Book Chapters by Bilkent* Authors (2019)
- Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture
- Landscape Architecture and Urban Design
- B. Batuman, "Neoliberal Islamism and the Cultural Politics of Housing in Turkey", Social Housing in the Middle East: Architecture, Urban Development and Transnational Modernity, K. Kilinc, M. Gharipour (Eds.), pp. 88-114, Bloomington: Indiana University Press (2019)
- B. Batuman, "Space in Representation: Dislocation of Meaning from the Gezi Park Protests to the new Turkish Presidential Compound", Routledge Handbook of Henri Lefebvre, The City and Urban Society, H. Lefebvre (Eds.), New York and London: Routledge (2019)
- Faculty of Business Administration
- Management
- C. Aydogmus, "Globally Responsible Intergenerational Leadership", Intergenerational Governance and Leadership in the Corporate World: Emerging Research and Opportunities, J.M. Puaschunder (Eds.), pp. 123-152, IGI Global (2019)
- D. Onkal, A. Kocabiyikoglu, S. Gonul, C.I. Gogus, "Behavioural implications of demand perception in inventory management", Behavioral Operational Research: A Capabilities Approach, M. Kunc, K. Burger, J. Malpass, L. White (Eds.), pp. 23-40, Palgrave MacMillan (2019)
- Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences
- Economics
- E. Karagozoglu, "On "Going Unstructured" in Bargaining Experiments", Future of Economic Design - The Continuing Development of a Field as Envisioned by Its Researchers, J-F. Laslier, H. Moulin, M.R. Sanver, W.S. Zwicker (Eds.), pp. 295-304, Nature Springer (2019)
- E. Yeldan, "Economic instruments of greening", Handbook of Green Economics, S. Acar, E. Yeldan (Eds.), pp. 153-162, London: Academic Press, Elsevier (2019)
- K. Yildiz, "Implementation with Boundedly Rational Agents", The Future of Economic Design, J.F. Laslier, H. Moulin, M.R. Sanver, W.S. Zwicker (Eds.), pp. 359-363, Springer (2019)
- History
- K. Weisbrode, "The EC and the United States: Partners in Search of Diplomacy", Europe's Cold War Relations: The EC Towards a Global Role, U. Krotz, K.K. Patel, F. Romero (Eds.), pp. 33-50, London: Bloomsbury (2019)
- L. Zavagno, H. De Luigi, "Rotae Fortunae’: 13th-14th century Venetian interactions with the Seljuk Sultanate, the Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia and the Aegean Beyliks", Cultural Encounters in Anatolia in the Medieval Period: Italians in Anatolia during 12th-15th Centuries, F. Yenisehirlioglu (Eds.), pp. 153-166, Ankara: Vekam (2019)
- L. Zavagno, Z. Olgun, "The Emperors, the Caliph(s) and the Doctor: Cross-Cultural encounters and interaction at the Western “periphery” of Byzantium (ca. 650-ca.950)", Mediterranean Mosaic. History and Art, E. Fonzo, H. Haakenson (Eds.), pp. 9-22, Salerno: IMK (2019)
- International Relations
- D. Tsarouhas, "Turkey and the European Migration Crisis: Apprehensive Cooperation", Along the Balkan Route: The Impact of the post-2014 Migration ‘Crisis’ on the EU’s South East Periphery, A. Prodromidou, P. Gkasis (Eds.), pp. 28-42, Berlin: Konrad Adenauer Foundation (2019)
- D. Tsarouhas, "Greek-Turkish economic relations in a changing regional and international context", Greece and Turkey in Conflict and Cooperation: From Europeanization to De-Europeanization, A. Heraclides, G. Cakmak (Eds.), pp. 194-209, London: Routledge (2019)
- D. Tsarouhas, "The EU in Crises: Brexit, Populism and the Future of the Union", The Next Phase of Globalisation: Democracy, Capitalism and Inequality, P. Diamond (Eds.), pp. 127-143, London and New York: IB Tauris (2019)
