Book Chapters by Bilkent* Authors (2018)
- Faculty of Applied Sciences
- Tourism and Hotel Management
- E. Gurel, A. Nielsen, "Exploring the Visitors' Perceptions and Experiences of Museums", Tourist Behavior: An Experiential Perspective, M. Kozak, N. Kozak (Eds.), Cham: Springer (2018)
- Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture
- Architecture
- A. Bilgen-Henry, "A mobile dialogue of an immobile saint: St. Symeon the Younger, Divine Liturgy, and the architectural setting", Perceptions of the Body and Sacred Space in Late Antiquity and Byzantium, J. Bogdanovic (Eds.), pp. 149-165, Routledge (2018)
- Communication and Design
- B. Baykan, "Respatialising the Body: The Ontologically In-Between Subject in Orlan’s Body of Work", Intervening Spaces: Respatialisation and the Body, N. Prowse (Eds.), pp. 37-59, Leiden, Netherlands: Brill Academic Publishers (2018)
- L. Peschke, "Online Identity and Online Anonymity", Online Communication in the Context of Personal, Virtual and Corporate Identity Formation, L. Peschke, C. Gurmeric (Eds.), pp. 3-14, Norderstedt/Germany: BoD (2018)
- Interior Architecture and Environmental Design
- O. Kurnaoglu Sezer, N. Olgunturk, "The effects of correlated colour temperature on wayfinding performance and emotional reactions", Progress in Colour Studies: Cognition, Language and Beyond, L. MacDonald, C.P. Biggam, G.V. Paramei (Eds.), pp. 405-418, London: John Benjamins (2018)
- Landscape Architecture and Urban Design
- B. Batuman, "Appropriating the Masculine Sacred: Islamism, Gender and Mosque Architecture in Contemporary Turkey", The Routledge Companion to Modernity, Space and Gender, A. Staub (Eds.), pp. 270-287, Abingdon and New York: Routledge (2018)
- Faculty of Business Administration
- Management
- G. Ger, E. Karababa, A. Kuruoglu, M. ture, T. Ustuner, B. Yenicioglu, "Debunking the myths of global consumer culture literature", The Sage Handbook of Consumer Culture, O. Kravets, P. Maclaran, S. Miles, A. Venkatesh (Eds.), pp. 79-101, London: Sage (2018)
- Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences
- History
- M. Kalpakli, "Tanzimat'tan Gunumuze Turk Siirinde Ovgu: Bir Arkeoloji Denemesi", Ab-I Hayat I Aramak: Gonul tekin'e Armagan, O. Kolbas, O. Ucer (Eds.), pp. 235-244, Yeditepe Yayinevi (2018)
- M. Kalpakli, "Yavuz Selim’in Misir Donusu: Bir Kulturel Tarih Okumasi", Yavuz Sultan Selim Dönemi ve Bursa, N.A. Gunay (Eds.), pp. 501-507, Gaye Kitabevi, Bursa (2018)
- M. Kalpakli, "The Songs Speak of Him / Sarkilar Onu Soyler", Eternal Love / Sonsuz Aşk: Sufi Music from the Ottoman Era to the Present Day and its Cultural Influences, S. Pancaroglu, B. Uymaz (Eds.), pp. 4-13, Yunus Emre Enstitusu Yayinlari (2018)
- International Relations
- D. Tsarouhas, "Turkey: identity politics and reticent Europeanization", The EU and its Eastern Neighbourhood: The Contradictions of Europeanisation and European Identities, M. Mannin, P. Flenley (Eds.), pp. 126-138, Manchester: Manchester University Press (2018)
- P. Bilgin, "Thinking About World Order, Inquiring Into Others’ Conceptions of the International", Theorizing Global Order: The International, Culture and Governance, G. Hellmann (Eds.), pp. 37-65, Frankfurt: Campus (2018)
- P. Bilgin, "Securing the Postcolonial", Routledge Handbook of Postcolonial Politics, O. Rutazibwa, R. Shilliam (Eds.), pp. 48-57, London: Routledge (2018)
- Political Science and Public Administration
- B. Ince, "Remapping Citizenship in Turkey: Law, Identity, Civic Virtue (1980-2014)", The Middle East in Transition: The Centrality of Citizenship, N.A. Butenschon, R. Meijer (Eds.), pp. 49-72, Cheltengam: Edward Elgar (2018)
- H.T. Bolukbasi, E. Ertugal, S. Ozcurumez, "Europeanization of Policy-Making in Turkey and its Limits", Policy Analysis in Turkey, C. Bakir, G. Ertan (Eds.), pp. 143-162, Bristol: Bristol University Press/Policy Press (2018)
- H.T. Bolukbasi, E. Ertugal, S. Ozcurumez, "Europeanization of Policy-Making in Turkey and its Limits", Policy Analysis in Turkey, C. Bakir, G. Ertan (Eds.), pp. 143-162, Bristol: Bristol University Press/Policy Press (2018)
- I.N. Grigoriadis, "Minority Debates on the Future of the Ottoman Empire: Greek and Armenian Nationalist Thought", Europe and the Black Sea Region: A History of Early Knowledge Exchange (1750-1850), D. Gutmeyr, K. Kaser (Eds.), pp. 237-254, Zurich: Lit Verlag (2018)
- S. Ozcurumez, "International Protection and Psychosocial Support Services", Forced Migration and Social Trauma: Interdisciplinary Perspectives from Psycho-Analysis, Pscyhology, Sociology and Politics, A. Hamburger, C. Hancheva, S. Ozcurumez, C. Scher, B.Stankovic, S.Tutnjevic (Eds.), pp. 9-17, Routledge (2018)
