Book Chapters by Bilkent* Authors (2014)
- Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture
- Department of Communication and Design
- A. Gurata, "New Waves and New Confusions: The Case of Birds of Exile (1964)", Sweet Sixties, G. Schollhammer, R. Arevshatyan (Eds.), pp. 365-373, Berlin/New York, Stemberg Press (2014)
- C. Kennedy-Karpat, "Bill Murray and Wes Anderson, or the Curmudgeon as Muse", The Films of Wes Anderson: Critical Essays on an Indiewood Icon, P.C. Kunze (Eds.), pp. 125-137, New York: Palgrave Macmillan (2014)
- F. Senova-Tunali, "Interface: The Actual Story", A Digital Janus: Looking Forward, Looking Back, D. Mosser, S. Dun (Eds.), pp. 111-117, Oxford, United Kingdom: Inter-Disciplinary Press (2014)
- Faculty of Business Administration
- Department of Management
- D-J. Lee, G.B. Yu, J. Sirgy, A. Ekici, E. Gurel-Atay, K.D. Bahn, "Shopping Well-Being and III-Being: Toward an Integrated Model", Handbook of Research on Retailer+Consumer Relationship Development, F. Musso, E. Druica (Eds.), pp. 27-44, Business Science Reference IGI Global (2014)
- Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences
- Department of Economics
- N. Demir, S. Mahmud, M.N. Solakoglu, "Sentiment and Beta Herding in the Borsa ıstanbul (BIST)", Risk Management Post Financial Crisis: A Period of Monetary Easing, J.A. Batten, N.F. Wagner (Eds.), pp. 389-400, Emerald Group Publishing Limited (2014)
- Department of International Relations
- S. Guner, "Turkey's EU Accession Prospects", The Great Ctalyst: European Union and Lessons from Greece and Turkey, B. Temel (Eds.), pp. 201-223, New York: Lexington Books (2014)
- Department of Political Science and Public Administration
- A. Cinar, "State Building as an Urban Experience: The Making of Ankara", Power and Architecture, M. Minkenberg (Eds.), pp. 227-260, Berghahn Books, New York - Oxford (2014)
- J. Alexander, "Imitiato Pilati et Christi in Modern Historical Drama", The Edinburgh Companion to the Bible and the Arts, S. Prickett (Eds.), pp. 550-563, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press (2014)
- Department of Psychology
- G.V. Oades-Sese, D. Cohen, J.W.P. Allen, M. Lewis, "Little Children, BIG Challenges: Building Resilience in Young Children the Sesame Street Way", Resilience Interventions for Youth in Diverse Populations, S. Prince-Embury, D. Saklofske (Eds.), pp. 181-201, New York: Springer (2014)
- Faculty of Engineering
- Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- H. Ozbay, "Robust Control of Infinite Dimensional Systems [re-printed in 2019]", Encyclopedia of Systems and Control, J. Baillieul, T. Samad (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, London (2014)
- Department of Industrial Engineering
- O. Arslan, O.E. Karasan, "Energy management in microgrids with plug-in electric vehicles, distributed energy resources and smart home appliances", Plug in electric vehicles in smart grid: Energy Management, S. Rajakaruna, F. Shahnia, A. Ghosh (Eds.), pp. 291-316, Springer (2014)
- S.A. Alumur, B.Y. Kara, T. Melo, "Location and Logistics", Location Science, G. Laporte, F. Saldana da Gama (Eds.), pp. 419-442, Springer (2014)
- Faculty of Law
- Faculty of Law
- A.E. Gurbuz-Usluel, "Ticari Isletme Hukuku - Sirketler Hukuku", Isletme Hukuku, K. Mutluer, T. Sans-Ucaryilmaz (Eds.), pp. 135-218, Ankara: Turhan Kitabevi (2014)
- H.C. Aksoy, "Impracticability", Encyclopedia of Law and Economics, J.G. Backhaus (Eds.), New York: Springer (2014)
- M. Atali, "A comparison of the International Arbitraion Law and the provisons of the Code of Civl Procedure Relating to Arbitration", Festschrift fur Peter Gottwald zum 70. Geburtstag, pp. 33-44, Munchen: C.H. Beck (2014)
- P. Altinok-Ormanci, "Borclar Hukuku", Isletme Hukuku, K. Mutluer, T. Sans (Eds.), pp. 73-132, Turhan kitabevi (2014)
- S. Selcuk, "Suc, Sucun Oznitelikleri ve Tanim", Prof. Dr. Feridun Yenisey Armagani, pp. 85-106, Beta Kitabevi (2014)
- T. Akillioglu, "Telekonumikasyon ve Insan Haklari", Prof Dr. Yildirim Uluer'e Armagan, pp. 137-143, Yakın Dogu Universitesi Yayinlari (2014)
- T. Tan, "Anayasa Mahkemesi'nin Yerel Idarelere Bakisi", Prof. Dr. Tayfur Ozsen Anisina 70. yas Armagani, pp. 378-382, Memleket Yayinlari (2014)
- T. Tan, "Sozlesme Ozgurlugune Kamunun Mudahalesi", Prof. Dr. Yildirim Uler'e Armagan, pp. 513-524, Yakın Dogu Universitesi Yayinlari (2014)
- Faculty of Science
- Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics
- E. Erbay, G.S Hotamisligil, "Inflammatory Causes of Obesity and Metabolic Diseases", Handbook of Obesity, G.A. Bray, C. Baouchard (Eds.), pp. 573-584, CRC Press (2014)
- School of Applied Languages
- Banking and Finance
- N. Demir, S. Mahmud, M.N. Solakoglu, "Sentiment and Beta Herding in the Borsa ıstanbul (BIST)", Risk Management Post Financial Crisis: A Period of Monetary Easing, J.A. Batten, N.F. Wagner (Eds.), pp. 389-400, Emerald Group Publishing Limited (2014)