Book Chapters by Bilkent* Authors (2015)
- Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture
- Department of Communication and Design
- C. Kennedy-Karpat, "Viviane Romance: Queen of the 1930s Femmes Fatales", French Cinema in Close-Up: La vie d'un acteur pour moi, M. Abecassis, M. Block (Eds.), pp. 350-352, Dublin: Phaeton (2015)
- C. Kennedy-Karpat, "Charles Vanel: Seven Decades of Cinema", French Cinema in Close-Up: La vie d'un acteur pour moi, M. Abecassis, M. Block (Eds.), pp. 384-386, Dublin: Phaeton (2015)
- Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design
- H. Demirkan, "Frameworks for Decision-Making in Design for the Aging", The Handbook of Interior Design, J.A. Asher, N.H. Blossom (Eds.), pp. 212-225, West Sussex, UK Wiley Blackwell Publishers (2015)
- Faculty of Business Administration
- Department of Management
- C.I. Gogus, O. Orge, O. Duygulu, "Gendering entrepreneurship: A discursive analysis of a woman enterepreneur competition", Context, Process and Gender in Enterpreneurship, R. Blackburn, U. Hytti, F. Welter (Eds.), pp. 111-126, Cheltehem, UK: Edward Elgar (2015)
- E. Erel, O. Hazir, M. Haouari, "Robust optimization for the discrete time-cost tradeoff problem with cost uncertainty", Handbook on Project Management and Scheduling, C. Schwindt, J. Zimmermann (Eds.), pp. 865-874, Springer (2015)
- Z. Onder, "Smoking in Turkey", Life-Course Smoking Behavior: Patterns and National Context in Ten Countries, D.R. Lillard, R. Christopoulou (Eds.), pp. 141-153, New York: Oxford University Press (2015)
- K. Derinkuyu, F. Tanrisever, F. Baytugan, M. Sezgin, "Combinatorial Auctions in Turkish Day Ahead Electricity Markets", Industrial Engineering Applications in Emerging Countries, I. Sabuncuoglu, B.Y. Kara, B. Bidanda (Eds.), pp. 49-64, CRC Press (2015)
- R. Christopoulou, Z. Onder, "Smoking by women in cross-country perspective", Life-Course Smoking Behavior: Patterns and National Context in Ten Countries, D.R. Lillard, R. Christopoulou (Eds.), pp. 167-178, New York: Oxford University Press (2015)
- R. Kian, E. Berk, U. Gurler, "An Integrated Replenishment and Transportation Model: Computational Performance Assessment", Global Logistics Management, B.Y. Kara, I. Sabuncuoglu, B. Biranda (Eds.), pp. 271-294, CRC Press (2015)
- Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences
- Department of Economics
- R. Gurkaynak, "Appropiate Policy Tools to Manage Capital Flow Externalities", Taming Capital Flows, J. Stiglitz, R. Gurkaynak (Eds.), pp. 82-92, Palrave Macmillan (2015)
- Department of History
- P. Latimer, "How to supress a rebelion: England 1173-4", Rulership and Rebellion in the Anglo-Norman World, c. 1066-c.1216: Essays in Honour of Professor Edmund King, P. Dalton, D. Luscombe (Eds.), pp. 163-177, Farnham: Ashgate Publishing (2015)
- Department of Political Science and Public Administration
- E. Cuhadar, D. Druckman, "Representative Decisionmaking: Challenges to Democratic Peace Theory", Handbook of International Negotiation: Interpersonal, Intercultural, and Diplomatic Perspectives, M. Gallucio (Eds.), pp. 3-14, New York: Springer (2015)
- I. Grigoriadis, "On the Europeanization of Minority Rights Protection", The Europeanization of Turkish Public Policies: A Scorecard, A. Guney, A. Tekin (Eds.), pp. 130-142, London and New York: Routledge (2015)
- J. Alexander, "Socialism", George Bernard Shaw in Context, B. Kent (Eds.), pp. 230-237, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (2015)
- J. Alexander, "The History of Political Philosophy", Bloomsbury Companion to Political Philosophy, A. Fiala (Eds.), pp. 19-31, London: Bloomsbury (2015)
