Book Chapters by Bilkent* Authors (2021)
- Faculty of Applied Sciences
- Tourism and Hotel Management
- A. Collins, "Being Able to Attend or Not: A Dilemma in Inequality of Access to Performing Arts Participation", Exploring Cultural Value: Contemporary Issues for Theory and Practice, K. Lehman, M. Wickham (Eds.), pp. 183-199, Emerald Publishing Limited (2021)
- A. Collins, Z.G. Sanal, A. Takir, "The Qualitative Study of Factors Influencing to International Students’ Satisfaction: The Case of a Private University in Turkey", Global Perspectives on Recruiting International Students: Challenges and Opportunities, B. Shneikat, C. Cobanoglu, C. Tanova (Eds.), pp. 155-173, Emerald Publishing Limited (2021)
- Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture
- Communication and Design
- B. Baykan, "Speculative Ecologies of Plastics in the Environmental Aesthetics of Pınar Yoldaş", Turkish Ecocriticism: From Neolithic to Contemporary Timescapes, S. Oppermann, S. Akilli (Eds.), pp. 245-266, Lanham, MD: Lexington Books/Rowman & Littlefield (2021)
- B. Baykan, "Ghastly Assemblages and Glittery Bodies without Organs in the Sculptures of David Altmejd", Machinic Assemblages of Desire: Deleuze and Artistic Research 3, P. de Assis, P. Giudici (Eds.), pp. 197-208, Leuven: Leuven University Press (2021)
- E. Ozdora-Aksak, D. Dimitrova, "Giving Voice to the Voiceless: The Case of Development Workshop Collective in Turkey", Media, Cultural & Communication Studies: Global Perspectives on NGO Communication for Social Change, G. Source (Eds.), pp. 109-127, Routledge (2021)
- F. Larlar, "Living up to Your Grandfather's Expectations", The Light and Dark Sides of Star Wars, S.S. Serter (Eds.), pp. 86-97, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing (2021)
- L. Peschke, S. Seyfafjehi, "Renewable Energies on Mars and Polluting Neandertals: Environmental Communication and Storytelling with Infographics and Popular Science Texts", Let’s Write About Science! Case studies and best practises of science popularization and storytelling, L. Peschke (Eds.), pp. 115-137, Berlin: Peter Lang (2021)
- L.Y. Ince, E. Ozdora-Aksak, E.S. Dikmen, "A Systematic Literature Review of Game Studies Research In The Last Decade: Where Are We Now and Where Do We Go From Here?", Paradigm Shifts within the Communication World, E.E. Basar (Eds.), pp. 105-122, New York: Nova Science Publishers (2021)
- E. Alpay, A. Treske, Z. Tumer, "Gobekli Tepe: The Gathering – Behind the Scenes", Let’s Write About Science! Case studies and best practises of science popularisation and storytelling, L. Peschke (Eds.), pp. 155-166, Berlin, Peter Lang (2021)
- G. Peschke, L. Peschke, "Let’s Science – Science Training Programme for Young Refugees", Let’s Write About Science! Case studies and best practises of science popularization and storytelling, L. Peschke (Eds.), pp. 63-75, Berlin: Peter Lang (2021)
- S. Seyfafjehi, C. Kennedy-Karpat, "Technoscience and the Sci Fidelity Turn in Hollywood", Let's Write about Science! Case studies and best practises of science popularisation and storytelling, L. Peschke (Eds.), pp. 167-179, Peter Lang (2021)
- Interior Architecture and Environmental Design
- A.S. Nouri, A. Matzarakis, "Human Biometeorological Models: Existing and Future Reflections for Lisbon", Urban Microclimate Modelling for Comfort and Energy Studies, M. Palme, A. Salvati (Eds.), pp. 443-464, Springer (2021)
- N. Olgunturk, R. Aslanoğlu, B. Ulusoy, "Color in Transport", Encyclopedia of Color Science and Technology, R. Shamey (Eds.), pp. 1-4, Berlin: Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (2021)
