Book Chapters by Bilkent* Authors (2011)
- Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture
- Department of Architecture
- MO. Gurel, "The Modern Home, Western Fashion and Feminine Identities in Mid-Twentieth Century Turkey", Performance, Fashion and the Modern Interior: from the Victorians to Today, F. Fisher, T. Keeble, P. Lara-Betancourt, B. Martin (Eds.), pp. 145-158, Oxford: Berg Publishers (2011)
- Faculty of Business Administration
- Department of Management
- O. Sandikci, G. Ger, "Islam, Consumption and Marketing: Going Beyond the Essentialist Approaches", Handbook of Islamic Marketing, O. Sandikci, G. Rice (Eds.), pp. 484-501, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing (2011)
- Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences
- Department of History
- A. Kirecci, "Celebrating and Neglecting Istanbul: Its Past vs. Its Present", Istanbul: Metamorphosis in an Imperial City, A. Kirecci, E. Foster (Eds.), pp. 1-17, Greenfield, Massachusetts, Talisman House Publishers (2011)
- E. Kermeli, "The Right to Choice", The Ottoman World, C. Woodhead (Eds.), pp. 347-361, Routledge, Taylor&Francis (2011)
- O. Ozel, "The Region of Violence: the celalis c. 1550-1700", The Ottoman World, C. Woodhead (Eds.), pp. 184-204, Routledge: Taylor & Francis (2011)
- Department of International Relations
- A. Tekin, "Modernist responses to post-modern demands? 'Differential treatment' in Europeanising Turkey", Diversity in Europe - Dilemmas of differential treatment in theory and practice, E. Ceva, G. Calder (Eds.), pp. 99-110, London: Routledge (2011)
- H.A. Karasar, "Abazins", Ethnic Group in Europe: An Encyclopedia, J. Cole (Eds.), pp. 1-2, London: ABC-CLIO (2011)
- H.A. Karasar, "The Chuvash", Ethnic Groups in Europe: An Encyclopedia, J. Cole (Eds.), pp. 72-74, London: ABC-CLIO (2011)
- P. Williams, "Turkey's Water Diplomacy: A Theoretical Discussion", Turkey's Water Policy: National Frameworks and International Cooperation, A. Kibaroglu, A. Kramer, W. Scheumann (Eds.), pp. 197-214, Berlin and Heidelberg: Springer Verlag (2011)
- P. Williams, "Turkey: A Neglected Partner", America's Challenges in the Greater Middle East: The Obama Administration's Policies, S. Akbarzadeh (Eds.), pp. 237-254, New York, NY: Palgrave MacMillan (2011)
- W.J. Korab-Karpowicz, "Schopenhauer's Theory of Architecture", Blackwell Companion to Schopenhauer, B. Vandenabeele (Eds.), Oxford: Blackwell Publishing (2011)
- Faculty of Engineering
- Department of Computer Engineering
- T. Dayar, W.J. Stewart, "Computational Methods for CTMCs", Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, J.J. Cochran, L.A. Cox, Jr., P. Keskinocak, J.P. Hharoufeh, J.C. Smith (Eds.), pp. 851-862, John Wiley & Sons, New York (2011)
- T. Dayar, W.J. Stewart, "Computational Methods for DTMCs", Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, J.J. Cochran, L.A. Cox, Jr., P. Keskinocak, J.P. Hharoufeh, J.C. Smith (Eds.), pp. 844-851, John Wiley & Sons, New York (2011)
