Book Chapters by Bilkent* Authors (2020)
- Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture
- Communication and Design
- B. Baykan, "Body Without Organs as Pure Potentiality in Patricia Piccinini’s Sculptural Installations", Deleuze, Guattari and the Art of Multiplicity, S.E. Wilmer, R. Przedpelski (Eds.), pp. 154-168, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press (2020)
- C. Kennedy-Karpat, "Performance and Prestige in the Biopic, or Stardom and Statuettes", A Companion to the Biopic, A.D. Polasek, D. Cartmell (Eds.), pp. 395-414, New Jersey, USA: Wiley Blackwell (2020)
- L. Peschke, "The Prevention Paradox of the COVID-19 crisis in Germany. Science communication in times of uncertainties", Coronalogy: Multidisciplinary academic analysis in perspective of COVID-19, S. Darici, A. Meric-Yazici (Eds.), Sciendo (2020)
- L. Peschke, "When Art Mediates Science and Technology: Science Exhibitions and its Potential to Provide Transformative Literacy", Les nouvelles médiations pédagogiques. Design et innovation pédagogiques, expériences d’enseignement technologique, P. Lardelier, T. Hulin (Eds.), Paris: L'Harmattan. Des Haut et Débats series (2020)
- E. Koksal, B. Baykan, "The Materiality of Reality: The Floating Consciousness in Altered Carbon", Sex, Death and Resurrection in Altered Carbon: Essays on the Netflix Series, A. Kobus, L. Muniowski (Eds.), pp. 51-66, North Carolina, US: McFarland (2020)
- S.G. Peschke, L. Peschke, "Chapter 28: Turkey", International Libel and Privacy Handbook. A Global Reference for Journalists, Publishers, Webmasters, and Lawyers, C. Jr. Glasser (Eds.), New York City: LexisNexis (2020)
- Landscape Architecture and Urban Design
- B. Batuman, "Objects of Hate? Architectural Symbols of the Rich", Turmoil: Social Change and Political Radicalization during the 1960s, B. Pekesen (Eds.), pp. 240-255, Boston: De Gruyter (2020)
- Faculty of Business Administration
- Management
- F. Watson, A. Ekici, "Alternative to Marketization of Food and Its Implications for Quality of Life: Evidence from an Emerging Economy", Marketization Theory and Evidence from Emerging Economies, H.R. Chaudhuri, R.W. Belk (Eds.), pp. 195-219, Springer (2020)
- Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences
- Economics
- B. Demir, "Trade and Developing-Country Exporters: The Case of Central and Latin America, and Caribbean Countries", The Handbook of Global Trade Policy, A. Klasen (Eds.), pp. 328-350, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell (2020)
- History
- K. Weisbrode, "The Diplomatic Context", Henrietta Liston's Travels: The Turkish Journals, P. Hart, V. Kennedy, F.O. Mercan, D. Petherbridge (Eds.), pp. 17-22, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press (2020)
- M. Kalpakli, "Leyla as the Image of Beloved: An Archeology Trial, from Nizami to Eric Clapton", The Interpretation of Nizami's Cultural Heritage in the Contemporary Period, R. Geybullayeva, C. Ruymbeke (Eds.), pp. 283-290, Peter Lang Publication, Berlin (2020)
- M. Kalpakli, "Walter G. Andrews: Toplumun Eski Şarkılarını Dinleyip Osmanlı Şiirine Ses Veren Bir Bilim İnsanı", Walter G. Andrews Kitabı: Osmanlı Şiiri İçin Bir Deniz Feneri, A.G. gundogdu, S. Gundogdu (Eds.), pp. 87-100, Insan Sanat Yayinlari (2020)