- M.U. Cinar, R.M. Smith, "Nation-Building Narratives: Implications for Immigrants and Minorities", The Nation State and Immigration The Age of Population Movements, A. Shapira, Y.Z. Stern, A. Yakobson, L. Orgad (Eds.), pp. 1-30, Sussex Academic (2015)
- P. Bilgin, B. Ince, "Ontological (in)security of "included" citizens: The case of early Republican Turkey (1923-1946)", Conflict Resolution and Ontological Security: Peace Anxieties, B. Rumelili (Eds.), pp. 117-135, London Routledge (2015)
- Department of Psychology
- D.M.G. Lewis, L. Al-Shawaf, E.M. Russell, D.M. Buss, "Friends and happiness: An evolutionary perspective on friendship", Friendship and Happiness, M. Demir (Eds.), pp. 37-57, Springer (2015)
- V. Zavas, G. Gunaydin, Y. Shoda, "From an unknown other to an attachment figure: How do mental representations change with attachment formation?", Bases of Adult Attachment: Linking Brain, Mind and Behavior, V. Zavas, C. Hazan (Eds.), pp. 157-183, Springer (2015)
- Faculty of Engineering
- Department of Computer Engineering
- E. Ayday, J.P. Hubaux, "Threats and Solutions for Genomic Data Privacy", Medical Data Privacy Handbook, A. Gkoulalas-Divanis, G. Loukides (Eds.), pp. 463-492, Springer (2015)
- J.C. Tilton, S. Aksoy, Y. Tarabalka, "Image Segmentation Algorithms for Land Categorization", Remote Sensing Handbook: Vol 1:Remotely Sensed Data Charcterization, Classification, and Accuracies, P.S. Thenkabail (Eds.), pp. 317-342, Francis & Taylor Group / CRC Press (2015)
- Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- D. Stojanovic, B. Barshan, A. Papadopoulos, N. Van de Weghe, C. Claramunt, "Positioning Methods and Technologies in Mobile and Pervasive Computing", Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, M. Khosrow-Pour (Eds.), pp. 5713-5722, IGI Global (2015)
- Department of Industrial Engineering
- H. Calik, M.Labbe, H. Yaman, "p-Center Problems", Location Science, G. Laporte, S. Nickel, S. da Gama (Eds.), pp. 79-92, Springer (2015)
- R. Kian, E. Berk, U. Gurler, "An Integrated Replenishment and Transportation Model: Computational Performance Assessment", Global Logistics Management, B.Y. Kara, I. Sabuncuoglu, B. Biranda (Eds.), pp. 271-294, CRC Press (2015)
- Department of Mechanical Engineering
- B. Cetin, B. Baranoglu, "Boundary-Element Method in Microfluidics", Encyclopedia of Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, D. Li (Eds.), pp. 202-213, Springer (2015)
- B. Cetin, D. Li, "Temperature Generation and Control", Encyclopedia of Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, D. Li (Eds.), pp. 3225-3227, Springer (2015)
- B. Cetin, R. Salemmilani, D. Li, "Microfluidic Rotary Pump", Encyclopedia of Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, D. Li (Eds.), pp. 2000-2004, Springer (2015)
- B. Cetin, R. Salemmilani, D. Li, "Ultrasonic pumps", Encyclopedia of Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, D. Li (Eds.), pp. 3394-3397, Springer (2015)
- B. Cetin, S. Taze, D. Li, "Methods for Pressure Measurements", Encyclopedia of Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, D. Li (Eds.), pp. 2828-2834, Springer (2015)
- B. Cetin, S. Zeinali, D. Li, "Magnetic Pumps", Encyclopedia of Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, D. Li (Eds.), pp. 1690-1695, Springer (2015)
- B. Cetin, S. Zeinali, D. Li, "Microfluidic Optical Devices", Encyclopedia of Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, D. Li (Eds.), pp. 1980-1984, Springer (2015)
- M.Z. Baykara, "Noncontact Atomic Force Microscopy for Atomic-Scale Characterization of Material Surfaces", Surface Science Tools for Nanomaterials Characterization, C.S.S.R. Kumar (Eds.), pp. 273-316, Berlin, Springer (2015)
