Book Chapters by Bilkent* Authors (2017)
- Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture
- Department of Communication and Design
- C. Kennedy-Karpat, "Trash Cinema and Oscar Gold: Quentin Tarantino, Intertextuality, and Industry Prestige", Adaptation, Awards Culture, and the Value of Prestige, C. Kennedy-Karpat, E. Sandberg (Eds.), pp. 173-191, Switzerland, Palgrave Macmillan (Springer) (2017)
- C. Kennedy-Karpat, E. Sandberg, "Adaptation and Systems of Cultural Value", Adaptation, Awards Culture, and the Value of Prestige, C. Kennedy-Karpat, E. Sandberg (Eds.), pp. 1-22, Switzerland, Palgrave Macmillan (Springer) (2017)
- Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Design
- J.A. Dufton, M. Durusu-Tanriover, S.E. Alcock, "Communicating Classical Archaeology in the Twenty-First Century", Diversity of Classical Archaeology, R. Raja, A. Lichtenberg (Eds.), pp. 75-85, Turnhout: Brepols (2017)
- O. Harmansah, P. Johnson, M. Durusu-Tanriover, B. Marsh, "Lake-Places, Local Hydrology and the Hittite Imperial Projects in the Ilgın Plain: Yalburt Yaylası Archaeological Landscape Research Project 2015-2016 Seasons", The Archaeology of Anatolia Volume II: Recent Discoveries (2015-2016), S. Steadman, G. McMahon (Eds.), pp. 302-320, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing (2017)
- Faculty of Business Administration
- Department of Management
- G. Ger, "Consumption in the web of local and global relations of dominance and belonging", Routledge Handbook on Consumption, M. Keller, B. Halkier, T-A. Wilska, M. Truninger (Eds.), pp. 121-134, London: Routledge (2017)
- Y. Ozerhan, B. Sultanoglu, "M2M-Fair Value Accounting", Accounting and Corporate Reporting - Today and Tomorrow, S. Gokten (Eds.), pp. 89-109, Intech (2017)
- Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences
- Department of International Relations
- P. Bilgin, "Securing the Mediterranean, Inventing the 'Middle East", Routledge Handbook of Mediterranean Politics, R. Gillespie, F. Volpi (Eds.), pp. 50-59, London & New York: Routledge (2017)
- P. Ipek, "The Role of Energy Security in Turkish Foreign Policy (2004-2016)", Turkish Foreign Policy: International Relations, Legality and Global Reach, P. Gozen (Eds.), pp. 173-194, Switzerland: Palgrave MacMillan-Springer (2017)
- Department of Political Science and Public Administration
- A. Just, "Race, Ethnicity, and Political Behavior", Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics, W.R. Thompson (Eds.), pp. 1-24, Oxford: Oxford University Press (2017)
- Department of Psychology
- J. Allen, H. Ilgaz/b>, "Social meta-learning: Learning how to make use of others as a reserouce for further learning", Studies in the Philosophy of Sociality, R. Hakli, J. Seibt (Eds.), pp. 89-113, New York: Springer (2017)
- Faculty of Engineering
- Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- C. Tekin, M. Schaar, "Actionable Intelligence and Online Learning for Semantic Computing", Enyclopedia with Semantic Computing and Robotic Intelligence, P.C.-Y. Sheu (Eds.), pp. 231-238, Singapore, World Scientific Co. Pte. Ltd. (2017)
- Department of Mechanical Engineering