- O. Ozdamar, B. Devlen, "System, the Individual, and Survival: A Neoclassical, Realist Approach to Turkish Foreign Policy in the Middle, East after the Arab Uprisings", Fear and Uncertainty in Europe: A Return to Realism?, V.D. Dala, R. Belloni, P. Viotti (Eds.), pp. 177-196, New York: Palgrave MacMillan (2019)
- P. Bilgin, "Worlding Conflict Resolution and Mediation Expertise: In the 'Global South", Assembling Exclusive Expertise: Knowledge, Ignorance and Conflict Resolution in the Global South, A. Leander, O. Weaver (Eds.), pp. 77-92, London: Routledge (2019)
- S. Kostem, "Geopolitics, Identity and beyond: Turkey's Renewed Interest in the Caucasus and Central Asia", Turkey's Pivot to Eurasia: Geopolitics and Foreign Policy in a Changing World Order, E. Ersen, S. Kostem (Eds.), pp. 111-128, London: Routledge (2019)
- T. Bayar, "Human Rights and Societal Security: Surveillance States", The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Global Security Studies, S. Romaniuk, M. Thapa, P. Marton (Eds.), Springer (2019)
- E. Ersen, S. Kostem, "Introduction: Understanding the Dynamics of Turkey's Pivot to Eurasia", Turkey's Pivot to Eurasia: Geopolitics and Foreign Policy in a Changing World Order, E. Ersen, S. Kostem (Eds.), pp. 1-14, London: Routledge (2019)
- Political Science and Public Administration
- D. Just, "Transformative Fictions: Literature as Care of the Self", Narrative and Self-Understanding, G.L. Hagberg (Eds.), pp. 205-224, London: Palgrave (2019)
- E. Cuhadar, "Inclusion and the Kurdish Resolution Process in Turkey", Navigating Inclusion in Peace Processes, A. Carl (Eds.), pp. 79-84, London, UK: Conciliation Resources (2019)
- H.T. Bolukbasi, E. Ertugal, "Napoleonic Tradition, Majoritarianism, and Turkey’s Statist Policy Style", Policy Styles and Policy-Making: Exploring the National Dimension, M. Howlett, J. Tosun (Eds.), pp. 350-374, New York: Routledge (2019)
- I. Grigoriadis, "Spoiled Brats’ or ‘Anti-capitalist Pioneers’: Turkish Views of the Greek Crisis", Political and Cultural Aspects of Greek Exoticism, P. Panagiotopolos, D.P. Sotiropoulos (Eds.), pp. 95-104, Palgrave Pivot (2019)
- J. Alexander, "The State is the Attempt to Strip Metaphor Out of Politics", Michael Oakeshott on Authority, Governance and the State, E. Kos (Eds.), pp. 11-44, London: Palgrave Macmillan (2019)
- T. Erman, "The Mosque Community of Turkish Tailors in Massachusetts: From a Project of Inclusion to a Center of Islamic Influence", The Turkish-American Conundrum: Immigrants and Expatriates between Politics and Culture, G. Pultar,L. Mazzari and B. Otus-Baskett (Eds.), pp. 109-123, Cambridge Scholars Publishing (2019)
- Psychology
- E. Sakman, "Social exchange among non-kin", Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science, T. Shackelford, V. Weekes-Shackelford (Eds.), Springer (2019)
- E. Sakman, B. Urganci, "Maternal sensitivity", Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science, T. Shackelford, V. Weekes-Shackelford (Eds.), Springer (2019)
- B. Urganci, E. Sakman, "Perceptions of infidelity", Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science, T. Shackelford, V. Weekes-Shackelford (Eds.), Springer (2019)
- Faculty of Engineering
- Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- E. Arikan, "Polarization and Polar Coding", Information Theoretic Perspectives on 5G Systems and Beyond, I. Maric, S. Shamai (Shitz), O. Simeone (Eds.), pp. 267-293, Cambridge University Press (2019)