- M.A. Yalcin, T. Capin, "A Generic Multi-View Rendering Engine Design", Game Engine Gems 2, E. Lengyel (Eds.), pp. 179-198, CRC Press (2011)
- U.V. Catalyurek, C. Aykanat, "PaToH", Encyclopedia of Parallel Computing, D. Padua (Eds.), pp. 1479-1487, Springer (2011)
- U.V. Catalyurek, B. Ucar, C. Aykanat, "Hypergraph Partitioning", Encyclopedia of Parallel Computing, D. Padua (Eds.), pp. 871-881, Springer (2011)
- Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- S. Gezici, I. Guvenc, "High-Rate UWB and 60 GHz communications", Reliable Communications for Short-Range Wireless Systems, I. Guvenc, S. Gezici, Z. Sahinoglu, U.C. Kozat (Eds.), pp. 31-60, New York: Cambridge University Press (2011)
- E. Aktas, D. Aktas, S. Hanly, J. Evans, "Turbo Base Stations", Cooperative Cellular Wireless Networks, E. Hossain, D.I. Kim, V.K. Bhargava (Eds.), pp. 77-127, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (2011)
- H. Arslan, S. Yarkan, M.E. Sahin, S. Gezici, "Interference mitigation and awareness for improved reliability", Reliable Communications for Short-Range Wireless Systems, I. Guvenc, S. Gezici, Z. Sahinoglu, U.C. Kozat (Eds.), pp. 190-233, New York: Cambridge University Press (2011)
- I. Guvenc, S. Gezici, Z. Sahinoglu, U.C. Kozat, "Short-range wireless communications and reliability", Reliable Communications for Short-Range Wireless Systems, I. Guvenc, S. Gezici, Z. Sahinoglu, U.C. Kozat (Eds.), pp. 1-27, New York: Cambridge University Press (2011)
- Department of Industrial Engineering
- B. Tansel, "Discrete Center Problems", Foundations of Location Analysis, H.A. Eiselt, V. Marianov (Eds.), pp. 79-106, Springer International Series in Operations Research and Man. Sci." (2011)
- B.Y. Kara, M.R. Taner, "The Location of Interacting Facilities", Foundations of Location Analysis, H.A. Eiselt, V. Marianov (Eds.), pp. 273-288, Springer's International Series in Operations Research and Man. Sci. (2011)
- M.C. Pinar, A. Sen, G. Eron, "Financial valuation of supply chain contracts", Handbook of Integrated Risk Management in Global Supply Chains, P. Kouvelis, L. Dong, O. Boyabatli, R. Li (Eds.), pp. 219-245, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken New Jersey (2011)
- A. Altin, H. Yaman, M.C. Pinar, "A Hybrid Polyhedral Uncertainty model for the Robust Network Loading Problem", Performance Models and Risk Management in Communications Systems, N. Gulpinar, P. Harrison, B. Rustem (Eds.), pp. 157-172, Springer (2011)
- Faculty of Humanities and Letters
- Department of Archaeology
- M-H. Gates, "Southern and Southeastern Anatolia in the Late Bronze Age", The Oxford Handbook of Anatolian Studies, S.R. Steadman, G. McMahon (Eds.), pp. 393-412, Oxford: Oxford University Press (2011)
- Department of Turkish Literature
- N. Tezcan, "Seyhaatname'den Bir Hediye: Kaya Sultan Yagligi", Dogumunun 400. Yilinda Evliya Celebi Kitabi, N. Tezcan, S. Tezcan (Eds.), pp. 223-224, T.C. Kultur ve Turizm Bakanligi (2011)
- N. Tezcan, "Evliya Celebi'nin Ruyasindaki Cami", Dogumunun 400. Yilinda Evliya Celebi Kitabi, N. Tezcan, S. Tezcan (Eds.), pp. 39-40, T.C. Kultur ve Turizm Bakanligi (2011)
