Book Chapters by Bilkent* Authors (2010)
- Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture
- Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design
- N. Kural, S. Ozaloglu, D. Hasirci, "Un processus participatif: concevoir un espcae urbain pour enfants dans un bidonville", Enfants et jeunes dans les espaces du quotidien, I. Danic, O. David, S. Depeau (Eds.), pp. 247-262, PUR Reseau des Universites Quest Atlantique (2010)
- Faculty of Business Administration
- Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences
- Department of History
- T. Roberts, "Secession after Fort Sumter", One Day in History: April 12, 1861, R. Carlisle (Eds.), New York: Harper Collins (2010)
- T. Roberts, "Confederate Army 1861", One Day in History: April 12, 1861, R. Carlisle (Eds.), New York: Harper Collins (2010)
- T. Roberts, "Confederate Government", One Day in History: April 12, 1861, R. Carlisle (Eds.), New York: Harper Collins (2010)
- T. Roberts, "Secession before Fort Sumter", One Day in History: April 12, 1861, R. Carlisle (Eds.), New York: Harper Collins (2010)
- Department of International Relations
- E. Aydinli, "Adaptive States and the New Transnational Security Regime", Emerging Transnational In(secuirty) Governance, E. Aydinli (Eds.), pp. 173-179, Routledge: Taylor & Francis Group (2010)
- E. Aydinli, "Statist Transnational for a Security Cooperation Regime", Emerging Transnational In(secuirty) Governance, E. Aydinli (Eds.), pp. 1-22, Routledge: Taylor & Francis Group (2010)
- P. Bilgin, "Identity/Security", Handbook of New Security Studies, P. Burgress (Eds.), pp. 81-89, New York: Routledge (2010)
- Department of Political Science and Public Administration
- E. Cuhadar-Gurkaynak, A. Kotelis, "Cyprus: A Divided Civil Society in Stalemate", Civil Society and Peacebuilding: A Critical Assessment, T. Paffenholz (Eds.), pp. 181-206, Boulder and London: Lynne Rienner Publishers (2010)
- E. Cuhadar-Gurkaynak, S. Hanafi, "Israel and Palestine: Civil Societies in Despair", Civil Society and Peacebuilding: A Critical Assessment, T. Paffenholz (Eds.), pp. 207-234, Boulder and London: Lynne Rienner Publishers (2010)
- N. Karakayali, "Reading Bourdieu with Adorno: The Limits of Critical Theory and Reflexive Sociology [reprint of the article in Sociology, 38(2), 351-368, (2004)]", Structure and Agency, M. O'Donnell (Eds.), SAGE Publications, London (2010)
- N. Karakayali, "Borders and Hybridity in Contemporary Literature and Social Theory", Society, History, and the Global Human Condition: Essays in Honor of Irving M. Zeitlin, Z. Baber, J.M. Bryant (Eds.), Lanham MD, Lexington Books (2010)
- Faculty of Engineering
- Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- H.M. Ozaktas, M. A. Kutay, C. Candan, "The Fractional Fourier Transform", Transforms and Applications Handbook, 3rd edition, A.D. Poularikas (Eds.), pp. 14-1--14-28, CRC Press (2010)
- Department of Industrial Engineering
- D. Beyer, S. Clearwater, K.Y. Chen, Q. Feng, ..., A. Sen, ..., B. Zhang, "Advances in business anlaytics at HP Laboratories", A Long View of OR/MS Research and Practice, C. Tang, M. Sodhi (Eds.), pp. 195-217, Springer, New York (2010)
- Faculty of Humanities and Letters
- Department of Archaeology
- C. Gates, "Acropolis", Encyclopedia of Urban Studies, R. Rojek (Eds.), pp. 1-2, SAGE (2010)
- C. Gates, "Agora", Encyclopedia of Urban Studies, R. Rojek (Eds.), pp. 7-10, SAGE (2010)
- C. Gates, "Cities: Historical Overview and Theoretical Issues", Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece and Rome, G.S. Maas (Eds.), pp. 151-161, Oxford (2010)
- D. Kassab Tezgör, "Fouilles de la zone A et de la zone B", Les Fouilles et le materiel de l'atelier amphorique de Demirci pres de Sinope, D. Kassab Tezgör (Eds.), pp. 43-94, Paris: French Institute of Anatolian Studies-De Boccard (2010)
- D. Kassab Tezgör, "Presentation du catalogue et etude de materiel amphorique mis au jour dans les zones A et B de l'atelier de Demirci", Les Fouilles et le materiel de l'atelier amphorique de Demirci pres de Sinope, D. Kassab-Tezgor (Eds.), pp. 141-186, Paris: French Institute of Anatolian Studies - De Boccard (2010)
- D. Kassab Tezgör, "Typologie des amphores sinopeennes entre le Iıe-IIIe s. Et le Vıe s. Ap.J.C.", Les Fouilles et le materiel de l'atelier amphorique de Demirci pres de Sinope, D. Kassab-Tezgor (Eds.), pp. 121-140, Paris: French Institute of Anatolian Studies - De Boccard (2010)
- D. Kassab Tezgör, "Organisation interne de l'atelier et histoire du site de Demirci", Les Fouilles et le materiel de l'atelier amphorique de Demirci pres de Sinope, D. Kassab-Tezgör (Eds.), pp. 95-104, Paris: French Institute of Anatolian Studies-De Boccard (2010)
- M.F. Billot, J.F. Billot, D. Kassab Tezgör, "Les fours: leur structure et le mode de construction", Les Fouilles et le materiel de l'atelier amphorique de Demirci pres de Sinope, D. Kassab-Tezgor (Eds.), pp. 105-117, Paris: French Institute of Anatolian Studies - De Boccard (2010)
- Department of Philosophy
- L. Vinx, "Carl Schmitt", Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, E.N. Zalta (Eds.), Stanford University (2010)
- Faculty of Law
- Faculty of Law
- C. Manavgat, "Halka Acik Anonim Ortakliklarda Cagri Yukumlulugunun Dogmasi Bakimindan Yonetim Kontrolu Olcutleri", Prof. Dr. Fırat Öztan Armagani, pp. 1449-1465, Ankara, Turhan Kitabevi (2010)
- E. Goztepe, "Federal Alman Anayasasi'nda Guvensizlik Oyu Sonucu Yasama Meclisinin Feshi Kurumu", Prof. Dr. Tuncer Karamustafaoglu'na Armagan, C. Kulaksiz (Eds.), pp. 335-373, Adalet Yayinevi, Ankara (2010)
- G. Bayraktaroglu-Ozcelik, "Yasal Goc ve Ucuncu Ulke Vatandaslarinin Entegrasyonu", Lizbon Antlasmasi Sonrasi AB: Serbest Dolasim ve Politikalar, B. Akcay, G. Bayraktaroglu-Ozcelik (Eds.), pp. 401-445, Seckin Yayincilik, Ankara (2010)