- B. Cetin, K.G. Guler, M.H. Aksel, "Computational modeling of fin-and-tube type vehicle radiators based on porous medium approach", Heat Exchangers-Design, Experiment and Simulations, S.M. Sohel Murshed, M.L.S. Matos Lopes (Eds.), pp. 243-262, InTechOpen (2017)
- M. Cakmakci, G.Kiziltas Sendur, U. Durak, "Simulation based Engineering", Guide to Simulation-based Disciplines -- Advancing Our Computational Future, U. Durak, T. Oren (Eds.), pp. 39-74, Springer (2017)
- M.Z. Baykara, M. Morgenstern, A. Schwarz, U.D. Schwarz, "Low-Temperature Scanning Probe Microscopy", Handbook of Nanotechnology (4th ed.), B. Bhushan (Eds.), pp. 769-808, Berlin: Springer (2017)
- M.Z. Baykara, U.D. Schwarz, "Atomic Force Microscopy: Methods and Applications", Encyclopedia of Spectroscopy and Spectrometry (3rd ed.), J. C. Lindon, G. E. Tranter, D. W. Koppenaal (Eds.), pp. 70-75, Oxford: Academic Press (2017)
- Faculty of Humanities and Letters
- Cultures, Civilizations and Ideas
- M. Harper, "In Agatha Christie’s Footsteps’: The Cursed Goblet and Contemporary Bulgarian Crime Fiction", Crime Fiction as World Literature, L. Nilsson, D. Damrosch, T. D'haen (Eds.), pp. 171-186, New York: Bloomsbury (2017)
- Department of American Culture and Literature
- C. Ireland, D. Carvounas, "Contre -récits et le retour du refoulé", La lutte pour l'espace: ville, performance, et culture d'en bas, D.A.Beneventi, R. Rimstead, S. Harel (Eds.), pp. 225-247, Laval: Presses de l’Université Laval (2017)
- Department of English Language and Literature
- V. Kennedy, "Orientalism in the Victorian Era", The Oxford Research Encyclopedia, Oxford University Press (2017)
- Department of Philosophy
- B. Wringe, "Are There Expressive Limits on Incarceration", Rethinking Punishment In An Age of Mass Incarceration, C.W. Surprenant (Eds.), pp. 105-121, Routledge (2017)
- Turkish
- Z. Seviner, "Between Languages: Translative Acts in Sabahattin Ali’s “Comprehensive Germanistan Travelogue", Türkisch-deutsche Studien Jahrbuch 2016, S. Ozil, M. Hofmann, J-P. Laut, Y. Yucel, C. Zierau, K. Dickinson (Eds.), pp. 81-97, Universitätsverlag Göttingen (2017)
- K. Dickinson, Z. Seviner, "The Comprehensive Germanistan Travelogue” [Translation of Sabahattin Ali’s “Mufassal Cermenistan Seyahatnamesi", Türkisch-deutsche Studien Jahrbuch 2016, S. Ozil, M. Hofmann, J-P. Laut, Y. Yucel, C. Zierau, K. Dickinson (Eds.), pp. 97-103, Universitätsverlag Göttingen (2017)
- Faculty of Law
- Faculty of Law
- E. Goztepe, "Ein Paradigmenwechsel für den Sicherheitsstaat: Die Praxis des Ausnahmezustandes im Südosten der Türkei", Ausnahmezustand. Theoriegeschichte – Anwendungen – Perspektiven, M. lemke (Eds.), pp. 105-127, Berlin: Springer Verlag (2017)
- E. Yilmaz, "Akademisyenlik", Serdar Ozersin'e Armagan, pp. 27-36, Ankara: Adalet Yayinevi (2017)
- E. Yilmaz, "Hukuk Davalarinda Delillerin Gosterilme Zamani", Serdar Ozersin'e Armagan, pp. 11-26, Adalet Yayinevi: Ankara (2017)
- E.E. Dalkilic, "Rekabet Kurulu'nun 4054 Sayili Kanun Madde 9/3 Uyarinca Bildirdigi Goruslere Danistayin Yaklasimi", Rekabet Forumu 100. Ozel Sayi, I.Y. Aslan (Eds.), pp. 167-186, Bursa: Ekin Basim Yayin Dagitim (2017)