- N. Tezcan, "Evliya Celebi'den Kalan Belgesel Izler", Dogumunun 400. Yilinda Evliya Celebi Kitabi, N. Tezcan, S. Tezcan (Eds.), pp. 41-55, T.C. Kultur ve Turizm Bakanligi (2011)
- N. Tezcan, "1814'ten 2011'e Seyahatname Arastirmalari Tarihcesi", Dogumunun 400. Yilinda Evliya Celebi Kitabi, N. Tezcan, S. Tezcan (Eds.), pp. 56-74, T.C. Kultur ve Turizm Bakanligi (2011)
- N. Tezcan, "Seyahatname'nin Genel Yapisi, Onemli Yazmalari ve Baskilari", Dogumunun 400. Yilinda Evliya Celebi Kitabi, N. Tezcan, S. Tezcan (Eds.), pp. 81-95, T.C. Kultur ve Turizm Bakanligi (2011)
- N. Tezcan, "Evliya Celebi'nin Ankara'si", Dogumunun 400. Yilinda Evliya Celebi Kitabi, N. Tezcan, S. Tezcan (Eds.), pp. 107-111, T.C. Kultur ve Turizm Bakanligi (2011)
- N. Tezcan, "Nil Yolculugu: Misir, Sudan, Habesistan", Dogumunun 400. Yilinda Evliya Celebi Kitabi, N. Tezcan, S. Tezcan (Eds.), pp. 168-180, T.C. Kultur ve Turizm Bakanligi (2011)
- N. Tezcan, "Evliya Celebi Manisa'da Sehzade Sarayi'ndan Geciyor", Dogumunun 400. Yilinda Evliya Celebi Kitabi, N. Tezcan, S. Tezcan (Eds.), pp. 206-207, T.C. Kultur ve Turizm Bakanligi (2011)
- N. Tezcan, "Evliya Celebi Muzu Anlatiyor", Dogumunun 400. Yilinda Evliya Celebi Kitabi, N. Tezcan, S. Tezcan (Eds.), pp. 217, T.C. Kultur ve Turizm Bakanligi (2011)
- N. Tezcan, "Evliya Celebi Ne Zaman Dogdu, Ne Zaman Oldu?", Dogumunun 400. Yilinda Evliya Celebi Kitabi, N. Tezcan, S. Tezcan (Eds.), pp. 26-29, T.C. Kultur ve Turizm Bakanligi (2011)
- N. Tezcan, "Seyahatname'nin Yazinsal Degeri ve Osmanli-Turk Yazinindaki Yeri", Dogumunun 400. Yilinda Evliya Celebi Kitabi, N. Tezcan, S. Tezcan (Eds.), pp. 369-381, T.C. Kultur ve Turizm Bakanligi (2011)
- N. Tezcan, "Seyyah-i Alem Evliya Celebi'nin Yazarligi: Gurcu Nebi Isyani ve Comarbolukbasi ile Yasadiklarinin Kurmaca Duzleme Tasinmasi", Evliya Celebi Konusmalari, S. Koz (Eds.), pp. 206-220, Yapi Kredi Yayinlari (2011)
- N. Tezcan, "Evliya Celebi Mostar Koprusu'ne Bakiyor", Dogumunun 400. Yilinda Evliya Celebi Kitabi, N. Tezcan, S. Tezcan (Eds.), pp. 214-216, T.C. Kultur ve Turizm Bakanligi (2011)
- Faculty of Law
- Faculty of Law
- L Sirmen, I. Kirca, "Kefilin Sorumlulugunun Kapsamina Iliskin bir Inceleme", Ekonomi ve Hukuk Uzerine Yazilar, pp. 603-610, Turhan kitabevi (2011)
- T. Akillioglu, "Chypre du noul tel quil est vu prar la Cour enropeene des droits de l'homme", Studi In Onore Di Claudro Zanghi, L. Panella, E. Spatafora (Eds.), pp. 31-44, Troino, Italy (2011)
- Z. Aytac, "Avrupa Birligi Perspektifinden Turk Ticaret Kanunu Tasarisinin Sermaye Piyasasina Etkileri", Sermaye Piyasasi Hukuku Baglaminda Turk Ticaret Kanunu Tasarisi ve Pay Sahipligi Haklari, K. Ozkorkut (Eds.), pp. 59-137, Banka ve Ticaret Hukuku Arastirma Enstitusu (2011)
- School of Applied Languages
- Banking and Finance
- M.N. Solakoglu, M. Orhan, "Impact of macroeconomic indicators on short selling: Evidence from the Tokyo Stock Exchange", Handbook of Short Selling, G.N. Gregoriou (Eds.), pp. 287-301, Elsevier (2011)