- B. Silemek, V. Acikel, E. Atalar, "RF Safety of Active Implantable Medical Devices", High Field Dynamic Nuclear Polarization, S. Ashbrook (Eds.), pp. 103-120, Wiley - eMagRes (2019)
- R. Ducasse, C. Tekin, M. Van der Schaar, "Finding it now: networked classifiers in real-time stream mining systems", Handbook of Signal Processing Systems (Third Edition),, F. Deprettere, R. Leupers, J. Takala (Eds.), pp. 87-131, Springer (2019)
- Industrial Engineering
- O. Dukkanci, T. Bektas, B.Y. Kara, "The Green Network Design Problem", Sustainable Transportation and Smart Logistics, J. Faulin, S.E. Grassman, A.A. Juan, P. Hirsch (Eds.), pp. 170-200, Elsevier (2019)
- Mechanical Engineering
- N. Li, M. Zhang, <Y. Yildiz, I. Kolmanovsky, A. Girard, "Game theory-based traffic modeling for calibration of automated driving algorithms", Control Strategies for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems and Autonomous Driving Functions, H. Waschl, I. Kolmanovsky and F. Willems (Eds.), pp. 89-106, Cham, Switzerland: Springer (2019)
- R. Rasooli, B. Cetin, "An extended Langhaar’s solution for two-dimensional entry microchannelflows with high-order slip", Mathematics Applied to Engineering, Modelling, and Social Issues, F. Smith, H. Dutta, J.N. Mordeson (Eds.), Switzerland, Springer (2019)
- Faculty of Humanities and Letters
- Archaeology and History of Art
- T. Zimmermann, M. Mehofer, "Leutselig macht das Missgeschick” – Uberlegungen zu “misslungenem” Kultgerat der Fruhbronzezeit aus Kalinkaya-Toptastepe", Hallstatt und Italien. Festschrift fur Markus Egg, M. Schonhofer, H. Baitinger (Eds.), pp. 3-12, Mainz, Verlag des Romisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums (2019)
- Cultures, Civilizations, and Ideas
- N. Leidholm, "Reimagining the Ties between the House of Nubel and the Donatist Church in Late Roman North Africa", Radical Traditionalism: The Influence of Walter Kaegi in Late Antique, Byzantine, and Medieval Studies, D. Olster, C. Raffensperger (Eds.), pp. 77-95, London: Lexington Books (2019)
- N. Leidholm, A. Livingstone, "Family and Kinship", "The Encyclopedia of the Global Middle Ages, Arc Humanitties Press (Eds.), Arc Humanities and Bloomsbury Press (2019)
- W. Coker, "The Reception of William Blake in Turkey: Mental Travellers", The Reception of William Blake in Europe, S. Erle, M. Paley (Eds.), pp. 655-672, London: Bloomsburry - Continuum (2019)
- English Language and Literature
- A. Celikkol, "Workers as Artists: From Professional Authorship to the Palace of Delight in Besant’s Writing", Walter Besant: The Business of Literature and the Pleasures of Reform, pp. 131-147, Liverpool: Liverpool University Press (2019)
- A. Celikkol, "Expansion: Expansion in the Fossil Economy and Craik's John Halifax, Gentleman", From Political Economy to Economics Through Nineteenth-Century Literature, E. Hadley, A. Jaffe, S. Winter (Eds.), pp. 109-128, Switzerland, Pagrave Macmillan (2019)
- P. Hart, "Unpicking the Turkish Tapestry: Teaching Shakespeare in Anatolia", How and Why We Teach Shakespeare, S. Homan (Eds.), pp. 180-191, London: Routledge (2019)
- T. Wright, "Johannesburg", Palgrave Encuclopedia of Urban Literary Studies, J. Tambling (Eds.), pp. 1-2, Palgrave Macmillan (2019)
- V. Kennedy, "Edward Said and resistance in Colonial and Postcolonial Literatures", Orientalism and Literature, G.P. Nash (Eds.), pp. 219-234, Cambridge University Press (2019)
- Philosophy
- S. Berges, "Sophie de Grouchy", Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, E.N. Zalta (Eds.), Stanford University (2019)
