), pp. 98-110, Routledge (2023)
- P. Talloen, "How do we document ancient religion", Documenting Ancient Sagalassos: A Guide to Archaeological Methods and Concepts, J. Poblome (Eds.), pp. 191-207, Leuven: LUP (2023)
- P. Talloen, "Competitive Sharing in Late Antique Asia Minor: Religious Sites or a Different Arena", Shared Religious Sites in Late Antiquity Negotiating Cultural and Ritual Identities in the Eastern Roman Empire, F. Massa, M. Attali (Eds.), pp. 97-118, Basel: Schwabe (2023)
- Cultures, Civilizations, and Ideas
- Philosophy
- S. Berges, "Virtue and Moral Obligation", Routledge Handbook of Women and Early Modern European Philosophy, K. Detlefsen, L. Shapiro (Eds.), pp. 254-266, New York: Routledge (2023)
- S. Berges, "Stael's Inflluence on Cooper and Alcott", Oxford Handbook on 19th Century British and American Women Philosopher, L. Moland, A. Stone (Eds.), Oxford University Press (2023)
- B. Wringe, "Expressive Theories of Punishment", The Palgrave Handbook of the Philosophy of Punishment, M. Altman (Eds.), pp. 245-265, Cham Switzerland: Palgrave MacMillan (2023)
- M. Solomon, "Newton’s Example of the Two Globes", Theory, Evidence, Data: the Philosophical Legacy of George E. Smith, Boston Studies in Philosophy and History of Science, Chr. Smeenk, M. Stan (Eds.), pp. 95-114, Springer (2023)
- Translation and Interpretation
- Turkish
- N. Abalı Alkaç, "Gülten Dayıoğlu'nun Geride Kalanlar ve Geriye Dönenler Yapıtlarındaki Dış Göç Sorunları", Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler Alanında Gelişmeler 2. Cilt, H.A. Kutlu (Eds.), pp. 112-129, Platanus Yayınları (2023)
- S. Kendir Kurttekin, "Leylâ Saz Hanım: İlk Hatırat, Şair, Yazar ve Musikişinas", Cumhuriyet'in 100. Yılı 100 Kadın Kaleminden 100 Öncü Kadın, H. Bahtiyar, E. Kalkan (Eds.), pp. 50-54, İstanbul: Toplumsal Dönüşüm Yayınları (2023)
- Faculty of Law
- Law
- B. Tiryakioğlu, "Türk Hukukunda Yetkili Yabancı Hukukun Uygulanması", Çalıştırılmak Üzere Yurt Dışına Götürülen İşçilerin Bireysel İş Sözleşmelerinden Doğan Uyuşmazlıklar, V. Doğan (Eds.), pp. 115-149, Ankara: Yetkin Yayınları (2023)
- P. Çağlayan Aksoy, H.C. Aksoy, "Blokzinciri ve Kişisel Verilerin Korunması", Kişisel Verilerin Korunmasına Akademik Bakış, P. Çağlayan Aksoy, H.C. Aksoy (Eds.), pp. 375-413, Ankara: KVKK (2023)
- H.C. Aksoy, M.E. Gültekin, M. Koluaçık, Z. Öztürk, "Unutulma Hakkı Nedir? Ne Değildir?", Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Çalışma Kitabı, G. Gültekin Varkonyi, K. Islamoğlu Bayer (Eds.), pp. 159-174, Ankara: Seçkin (2023)
- Ş.B. Özçelik, "Artificial Intelligence and Prohibition of Discrimination from the Perspective of Private Law", Algorithmic Discrimination and Ethical Perspective of Artificial Intelligence, M. Kılıç, S. Bozkuş Kahyaoğlu (Eds.), pp. 135-146, Springer (2023)
- Ş.B. Özçelik, A.A. Gümüş, "Hukuksal Bakış Açısıyla Yapay Zekâ", Geleceği Şekillendiren Teknoloji Yapay Zeka, M.U. Demirezen (Eds.), pp. 146-164, Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık (2023)
- P. Çağlayan Aksoy, B. Sarı, "Akıllı Sözleşmeler", Blokzinciri: Sektörleri Dönüştüren Teknoloji, Ç.G. Şenkardeş (Eds.), pp. 57-74, Scala Yayıncılık (2023)
- P. Çağlayan Aksoy, H.C. Aksoy, "Blokzinciri ve Kişisel Verilerin Korunması", Kişisel Verilerin Korunmasına Akademik Bakış, P. Çağlayan Aksoy, H.C. Aksoy (Eds.), pp. 375-413, Ankara: KVKK (2023)
- A.D. Ergin, "Next Step after the Termination of the Termination of Temporary Protection Regime: Transition to RSD Procedures?", EU Responses Large-Scale Displacement from Ukraine, An Analysis on the Temporary Protection Directive and Its Implications for the Future EU Asylum Policy, S. Carrera, M. Ineli-Ciger (Eds.), pp. 351-364, European University Institute (EUI) Publication (2023)
- Z. Yılmaz, "Modern Anayasaların Maddi Özü ve Dönüşen Ekonomi Politiği: Neoliberal Anayasacılıkta Sürekli Krizlere Karşı Düzen Arayışı (Mümkün mü?)", Cumhuriyet’in Yüzüncü Yılına Kadın Hukukçuların Armağanı: Kamu Hukukunun Temel Sorunları Ve Eleştirel Hukuk Çalışmalarına Bir Katkı, Z. Yılmaz (Eds.), pp. 131-158, İstanbul: Onikilevha Yayıncılık (2023)
- S. Yolcu, "Individual Complaints Procedures", Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law, R. Grote, F. Lachenmann, R. Wolfrum (Eds.), pp. 316, Oxford University Press (2023)
- Faculty of Science
- Molecular Biology and Genetics
- R.R. Datta, P. Onal, "In Situ Hybridization as a Method to Examine Gene Regulatory Activity In Vivo", Methods in Molecular Biology, M. Simoes-Costa (Eds.), pp. 241-254, Springer (2023)
- O.A. Işık, O. Çizmecioğlu, "Rafting on the Plasma Membrane: Lipid Rafts in Signaling and Disease", Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, W.E. Crusio, H.Dong, H.H. Radeke, N.Rezaei, O. Steinlein, J. Xiao (Eds.), pp. 87-108, Springer (2023)
- Physics
- S. Ilday, F.O. Ilday, "The universality of self organisation - a path to an atomprinter?", Ultrafast Laser Nanostructuring - The Pursuit of Extreme Scales, R. Stoian, J. Bonse (Eds.), pp. 1-35, Springer International Publishing (2023)