- S. Ozcurumez, "Refugees in public policy and social representation", Forced Migration and Social Trauma: Interdisciplinary Perspectives from Psycho-Analysis, Pscyhology, Sociology and Politics, A. Hamburger, C. Hancheva, S. Ozcurumez, C. Scher, B.Stankovic, S.Tutnjevic (Eds.), pp. 5-7, Routledge (2018)
- Psychology
- H. Ilgaz, B. Hassinger-Das, K. Hirsh-Pasek, R.M. Golinkoff, "Making the Case for Playful Learning", International Handbook of Early Childhood Education, M. Fleer, B. van Oers (Eds.), pp. 1245-1263, Springer, Dordrecht (2018)
- D.C. Birand, B. Erbaba, A.T. Ozdemir, H. Kafaligonul, M.M. Adams, "Zebrafish aging models and possible interventions", Recent Advances in Zebrafish Researches, Y. Bozkurt (Eds.), pp. 3-26, London: InTechOpen Press (2018)
- E. Selcuk, B. Karagobek, G. Gunaydin, "Responsiveness as a key predictor of happiness: Mechanisms and unanswered questions", Close Relationships and Happiness across Cultures, M. Demir, N. Sumer (Eds.), pp. 1-18, New York: Springer (2018)
- Faculty of Engineering
- Computer Engineering
- F. Kahveci, C. Alkan, "Whole-Genome Shotgun Sequence CNV Detection Using Read Depth", Copy Number Variants, D.M. Bickhart (Eds.), pp. 61-72, Humana Press / Springer (2018)
- G. Giray, B. Tekinerdogan, E. Tuzun, "IoT System Development Methods", Internet of Things: Challenges, Advances, and Applications, Q.F. Hassan, A. Khan, S.A. Madan (Eds.), pp. 141-159, US, Chapman & Hall/CRC Press (2018)
- Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- C. Tekin, S. Zhang, J. Xu, M. van der Schaar, "Multiagent systems: learning, strategic behavior, cooperation, and network formation", Cooperative and Graph Signal Processing: Principles and Applications, P.M. Drujic, C. Richard (Eds.), pp. 699-721, Academic Press, Elsevier (2018)
- N.D. Vanli, S.S. Kozat, "Online Nonlinear Modeling via Self-organizing Trees", Adaptive Learning Methods for Nonlinear System Modeling, D. Comminiello, J. Principe (Eds.), pp. 201-222, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2018, Elsevier (2018)
- Faculty of Humanities and Letters
- Cultures, Civilizations, and Ideas
- P. Fessenbecker, "He Had Taught Himself to Think: Anthony Trollope on Epistemological Self- Control", The Edinburgh Companion to Anthony Trollope, F. Van Dam, O. de Graef (Eds.), Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh Press (2018)
- P. Fessenbecker, "Autonomy, Divinity, and the Common Good", Women Philosophers on Autonomy: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives, 1st Edition, S. Berges, A.L. Siani (Eds.), London: Routledge (2018)
- W. Coker, "Jean Paul's Lunacy, or Humor as Trans-Critique", All Too Human: Laughter, Humor and Comedy in Nineteenth-Century Philosophy, L. Moland (Eds.), pp. 51-72, New York: Springer (2018)
- English Language and Literature
- A. Celikkol, "Dickens, Political Economy, and Money", Oxford Handbook of Charles Dickens, C. Waters, J. Jordan, R.L. Patten (Eds.), pp. 532-549, London: Oxford University Press (2018)
- Philosophy
- B. Wringe, "Global Collective Obligations, Just International Institutions and Pluralism", New Perspectives on Distributive Justice, M. Knoll, S. Synder, N. Simsek (Eds.), pp. 345-360, Berrlin/Boston:de Gruyter (2018)
- B. Wringe, "Global Obligations and the Human Right to Health", Collectivity: Ontology, Ethics and Social Justice, K. hess, V. Igneski, T. Isaacs (Eds.), pp. 153-175, London: Rowman and Littlefield (2018)
- Faculty of Law
- Law
- A. Bayata Canyas, "The Protection of Third Parties in Turkish Private International Law", Third Party Protection in Private International Law, A. Koziol, P. Twardoch (Eds.), pp. 21-37, Warszawa: C.H. Beck (2018)
- B. Tiryakioglu, N. Ozturk, "Turkiye'nin Taraf Oldugu Bazi Uluslararasi Sozlesmeler Cercevesinde Kadin", Toplumsal Cinsiyet ve Kadin Sagligi, A. Akin, S. Ozpinar (Eds.), pp. 323-345, Ankara Nobel Akademik Yayincilik (2018)
- G. Ozcelik, "Kanunlar Ihtilafi Hukuku", Uluslararasi Ticaret Hukuku, R. Erten (Eds.), pp. 110-131, Eskisehir: Anadolu Universitesi Yayinlari (2018)
- Faculty of Science
- Chemistry
- Y.E. Turkmen, "Alcohols and Phenols as Hydrogen Bonding Catalysts", Nonnitrogenous Organocatalysis, A.M. Harned (Eds.), pp. 13-37, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group (2018)
- Interdisciplinary Programs
- Materials Science and Nanotechnology
- A. Senthamizhan, B. Balusamy, T. Uyar, "Electrospun filters for organic pollutants removal", Filtering Media by Electrospinning: Next Generation Membranes for Separation Applications, M.L. Focarete, C. Gualandi, S. Ramakrishna (Eds.), pp. 115-150, Springer (2018)
- Z. Aytac, T. Uyar, "Applications of core-shell nanofibers: drug and biomolecules release and gene therapy", Core-shell nanostructures for drug delivery and theranostics: Challenges, strategies and prospects for novel carrier systems, M. Focarete, A. Tampieri (Eds.), pp. 375-404, Elsevier (2018)