- S. Berges, "Education and Capabilities", The Wollstonecraftian Mind, S. Berges (Eds.), Routledge (2019)
- S. Berges, "Wollstonecraft", A Companion to Atheism and Philosophy, G. Oppy (Eds.), London: Blackwell (2019)
- S. Berges, E.H. botting, A. Coffee, "Introduction", The Wollstonecraftian Mind, S. Berges (Eds.), Routledge (2019)
- Faculty of Law
- Law
- A.B. Ozbilen, "Sozlesmelerin Sekli", Istanbul Serhi Turk Borclar Kanunu - Yururluk Kanunu, T. Oz, F. Acar, E. Gokyayla, M. Develioglu (Eds.), pp. 185-336, Vedat Kitapcilik, Istanbul (2019)
- A.E. Gurbuz-Usluel, "Limited Sirketlerde Ek OIdeme Yukumlulugu", Prof.Dr. Sabih Arkan'a Armagan, pp. 467-479, Oniki Levha (2019)
- E. Yilmaz, "Spor Tahkim Mahkemesi", Av. Atila SAV Armagani, pp. 549-572, Turkiye Barolar Birligi Yayinlari (2019)
- H.C. Aksoy, "Kişisel Veri Nedir?", Merkalısına Bilim – Sarkaç’tan Bir Seçki, D.U. Saylan (Eds.), pp. 82-83, Istanbul: Dogan Egmont (2019)
- S. Selcuk, "Cumhuriyet, Cagcil Demokrasi ve Turkiye'nin Donusumu", Ord. Prof. Ali Fuat Basgil'in Anisina Armagan, A. Kendigelen, S. Yuksel (Eds.), pp. 843-891, Oniki Levha Yayincilik (2019)
- Z. Aytac, "Ibranin Reddi-Ibra ve Sorumluluk Davasi - Yargitay'in Gorusu", Prof. Dr. Sabih Arkan'a Armagan, I. Kirca, B. Imamoglu, M. Gurel, U. Tekin, I. Bektas, M.I. Yener (Eds.), pp. 245-255, Oniki Levha (2019)
- G. Akyurek, E. Retornaz, C. Mermutluoglu, H. Toroslu, S. Altunc, P. Memis, "Concepts, interets et valeurs dans l'interpretation du droit penal en Turquie", Concepts, interets et valeurs dans l'interpretation du droit positif, J. Italiennes (Eds.), pp. 451-472, Bruylant (2019)
- H. Burcuoglu, A. Ayanoglu-Morali, …, P.A. Ormanci, A.B. Ozbilen, D. Gonen, "Concepts, interets et valeurs dans l'interpretation du droit de la famille en Turquie", Concepts, interets et valeurs dans l'interpretation du droit positif, J. Italiennes (Eds.), pp. 451-472, Bruylant (2019)
- Faculty of Science
- Chemistry
- D. Tuncel, "Introduction: Cucurbituril-containing Functional Materials in the Context of Smart Materials", Cucurbituril-based functional materials, D. Tuncel (Eds.), Royal Society of Chemistry (2019)
- A. Khaligh, D. Tuncel, "Cucurbituril-assisted Supramolecular Polymeric Hydrogels" in Cucurbituril-based functional materials", Cucurbituril-based functional materials, D. Tuncel (Eds.), Royal Society of Chemistry (2019)
- A. Koc, D. Tuncel, "Cucurbituril Homologues and Derivatives: Syntheses and Functionalization", Cucurbituril-based functional materials, D. Tuncel (Eds.), Royal Society of Chemistry (2019)
- R. Khan, D. Tuncel, "Cucurbituril Containing Supramolecular Nanomaterials", Cucurbituril-based functional materials, D. Tuncel (Eds.), Royal Society of Chemistry (2019)
- Mathematics
- A. Degtyarev, "Tritangents to smooth sextic curves", Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik Preprint Series, pp. 19-51, Max Planck Institute (2019)
- Molecular Biology and Genetics
- O. Konu, S. Targen, "Investigating the Role of Mineralocorticoid Receptor Signaling in Cancer Biology in the Genomic Era", Aldosterone Mineralocorticoid Receptor Cell Biology to Translational Medicine, B. Harvey, F. Jaisser (Eds.), pp. 127-146, Intech Publications (2019)
- Vocational School
- Business Information Management
- E. Inanc, E. Ozdilek, "Work Values as Predictors of Boundaryless Career Attitudes of Generation Y Turkish Higher Education Students", New Studies and Research in Economics, T. DeGuiseppe, F. Corona, S. Bakhtiar, …, T. Kopecka (Eds.), pp. 154, European Center for Science Education and Research (2019)