- N. Olgunturk, R. Aslanoğlu, B. Ulusoy, "Color in Schools and Offices", Encyclopedia of Color Science and Technology, R. Shamey (Eds.), pp. 1-7, Berlin: Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (2021)
- N. Olgunturk, R. Aslanoğlu, B. Ulusoy, "Color in Hospitals", Encyclopedia of Color Science and Technology, R. Shamey (Eds.), pp. 1-4, Berlin: Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (2021)
- Landscape Architecture and Urban Design
- B. Batuman, "Introduction: Islamics and the Built Environment", Cities and Islamisms: On the Politics and Production of Architecture, B. Batuman (Eds.), pp. 1-13, Abingdon and New York: Routledge (2021)
- B. Batuman, "The "Turkish House" at Home and Abroad", Cities and Islamisms: On the Politics and Production of Architecture, B. Batuman (Eds.), pp. 31-44, Abingdon and New York: Routledge (2021)
- O. Harmansah, P. Johnson, S. Martino, M. Durusu-Tanriover, B. Marsh, "Mountains as Connected Landscapes of Alterity: Boz Mountain Range and Its Piedmont", The Archaeology of Anatolia: Recent Discoveries (2018-2020), S.E. Steadman, G. McMahon (Eds.), pp. 287-299, Cambridge Scholars Publishing (2021)
- Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences
- Economics
- H. Kara, "Monetary policy in the Covid era: The Turkish experience", Monetary policy and central banking in the Covid era: A new eBook, B. English, K. Forbes, A. Ubide (Eds.), pp. 293-312, CEPR (2021)
- I. Taneri, G.Bilgin, S. Sahin, M. H. Berument, "Aphrodite Natural Gas Field and Its Economic Viability", Cyprus: Alternative Solution Models, H. Gokcekus, H. Isiksal (Eds.), pp. 117-129, PeterLang, Berlin (2021)
- M. Erdogan, S. Camgoz, M.B. Karan, H. Berument, "Understanding the Electricity Switching Behavior of Industrial Consumers: An Empirical Study on an Emerging Market", Applied Operations Research and Financial Modelling in Energy, A.B. Dorsman, K.B. Atici, A. Ulucan, M.B. Karan (Eds.), pp. 201-224, Springer, Cham (2021)
- History
- M. Kalpakli, "A Poet's Warning: Veysî's Poem on the Breakdown of Ottoman Social and Political Life in the Seventeenth Century", Dimensions of Transformation in the Ottoman Empire from the Late Medieval Age to Modernity: In Memory of Metin Kunt, S. Kenan, S.A. Somel (Eds.), pp. 219-228, Brill, Leiden-Boston (2021)
- M. Kalpakli, "Osmanli Siir Estetigine Batili Yaklasimlar", Mazmundan Poetikaya, E. Harmanci (Eds.), pp. 5-12, İKSAD (2021)
- M. Kalpakli, "III. Murad'in Ilm-i Nucum Meraki ve 1579'da Mercator Atolyesinde Uretilen Dunya Kureleri Hakkinda Bazi Notlar", Sultan III. Murad Dönemi ve Bursa, E. Gursoy (Eds.), pp. 365-378, Gaye Kitabevi, Bursa (2021)
- W.G. Andrews, M. Kalpakli, "Osmanli Edebiyatinin Elestirel Bir Tarihini Yazmak", Iskender Pala Armagani, N. Gur (Eds.), pp. 196-207, Kapi Yayinlari, Istanbul (2021)
- International Relations
- D. Tsarouhas, "Greece and the Panellinio Sosiialistiko Kinima", Europe and the Left: resisting the populist tide, J. Newell (Eds.), pp. 235-251, London: Routledge (2021)
- D. Tsarouhas, "Neoliberalism, Liberal Intergovernmentalism and EU Turkey relations", EU-Turkey relations: Theories, Institutions and Policies, W. Reiners, E. Turhan (Eds.), pp. 39-61, London: Palgrave (2021)
- P. Bilgin, "'On the "Does Theory Travel/" Question: Travelling with Edward Said", The Politics of Translation in International Relations, Z.G. Capan (Eds.), pp. 245-255, London: Palgrave (2021)
- T. Bayar, "Human Rights and Privilege", The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Global Security Studies, S. Marton (Eds.), pp. 1-7, Palgrave Macmillan, Cham (2021)
