Book Chapters by Bilkent* Authors (2022)
- Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture
- Communication and Design
- A. Treske, "Shiny Things so bright (2017)", Video Theories, D. Daniels, J. Thoben (Eds.), pp. 340-345, New York: Bloomsbury (2022)
- B. Alakoc, E. Ozdora-Aksak, "Public Diplomacy in the Wake of Terrorism: A Discourse Analysis of Media Coverage of the Reina Nightclub Terrorist Attack in Turkey", Media and Terrorism in the 21st Century, E. Ismayil, E.K. İsmayil (Eds.), pp. 104-123, Media & Communications Books (2022)
- Landscape Architecture and Urban Design
- K.Kilinc, B. Batuman, "(Dis)Placement and Placemaking: Reconsidering Islamic Architecture through Refugee Agency", Islamic Architecture Today and Tomorrow: (Re)Defining the Field, M. Gharipour, D. Coslett (Eds.), pp. 387-397, Bristol: Intellect (2022)
- M. Giacomelli, H. Karaca, M., L. Lazzarini, "Change Dynamics of Welfare Spaces in Shrinking Territories", Walking in the Shrinkage, L. Lazzarini, S. Marchionni, C. Rossignolo (Eds.), pp. 249-263, DIST (2022)
- Faculty of Business Administration
- Management
- A. Ekici, "Local-Level “Best Practices” During COVID-19 and Their Impact on Community Well-Being: Cases from the Municipality of Kadıköy, Istanbul", Community, Economy and COVID 19 Lessons from Multi-Country Analyses of a Global Pandemic, C.J. Shultz, D.R. Rahtz, M.J. Sirgy (Eds.), pp. 531-548, Cham, Switzerland: Springer (2022)
- E. Akyildirim, A. Sensoy, S. Soylemezgil, "Flash crashes in cryptocurrency markets and the 2019 Kraken Bitcoin flash crash", Understanding Cryptocurrency Fraud: The Challenges and Headwinds to Regulate Digital Currencies, S. Corbet (Eds.), pp. 55-69, Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter GmbH (2022)
- Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences
- Economics
- E. Karagozoglu, K.B. Kyndman, "Introduction", Bargaining - Current Research and Future Directions, E. Karagozoglu, K.B. Kyndman (Eds.), pp. 1-7, Cham: Palgrave MacMillen (2022)
- History
- D.E. Thornton, "Northern Saints’ Names as Monastic Bynames in Late Medieval and Early Tudor England", Late Medieval Devotion to Saints from the North of England: New Directions, C. Whitehead, H.J. Hunter Blair, D. Renevey (Eds.), pp. 387-408, Turnhout: Brepols (2022)
- M. Kalpakli, "The Mutual Interactions of Turkish and Macedonic Cuisine Culture From History to Present", Istanbul Cuisine: A Harmony of Flavors, A. Aydin Bohurler (Eds.), pp. 115-115, Istanbul Chamber of Commerce Istanbul Press (2022)
- M. Kalpakli, "Zekeriya Efendi'nin 985/1577 78 İstanbul Sayımına Dair Yeni Bir Belge", Bir Ömür Tarih: Prof. Dr. Yusuf Oğuzoğlu'na Armağan, I. Yasayanlar (Eds.), pp. 268-282, Gaye Kitabevi, Bursa (2022)
- M. Kalpakli, "1582 Şenliğinde Şehzade Mehmed'in İbrahim Paşa Sarayı'na Gelişi ve Osmanlı'da Pâyendâz Geleneği", Sultan III. Mehmed Dönemi ve Bursa, O. Ercan (Eds.), pp. 206-220, Gaye Kitabevi, Bursa (2022)
- N. Demirkol, M. Kalpakli, "The New Image of the Beloved in the Old Mirror: Reflections of Neoplatonic Tradition in Modern Turkish Poetry", Faces of the Infinite: Neoplatonism and Poetics at the Confluence of Africa, Asia and Europe, S. Sperl, Y. Dedes (Eds.), pp. 433-453, Oxford University Press (2022)
- International Relations
- D. Tsarouhas, "Social democracy and public policy reform", Towards a social democratic century? How European and global social democracy can steer through the crises, K. H. de Moura, A. Skrzypek and R. Wilson (Eds.), pp. 103-114, Berlin: Friedrich Ebert Foundation (2022)
- D.E. Akrivoulis, "What’s in a word? A conceptual re-appraisal of war and peace", War and Peace, K. Ifantis, M. Sarigiannidis, D.E. Akrivoulis (Eds.), pp. 89-110, Athens: I. Sideris (2022)
- E. Gheorghe, "Polarity, Proliferation, and Restraint: A Market-Centric Approach", Polarity in International Relations - Past, Present, Future, B. Heurlin, B. Graeger, A. Wivel, O. Waever (Eds.), pp. 291-312, Palgrave Macmillan (2022)