- M.Z. Baykara, U.D. Schwarz, "3D Force Field Spectroscopy", Noncontact Atomic Force Microscopy, S. Morita, F.J. Giessibl, E. Meyer, R. Wiesendanger (Eds.), pp. 9-28, Berlin, Springer (2015)
- S. Buyukkocak, M.B. Ozer, B. Cetin, "Microscale Acoustofluidics", Encyclopedia of Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, D. Li (Eds.), pp. 2149-2158, Springer (2015)
- Faculty of Humanities and Letters
- Department of English Language and Literature
- M. Perfect, "Reluctant Fundamentalist, Eager Host? Cross-cultural Hospitality and Security Anxieties in Mohsin Hamid's Novel of Uncertainty", Security and Hospitality in Literature and Culture: Modern and Contemporary Perspectives, E. Ridge, J. Clapp (Eds.), pp. 190-205, London: Routledge (2015)
- M. Perfect, "The Enigma of Abandonment: Re-thinking the Importance of Hanif Kureishi's Work for Multiculturalism", Hanif Kureishi: Contemporary Critical Perspectives, S.A. Fischer (Eds.), pp. 7-20, London: Bloomsbury (2015)
- Department of Philosophy
- L. Vinx, "Carl Schmitt", International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences 2nd ed., J.D. Wright (Eds.), pp. 28-33, Oxford: Elsevier (2015)
- L. Vinx, "Carl Schmitt and the Problem of Constitutional Guardianship", The Contemporary Relevance of Carl Schmitt, Law, Politics, Theology, M. Arvidsson, L. Brannstrom, P. Minkkinen (Eds.), pp. 34-49, Abingdon: Routledge (2015)
- L. Vinx, "Carl Schmitt's Defense of Sovereignty", Law, Liberty and State: Oakeshott, Hayek and Schmitt on the Rule of Law, D. Dyzenhaus, T. Poole (Eds.), pp. 96-122, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (2015)
- Department of Turkish Literature
- N. Tezcan, "Evliya Chelebi's White Mans View of the People in Africa in the Sevnettenth Century", Festschrift in Honor of Robert Dankoff, G. Leiser, B. Hickman (Eds.), pp. 323-357, Routledge (2015)
- N. Tezcan, "Er comerdin er nakesin ozan bilir: Divan Edebiyatında Patrona Hitap ve Beklenti", Oteklilerin Pesinde - Ahmet Yasar Ocak'a Armagani, M. Oz, F. Yesil (Eds.), pp. 361-380, Timas Yayınevi (2015)
- Faculty of Law
- Faculty of Law
- B. Tiryakioglu, A. Bayata Canyas, "Challenges to Arbitral Awards", Arbitration in Turkey, A. Yesilirmak, I.G. Esin (Eds.), pp. 183-211, The Netherlands: Kluwer Law International (2015)
- E. Goztepe, "Die Einfuhrung der Verfassungbeschwerde in der Turkei. Eine Zwischenbilanz (2012-2014)", Jahrbuch des offentlichen Rechts der Gegenwart, pp. 485-542, Mohr Siebeck (2015)
- G. Bayaktaroglu-Ozcelik, "Turk İscilerinin AB Uyesi Ulkelerde Serbest Dolasimlarina Iliskin C 187/10 sayili Baris Unal Karari", Prof. Dr. Ramazan Aslan'a Armagan, pp. 341-348, Yetkin Yayincilik (2015)
- T. Katoglu, "Polis Vazife ve Salahiyet Kanunu ile Bazı Kanun ve Kanun Hukmunde Kararnamelerde Degisiklik Yapilmasina Dair Kanun Tasarisi", Hukuki Gorus, pp. 1-21, Turkiye Barolar Birligi (2015)
- H.B. Schafer, H.C. Aksoy, "Encyclopedia of Law and Economics", Good Faith, J.G. Backhaus (Eds.), pp. 1-8, New York: Springer (2015)
- Institute of Materials Science and Nanotechnology
- Materials Science and Nanotechnology
- A. Dana, "Hyperspectral Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Raman Microcopy for Label-free Super-Resolution Imaging using Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy", Nanotechnology to Aid Chemical and Biological Defense, T.A. Camesano (Eds.), pp. 207-214, Springer (2015)
- School of Applied Technology and Management
- Tourism and Hotel Management
- Z. Ertung, L. Altinay, E. Gurel, "Culture and Enterpreneurship", Enterpreneurship in Hospitality and Tourism, L. Altinay, M. Brookes (Eds.), pp. 41-60, Oxford, Goodfellow Publishers (2015)