- T. Bayar, "European Arms Embarg", The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Global Security Studies, S. Marton (Eds.), pp. 1-6, Palgrave Macmillan, Cham (2021)
- T. Bayar, "Civil Liberties", The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Global Security Studies, S. Marton (Eds.), pp. 171, Palgrave Macmillan, Cham (2021)
- P. Bilgin, B. Futak-Campbell, "Introduction: Globalising (the Study of) Regionalism in International Relations", Globalising Regionalism and International Relations, B. Futak-Campbell (Eds.), pp. 3-26, Bristol: Bristol University Press (2021)
- Political Science and Public Administration
- I.N.Grigoriadis, "The Cyprus Problem and Greek Foreign Policy", Greek Foreign Policy, C. Tsardanidis, E. Athanassopoulou (Eds.), pp. 219-238, Athens: Papazissi, 2021 (2021)
- N. Karakayali, "Self-concept", The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, G. Ritzer, C. Rojek (Eds.), pp. 1-3, John Wiley & Sons Ltd (2021)
- T. Erman, "Migration From Rural Anatolia to Metropolitan Cities", The Routledge Handbook on Contemporary Turkey, J. Jongerden (Eds.), pp. 347-359, Routledge (2021)
- Psychology
- D. Celebi-Birand, M.U. Tuz Sasik, N.I. Ardic-Avci, …, H. Kafaligonul, M.M. Adams, "The Zebrafish (Danio rerio) and its uses for understanding the neuroscience of aging: applications and observation", Assessments, Treatments and Modeling in Aging and Neurological Disease: The Neuroscience of Aging, C.R. Martin, V.R. Preedy, R. Rajendram (Eds.), pp. 491-503, London: Academic Press (2021)
- Faculty of Engineering
- Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- A. Atalar, "An alternative model of university endowment", International Experience in Developing the Financial Resources of Universities, A.O. Al-Youbi, A.H.M. Zahed, A. Atalar (Eds.), pp. 113-120, Springer Nature (2021)
- A.O. Al-Youbi, A.H.M. Zahed, A. Atalar, "Outcome summary of the International Experience in Developing the Financial Resources of Universities", International Experience in Developing the Financial Resources of Universities, A.O. Al-Youbi, A.H.M. Zahed, A. Atalar (Eds.), pp. 121-124, Springer Nature (2021)
- P. Chandrasekharan, Z.W. Tay, …, E.U. Saritas, …., S. Connolly, "Magnetic Particle Imaging for Vascular, Cellular and Molecular Imaging", Molecular Imaging Principles and Practice, B.D. Ross, S.S. Gambhir (Eds.), pp. 265-282, United Kingdom: Academic Press (2021)
- Mechanical Engineering
- A. Javili, "Kinematically exact peridynmaics", Peridynamic Modeling, Numerical Techniques, and Applications, E. Oterkus (Eds.), pp. 223-245, Elsevier (2021)
- Faculty of Humanities and Letters
- American Culture and Literature
- D. Bryson, "Boasian Cultural Anthropologists, Interdisciplinary Initiatives, and the Making of Personality and Culture during the Interwar Years", The Palgrave Handbook of the History of Human Sciences, D. McCallum (Eds.), pp. 1757-1782, London & New York: Palgrave (2021)
- L. Demirturk, "George Yancy's Embodied Critical Space of Aniracist Praxis", George Yancy: A Critical Introduction, K. Ducey, C.E. Headley, J.R. Feagin (Eds.), pp. 157-167, Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield (2021)
- Archaeology and History of Art
- T. Zimmermann, "Space Travelling in the Garden of Eden – Göbekli Tepe, or the Challenge to Communicate Prehistoric Archaeology in a Shark Pond of Post-modern Trivialities", Let's Write About Science! Case Studies and best practises of science popularization and storytellin, L. Peschke (Eds.), pp. 139-154, Frankfurt: Peter Lang (2021)
- Cultures, Civilizations, and Ideas