- M. Kalpakli, "Şehzade Selim'in Şairleri ve Başmusahip Celâl Bey", Sultan II. Selim Dönemi ve Bursa, F. Yasa (Eds.), pp. 343-349, Gaye Kitabevi, Bursa (2020)
- O. Miller, "Uplands, Lowlands, and Mass Violence in Ottoman Cilicia", Armenians and Kurds in the Late Ottoman Empire, U. Kurt, A. Sarafian (Eds.), pp. 1-45, Fresno: The Press at California State University (2020)
- N. Demirkol, M. Kalpakli, "Two Perspectives, One Shahrazad: Turkish Poetry and One Thousand and One Nights", Endless Inspiration: One Thousand and One Nights in Comparative Perspective, O. Elmaz (Eds.), pp. 93-115, Gorgias Press, NJ, USA (2020)
- International Relations
- P. Bilgin, "Security", International Relations from the Global South: Worlds of Difference, A. Tickner, K. Smith (Eds.), pp. 181-196, London: Routledge (2020)
- P. Bilgin, "The persistence of the “Middle East” as a geopolitical invention of security: “denial of coevalness", The Multidimensionality of Regions in World Politics, P.J. Kohlberg, N. Godehardt (Eds.), pp. 114-130, London: Routledge (2020)
- P. Bilgin, "Opening up international relations, or: how I learned to stop worrying and love ‘non-Western IR", Handbook of Critical International Relations, S. Roach (Eds.), pp. 12-28, New York: Edward Elgar (2020)
- V. Lasnier, S. Kostem, "Resisting Decline: Russia, the West and Eurasia", Coping with Geopolitical Decline: The United States in European Perspective, F. Merand (Eds.), pp. 127-159, Montreal & Kingston, McGill-Queens University Press (2020)
- Political Science and Public Administration
- I.N. Grigoriadis, "The Oxford Handbook of Modern Greek Politics", Greek-Turkish Relations, K. Featherstone, D.A. Sotiropoulos (Eds.), pp. 613-628, Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press (2020)
- T. Erman, "Liberated Neighborhoods’: Reconstructing Leftist Activism in the Urban Periphery", Turmoil: Social Change and Political Radicalization during the 1960s and 1970s, B. Pekesen (Eds.), pp. 183-212, De Gruyter (2020)
- Faculty of Engineering
- Computer Engineering
- A. Aman, A. Akaydin, U. Gudukbay, "Interacting with Boids in an Incompressible Fluid Environment", Contemporary Topics in Computer Graphics and Games: Selected Papers from the Eurasia Graphics Conference Series, V. Isler, H. Gurcay, H.K. Suher, G. Catak (Eds.), pp. 403-413, Peter Lang (2020)
- O. Selvitopu, S. Acer, M. Manguoglu, C. Aykanat, "The Effect of Various Sparsity Structures on Parallelism and Algorithms to Reveal Those Structures", Parallel Algorithms in Computational Science and Engineering, A. Grama, A.H. Sameh (Eds.), pp. 35-62, Birkhauser, Cham (2020)
- V. Toure, A. Drager, A. Luna, U. Dogrusoz, A. Rougny, "The Systems Biology Graphical Notation: Current Status and Applications in Systems Medicine", Systems Medicine: Integrative, Qualitative and Computational Approaches, O. Wolenhauer (Eds.), pp. 372-382, Elsevier (2020)
- Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- A. Atalar, "Student Exchange: The First Step Toward International Collaboration", Successful Global Collaborations in Higher Education Institutions, A. Al-Youbi, A.H.M. Zahed, W.G. Tierney (Eds.), pp. 63-71, Springer Open (2020)