- E. Tokdemir, S. Akcinaroglu, "State and non-state actors in world politics", Handbook of Research Methods in International Relations, J. Edler, P. Cunnigham, P. Shapira (Eds.), pp. 167-182, USA, Edward Elgar (2022)
- T. Bayar, "The Asylum/Migration Regime in Turkey and Non-discrimination", Non-Discrimination in Turkey, G. Yilmaz (Eds.), pp. 165-187, Palgrave Macmillan (2022)
- T. Onea, J.M. DiCicco, "Great Power Competition", The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies, N. Sandal (Eds.), Oxford: Oxford University Press (2022)
- Political Science and Public Administration
- B. Burcak, "Deconstructing 'Orientalism' at the 1893 World's Columbian Exhibition: Esmeralda Cervantes, Sultan Abdülhamid II and 'Address on the Education and Literature of the Women of Turkey", The Turkish Connection: Global Intellectual Histories of the late Ottoman and Republican Turkey, D. Kuru, H. Pabuccular (Eds.), pp. 79-105, DeGruyter (2022)
- D. Just, "The Poetics of the Unpoetic: Literature, Ordinariness, and Raymond Carver's Minimalist Realism", Literature and Its Language: Philosophical Aspects, G.L. Hagberg (Eds.), pp. 25-51, London: Palgrave Macmillan (2022)
- I.N. Grigoriadis, "Between Romiosyne and Hellenism: The Impact of Greece’s Independence War on Syria’s Arabic-speaking Rum", Understanding Greece’s Independence War, K. Kostis, E. Kolovos (Eds.), pp. 83-97, Athens: Pataki (2022)
- I.N. Grigoriadis, "The Ecumenical Patriarchate: Bridging Greece, the Diaspora and the Orthodox World", Diaspora Engagement in Times of Severe Economic Crisis: Greece and Beyond, O. Anastasakis, A. Kamaras, F. Kalantzi (Eds.), pp. 221-239, London & New York: Palgrave Macmillan (2022)
- M. Ugur Cinar, "Populism and Collective Memory", Making sense of populism: Interviews with the Experts, L. Manucci (Eds.), pp. 164-169, London: Routledge (2022)
- C. Bakir, T. Bolukbasi, "Changing Policy Advisory System in Turkey and Advisory Roles of Political Scientists in the 2000s", The Advisory Roles of Political Scientists in Europe, M. Brans, A. Timmermans (Eds.), pp. 307-331, London: Palgrave Macmillan (2022)
- Psychology
- R.I. Bowers, "Causal Reasoning", Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science, T.K. Shackelford, V.A. Weekes-Shackelford (Eds.), pp. 1-16, Springer, Cham (2022)
- Faculty of Education
- Grad School of Education
- A. Ateskan, J.F. Lane, "You Are Part of the Sustainability Picture: Ideas for Implementation of ESD", Education for Sustainable Development in Primary and Secondary Schools. Sustainable Development Goals Series, G. Karaarslan-Semiz (Eds.), pp. 93-106, Springer, Cham (2022)
- J.F. Lane, A. Ateskan, "The Body in Mind: Ideas for Assessing Sustainability Literacy", Education for Sustainable Development in Primary and Secondary Schools. Sustainable Development Goals Series, G. Karaarslan-Semiz (Eds.), pp. 247-260, Springer, Cham (2022)
- Faculty of Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- A.D. Bakiler, A. Javili, "A Different Catch for Poisson", Theoretical Analyses, Computations, and Experiments of Multiscale Materials, I. Giorgio, L. Placidi, E. Barchiesi, B.E. Abali, H. Altenbach (Eds.), pp. 3-23, Springer (2022)
- Faculty of Humanities and Letters
- Archaeology and History of Art
- D. Kassab-Tezgor, "Terre cuite", La Necropole Hellenistique de Plinthine, M.F. Boussac, O. Callot, P. Georges-Zimmermann (Eds.), pp. 549-550, Institut Francais d'Archeologie du Caire (2022)
- Cultures, Civilizations, and Ideas
- N. Leidholm, "Parents and Children, Servants and Masters: Slaves, Freedmen, and the Family in Byzantium", Routledge Handbook of Identity in Byzantium, D. Parnell, M.E. Stewart, C. Whately (Eds.), pp. 263-281, London and New York: Routledge (2022)