- A. Del Balzo, "Shakespeare’s Art of the Dervish: Voltaire, Elizabeth Montagu, and National Sentiment", Emotions in Non Fictional Representations of the Individual, 1600-1850: Between East and West, M. Stefanovska, Y. Wu, M.P de Weerdt-Pilorge (Eds.), pp. 75-91, New York: Palgrave Macmillan (2021)
- F. Chamberlin, "The Roots of the Repression: The Rebel Civil Guards in the Spanish Civil War", The Crucible of Francoism: Combat, Violence, and Ideology in the Spanish Civil War, A. Alcalde, F. Chamberlin, F.J. Leira-Castineira (Eds.), pp. 53-72, Brighton: Sussex Academic Press (2021)
- English Language and Literature
- G. Kurtulus, "Memory, Gender and Innovation in Caryl Churchill's Cloud Nine: The Brechtian Legacy in the Postmodern Theatre", New Readings in British Drama, M. Gunenc, E. Kavak (Eds.), pp. 31-48, Berlin: Peter Lang (2021)
- Philosophy
- B. Wringe, "Expressive Theories of Punishment: Who Says What To Whom", Collective Action, Philosophy and Law, T. Margues, C. Valentini (Eds.), pp. 229-246, London and New York, Routledge (2021)
- Turkish Literature
- P. Cherry, "World Literature as Performance: Turkish and British Women’s Writing in Transcultural Dialogue at the Turn of the Century", Turkish Literature as World Literature, C. Gunay-Erkol, B. Alkan (Eds.), pp. 75-93, New York: Bloomsbury (2021)
- Faculty of Law
- Law
- G. Bayraktaroglu-Ozcelik, "Aile Birleşimi, Avrupa Tutuklama Müzekkeresi, Cezai Konularda Adli İşbirliği ,…, Vize Muafiyeti, Vize Politikası. 15 different entry", Avrupa Birliği Ansiklopedisi, I. Ersoy, T.M. Eren, H. Yazgan, I. Gocmen, C. İleri (Eds.), İstanbul: İktisadi Kalkınma Vakfı (2021)
- G. Bayraktaroglu-Ozcelik, "SDG 5- Gender Equality", The Private Side of Transforming the World-UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030 and the Role of Private International Law, R. Michaels, H.V. Loon, V. Ruiz (Eds.), pp. 159-188, Intersentia (2021)
- V. Buz, "Hak", Sosyal Bilimler Ansiklopedisi 2. Cilt, M.A.Y. Sarac (Eds.), pp. 119-121, Ankara: Tubitak (2021)
- Z. Yilmaz, "Système gouvernemental hyperprésidentiel, tutelle administrative et crise économique : Les collectivités locales de Turquie face à la pandémie du Covid 19", Droit et gestion des Collectivités Territoriales, Vol : Les Collectivités locales face à la crise sanitaire, N. Kada, H. Wollman (Eds.), pp. 305-311, Le Moniteur (2021)
- Z. Yilmaz, "Siteden Datapolise : Dijital Toplum Sözleşmesinin İlkeleri Üzerine", Özgür İrade, Hukuk, Nörobilim, Psikoloji ve Ötesi, O. Erözden, S. H. Günler, M.E. Palteki, C. Uysal (Eds.), pp. 132-158, İstanbul : Zoe Yayıncılık (2021)
- Faculty of Science
- Molecular Biology and Genetics
- S. Belkaya, "iPSCs for modeling coxsackievirus infection", iPSCs for Studying Infectious Diseases in Advances in Stem Cell Biology, A. Birbrair (Eds.), pp. 95-119, Elsevier (2021)
- Interdisciplinary Programs
- Materials Science and Nanotechnology
- E. Derin, O. Erdem, F. Inci, "Deciphering Plasmonic Modality to Address Challenges in Disease Diagnostics", Plasmonic Sensors and Their Applications, A. Denizli (Eds.), pp. 1-23, Wiley-VCH Verlag (2021)
- O. Erdem, E. Derin, K. Sagdic, S. Celik, U. Celik, F. Inci, "Micromechanical biosensors for virus detection", Biosensors for Virus Detection, A. Denizli, Y. Saylan (Eds.), pp. 8-1--29, IOP Publishing (2021)
- School of English Language
- Faculty Academic English
- T. Aksit, N. Aksit, "Pedagogical approaches in EGAP coupled with CBI in an EMI Context", Pedagogies in English for academic purposes: Teaching and learning in international contexts, C. MacDiarmid, J.J. MacDonald (Eds.), pp. 107-122, London, Bloomsbury (2021)