- Industrial Engineering
- M. Colak, I.Y. Utku, D. Ozmisir, A. Boz, T. Aydogdu, M.C. Didis, E. Nadar, "Sustainable transportation system design", Environmentally-Benign Energy Solutions, I. Dincer, C.O. Colpan, M.A. Ezan (Eds.), pp. 857-876, Springer, Cham (2020)
- Mechanical Engineering
- B. Cetin, B. Cetin, K.D. Cole, "Semi-analytical source (SAS) method for heat conduction problems with moving heat source", Mathematical Methods in Engineering and Applied Sciences, H. Dutta (Eds.), pp. 1-18, Boca Rathon: CRC Press (2020)
- M.S. Hanay, "Mechanical and Microwave Resonators for Sensing and Sizing Single Cells", Handbook of Single Cell Technologies, S.T. Subhra and Tseng, F-Gang (Eds.), pp. 1-23, Springer Singapore (2020)
- A. Annaswamy, Y. Yildiz, "Cyber-Physical-Human Systems", Encyclopedia of Systems and Control, B.J. Samad T. (Eds.), Springer, London (2020)
- Faculty of Humanities and Letters
- Archaeology and History of Art
- M.H. Gates, "Archaeology and the Ancient Near East: Renewing a Culture-Historical Partnership", A Companion to the Ancient Near East, D.C. Snell (Eds.), pp. 47-64, Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell (2020)
- T. Zimmermann, "Der Tod macht uns im Grabe gleich – Diesseitiges und Jenseitiges zum Analogieproblem bei der Interpretation frühbronzezeitlicher Prunkgräber", Od archeologii przedmiotu do archeologii idei, B. Gediga (Eds.), pp. 61-78, Biskupin-Wroclaw (2020)
- T. Zimmermann, "Hatay Bay Hittites? – A Primary Archaeometrical Assessment of Late Bronze Age metalwork at Kinet Höyük", From Past to Present. Studies in Memory of Manfred O. Korfmann, S.W.E. Blum, T. Efe, T.L. Kienlin, E. Pernicka (Eds.), pp. 185-192, Bonn: Rudolf Habelt (2020)
- Cultures, Civilizations, and Ideas
- M.P. Harper, "Female Body Language: Cutting, Scarring, and Becoming in HBO’s Sharp Objects", Female Agencies and Subjectivities in Film and Television, D. Sezen, F. Cicekoglu, A. Tunc, E.T. Diken (Eds.), pp. 145-163, Palgrave MacMillan (2020)
- Philosophy
- S. Berges, "Mary Wollstonecraft", The Philosopher Queens, R. Buxton, L. Whiting (Eds.), Unbound Publishers (2020)
- S. Berges, "Women Philosophers in the French Revolution (Gouges, Roland, Grouchy)", Encyclopedia of Early Modern Philosophy and the Sciences, J.D. Wolfe (Eds.), Springer, Cham (2020)
- Political Science and Public Administration
- M. Kang, "Coexistence of Incompatible Social Values", Asking the Direction of Urban Transformation during the Pandemic, Seoul Institute (Eds.), pp. 20-44, The Seoul Institute (2020)
- Turkish
- S. Uyanik, "Zamanin Bedensel Donusumu: Osmanli Gelecek Anlatilarinda Posthumanist ve Transhumanist Izler", Edebiyatta Posthumanizm, S. Buran (Eds.), pp. 187-201, Transnational Press London (2020)
- Faculty of Law
- Law
- B. Ozcelik, "Covid-19 Salgını Çerçevesinde Alınan Önlemlerin Sözleşme Hukuku ve Mücbir Sebep Kavramı Açısından Değerlendirilmesi [genisletilmis 2. baski in 2021]", Covid-19 Salgininin Hukuki Boyutu, M. Ozekes (Eds.), pp. 283-293, On iki Levha Yayincilik (2020)