- N. Leidholm, "Twelfth-century Commentaries on Canons 73 and 82 of the Quinisext Council", The Visual Culture of Later Byzantium (1081-c.1330), F. Spingou (Eds.), pp. 67-81, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (2022)
- Philosophy
- M. Krizan, "On Generation and Corruption II 5", Aristotle: On Generation and Corruption Book II, P. Dimas, A. Falcon, S. Kelsey (Eds.), pp. 105-125, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (2022)
- N. Keven, "What does it take to remember episodically?", Current Controversies in Philosophy of Memory, A. Sant'Anna, C.J. McCarroll, K. Michaelian (Eds.), pp. 206-222, New York: Routledge (2022)
- Turkish
- D. Dirlikyapan, "", Şiir Hattı, S. Evren (Eds.), pp. 103-104, İstanbul: İKSV (2022)
- Faculty of Law
- Law
- A.D. Ergin, "“Protection” or “Instrumentalization” of Refugees: Will the European Court of Human Rights Fill in the Gaps in Pushback Cases After the Greece/Turkey Border Events?", The Informalisation of the EU's External Action in the Field of Migration and Asylum, E. Kassoti, N. Idriz (Eds.), pp. 193-234, Asser Press, The Hague (2022)
- A.E. Gurbuz-Usluel, "Anonim Şirketlerde Yeni Payların Kardan Yararlanma Tarihi ve Kıst-El Yevm Kuralı (Pro Rata Temporis)", Prof.Dr. Zühtü Aytaç Armağan, pp. 670-687, İstanbul: Oniki Levha (2022)
- B. Ozcelik, "Ödeme Hizmeti Sözleşmesi", Prof. Dr. Zühtü Aytaç’a Armağan, pp. 690-715, Oniki Levha Yayıncılık (2022)
- C. Manavgat, "Yatırım Fonu Portföyündeki Payların Pay Alım Teklifi Zorunluluğu Bakımından Değerlendirilmesi", Prof. Dr. Zühtü Aytaç Armağanı, pp. 119-138, Oniki Levha Yayıncılık (2022)
- E. Goztepe, "Cumhurbaşkanının Cezai Sorumluluğu – Almanya ile Karşılaştırmalı Bir İnceleme", TBMM’nin 100. Yılı Armağanı, pp. 173-216, İstanbul: Tekin Yayınevi (2022)
- E. Yilmaz, "Islahla Davaya Yeni Talep Eklenebilmesi Olanağı", Prof. Dr. Selçuk Öztek'e Armağan, pp. 2909-2947, Filiz Kitabevi, İstanbul (2022)
- G. Bayraktaroglu-Ozcelik, "AB Göç Politikası [EU Migration Policy]", Avrupa ve Uluslararası Göç Hukuku- European and International Migration Law, G. Bayraktaroglu-Ozcelik, E. Aktan (Eds.), pp. 113-138, Ankara: Yetkin (2022)
- H. Pinar, O. Turkoglu, "Türk Hukukunda Fiyat Artışlarının Denetlenmesi ve Haksız FiyatDeğerlendirme Kurulu", Prof. Dr. Zühtü Aytaç'a Armağan, K. Ozkorkut (Eds.), pp. 823-889, İstanbul, On İki Levha Yayınları (2022)
- P. Caglayan-Aksoy, "AI as Agents", The Cambridge Handbook of Artificial Intelligence: Global Perspectives on Law and Ethics, L.A. DiMatteo, C. Poncibo, M. Cannarsa (Eds.), pp. 146-160, Cambridge University Press (2022)
- T. Deibel, "17. Yüzyılda Küresel Ticari İlişkilerin Gelişiminde Roma Hukukunun Rolü", Prof. Dr. Zühtü Aytaç’a Armağan, İstanbul, XII Levha Yayınevi (2022)
- T. Tan, "Uluslararası Tahkim ve İdari Yargı (Fransız Danıştayı'nın Fosmax Kararının Düşündürdükleri)", Prof. Dr. Zühtü Aytaç'a Armağan, On İki Levha Yayınevi (2022)
- Faculty of Science
- Chemistry
- Y.E. Turkmen, "Three-membered Rings with One Silicon, Germanium, Tin or Lead Atom", Comprehensive Heterocyclic Chemistry IV, D. StC. Black, J. Cossy, C.V. Stevens (Eds.), pp. 506-533, Elsevier Science (2022)
- Interdisciplinary Programs
- Materials Science and Nanotechnology
- A. Erbas, F. Inci, "The role of ligand rebinding and facilitated dissociation on the characterization of dissociation rates by Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) and benchmarking performance metrics", Computational Methods for Estimating the Kinetic Parameters of Biological Systems, Q. Vanhaelen (Eds.), pp. 237-253, Springer (2022)
- School of English Language
- Faculty Academic English
- T. Aksit, S. Kahvecioglu, "Stakeholder perspectives on the Use of English-Medium Instruction (EMI) in Turkish Universities", English as the Medium of Instruction in Turkish Higher Education:Policy, Practice and Progress, Y. Kirkgoz, A. Karasas (Eds.), pp. 87-106, Cham,Switzerland: Springer (2022)