- P. Caglayan-Aksoy, "6098 sayılı yeni Türk Borçlar Kanunu'nun İrade Sakatlıkları ve Gaine (Aşırı Yararlanma) İlişkin Hükümlerinin Değerlendirilmesi", Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi 90. Kuruluş Yıldönümü Armağanı, A. Oguz, S.O. Merhaci, Z. Ozkan, V.U. Erkan (Eds.), pp. 489-506, Ankara Universitesi (2017)
- S. Selcuk, "Kimi Hukuk Terimleri Uzerine", Hikmet Sami Turk'e Armagan, A. Yongalik, M. Gurel, I. Bektas (Eds.), pp. 627-641, Turhan Kitapevi (2017)
- Z. Aytac, "Vakiflar ve Sirketler Toplulugu Hukuku", Prof. Dr. Hikmet Sami Turk'e Armagan, pp. 95-115 (2017)
- Faculty of Science
- Department of Physics
- S. Ciraci, S. Cahangirov, "Predictions of single-layer honeycomb structures from first-principles", 2D Materials: Properties and Devices, P. Avouris, T. F. Heinz and T. Low (Eds.), pp. 472-484, Cambridge University Press (2017)
- Institute of Materials Science and Nanotechnology
- Materials Science and Nanotechnology
- B. Ortac, C. Kursungoz, E.U. Simsek, "Nanoparticles, Nanocrystals and Nanocomposites produced with Pulsed Laser Ablation and Their Applications", Laser Ablation – From Mechanisms to Applications, T. Itina (Eds.), pp. 145-167, Intech (2017)
- S. Ciraci, S. Cahangirov, "Predictions of single-layer honeycomb structures from first-principles", 2D Materials: Properties and Devices, P. Avouris, T. F. Heinz and T. Low (Eds.), pp. 472-484, Cambridge University Press (2017)
- A. Senthamizhan, B. Balusamy, T. Uyar, "Electrospinning - a versatile processing technology for producing nanofibrous materials for biomedical and tissue engineering application", Electrospun materials for tissue engineering and biomedical applications: research, design and commercialization, T. Uyar, E. Kny (Eds.), pp. 3-41, Elsevier, Woodhead Publishing Series in Biomaterials (2017)
- B. Balusamy, A. Senthamizhan, T. Uyar, "In vivo safety evaluations of electrospun nanofibers for biomedical applications", Electrospun materials for tissue engineering and biomedical applications: research, design and commercialization, T. Uyar, E. Kny (Eds.), pp. 101-113, Elsevier, Woodhead Publishing Series in Biomaterials (2017)
- B. Balusamy, A. Senthamizhan, T. Uyar, "Electrospun nanofibrous materials for wound healing applications", Electrospun materials for tissue engineering and biomedical applications: research, design and commercialization, T. Uyar, E. Kny (Eds.), pp. 147-177, Elsevier, Woodhead Publishing Series in Biomaterials (2017)
- C. Kursungoz, E.U. Simsek, B. Ortac, "Silicon nanoparticles from pulsed laser ablation", Silicon Nanomaterials Sourcebook Low-Dimensional Structures, Quantum Dots, and Nanowires, K.D. Sattler (Eds.), pp. 211-226, CRC Press (2017)
- Y. Ertas, T. Uyar, "Polybenzoxazine-Based Nanofibers by Electrospinning", Advanced and Emerging Polybenzoxazine Science and Technology, H. Ishida, P. Froimowicz (Eds.), pp. 643-671, Elsevier (2017)
- Z. Isikcan, M.T. Guler, A. Kalantarifard, M. Ashgari, C. Elbuken, "Lab-on-a-Chip Platforms for Disease Detection and Diagnosis", Biosensors and Nanotechnology: Applications in Health Care Diagnostics, Z. Altintas (Eds.), pp. 155-181, John Wiley & Sons Inc. (2017)
- School of Applied Languages
- Translation and Interpretation
- A.S. Okyayuz, "Power, Society and AVT in Turkey: An Overview", Audiovisual Translation. Research and Use, M. Deckart (Eds.), pp. 115-134, Peter Lang (2017)