- B. Tiryakioglu, "Yatırım Tahkiminde (Uyuşmazlık Çözüm Kayıtları Kapsamında) Yetki ve Kabul Edilebilirlik", Tahkim Anlaşması, H. Ozdemir-Kocsakal, S. Balkar (Eds.), pp. 87-101, On iki Levha Yayincilik (2020)
- E.E. Dalkilic, "Neden ve Simdi? Avrupa Insan Haklari Mahkemesi'nin Mammadov Karari Hakkinda Kisa Bir Degerlendirme", Prof. Dr. Metin Gunday Armagani, S. Ozluer-Ozturk (Eds.), pp. 357-367, Atilim Universitesi (2020)
- P. Altinok-Ormanci A.B. Ozbilen, "Ölünceye Kadar Bakma Sözleşmesinin Sona Ermesine İlişkin Özel Durumlar", Prof. Dr. Haluk Burcuoğlu'na Armağan, pp. 157-206, İstanbul, Filiz Kitabevi (2020)
- S. Selcuk, "Cinsel Dokunulmazlığa Karşı Suçların Yapısı ve Bir Öner", Mehmet Emin Artuk'a Armağan, pp. 737-742, Seckin Yayıncılık: Ankara (2020)
- S. Selcuk, "Davasız Yargılama Olmaz İlkesi, Savcıların Yetkileri ve Yükümlülükleri", Mehmet Emin Artuk'a Armağan, pp. 729-736, Seckin Yayıncılık, Ankara (2020)
- S. Selcuk, "Suç Hukukunda Kökleşik (Klasik) Okulun Görüşleri", Türkan Rado'ya Armağan, pp. 469-513, On İki Levha Yayincilik (2020)
- T. Tan, "Ekonomideki Krizin Hukuktaki Yansımaları", Prof.Dr. Metin Günday'a Armağan, pp. 1321-1341, Atilim Universitesi (2020)
- Z. Aytac, "Anonim Sirketlerde Yonergeler, Esas Sozlesme - Organ İlskileri ve Sorunlar", Prof. Dr. Nami Cagan Anisina Armagan, M. Akkaya, Z. Muftuoglu, U. Acun, C. Yalcin, Y. Cankaya (Eds.), pp. 877-900, Atilim Universitesi (2020)
- C. Eminoglu, A. Gurbuz-Usluel, "Sirketler Hukuku Modulu ve Uygulamalar", Ticaret Hukukunda Uzman Arabuluculuk, S. Akipek (Eds.), pp. 69-137, Ankara Adalet Bakanligi Arabuluculuk Daire Baskanligi (2020)
- L.M. Kurt, A.B. Ozbilen, P. Altinok Ormanci, C. Ozcan, "Vulnerabilite et Aptitude en Turquie", La Vulnérabilité", Journées québécoises, Tome LXVIII/2018, Travaux de l'Association Henri Capitant, Bruylant&LB2V (Eds.), pp. 325-335, Bruxelles et Paris (2020)
- Interdisciplinary Programs
- Materials Science and Nanotechnology
- I. Sarpkaya, "Optical properties of semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenide materials", Synthesis, Modeling, and Characterization of 2D Materials, and Their Heterostructures, E-H. Yang, D. Datta, J. Ding, G. Hader (Eds.), pp. 57-75, Elsevier (2020)
- A. Karatutlu, E. Y. Yıldırım, B. Ortac, "Fundamentals of Laser-Generated Nanoparticles in Liquid-Phase", A Handbook: Low-Dimensional Materials and Morphologies, K.D. Saatler (Eds.), pp. 1-11, Taylor & Francis Group (2020)
- School of English Language
- Faculty Academic English
- T. Aksit, H. Mengu, "Teaching academic English to students with low proficiency levels", The Future of EAP: Standards, provision, and practices, T. Aksit, H. Mengu (Eds.), pp. 54-68, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing Ltd. (2020)
- T. Aksit, N. Aksit, "Knowldege generation in EAP: Analyzing and Synthesizing MA thesis and PhD dissertations", The Future of EAP: Standards, provision, and practices, T. Aksit, H. Mengu (Eds.), pp. 9-20, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing Ltd. (2020)
- T. Aksit, P. Yilmaz, "The analysis of two English teaching textboks - A comparative descriptive case study", The Future of EAP: Standards, provision, and practices, T. Aksit, H. Mengu (Eds.), pp. 68-79, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing Ltd. (2020)