Book Chapters by Bilkent* Authors (2009)
- Faculty of Business Administration
- Department of Management
- G. Ger, O. Kravets, "Special and Ordinary Times: Tea in Motion", Time, Consumption and Everyday Life, E. Shove, R. Wilk, F. Trentman (Eds.), pp. 189-202, Oxford: Berg (2009)
- M. Heper, U. Berkman, "Bureaucracy in the Ottoman-Turkish Polity", Bureaucracy and Administration, A. Farazmand (Eds.), pp. 65-82, CRC Press (2009)
- DeSarbo, W.S, S. Blanchard, S. Atalay, "New Spatial Classification Methodology for Simultaneous Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning for Marketing Research", Review of Marketing Research, N.K. Malhotra (Eds.), pp. 75-103, M.E. Sharpe (2009)
- Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences
- Department of Economics
- N. Alemdar, S. Sarikaya, S.J. Turnovsky, "Foreign lending under limited enforcement", China and Asia, Economic and financial interactions, Y-W.Cheung, K-Y Wong (Eds.), pp. 257-273, New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group (2009)
- Department of History
- D. Thornton, "900-1100 Localities", A Companion to Britain in the Early Middle Ages: c. 500-1100, P. Stafford (Eds.), Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishers (2009)
- D.E. Thornton, "Patterns and Hierarchies of Power, c. 450-750", A Companion to Britain in the Early Middle Ages: c. 500-1100, P. Stafford (Eds.), Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishers (2009)
- E. Kermeli, "Byzantine Empire and the Ottomans", Encyclopedia of the Ottoman Empire, G. Agoston, B. Masters (Eds.), pp. 107-111, New York (2009)
- E. Kermeli, "Osman", Encyclopedia of the Ottoman Empire, G. Agoston, B. Masters (Eds.), pp. 444-445, New York (2009)
- E. Kermeli, "Orhan", Encyclopedia of the Ottoman Empire, G. Agoston, B. Masters (Eds.), pp. 442-444, New York (2009)
- T. Roberts, "Introduction", Handbook to Life in America, R. Carlisle (Eds.), New York: Facts on File (2009)
- T. Roberts, "Labor and Employment", Handbook to Life in America, R. Carlisle (Eds.), New York: Facts on File (2009)
- Department of International Relations
- M. Kibaroglu, "European Union's Policy Toward Iran", Neighborhood Challenge: European Union and Its Neighbours, B.D. Coskun, B. Coskun (Eds.), pp. 423, Universal Publishers (2009)
- N.B. Criss, "Epiloque", Studies in Ataturk's Turkey, the American Dimension, G. Harris, N.B. Criss (Eds.), pp. 197-200, Leiden: E.J. Brill (2009)
- N.B. Criss, "Shades of Diplomatic Recognition: American Encounters with Turkey, 1923-1937", Studies in Ataturk's Turkey, the American Dimension, G. Harris, N.B. Criss (Eds.), pp. 97-114, Leiden: E.J. Brill (2009)
- Department of Political Science and Public Administration
- E. Cuhadar-Gurkaynak, B. Dayton, T. Paffenholz, "Evaluation in Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding", A Handbook of Conflict Analysis and Resolution, S. Byrne, D.J.D. Sandole, I. Sandole-Staroste, J. Senehi (Eds.), pp. 286-302, London and New York: Routledge (2009)
- M. Heper, "Turkey's Secular/Islamic Conundrum", Encyclopedia Britannica 2009 Book of the Year, pp. 190-191, Chicago: Encyclopedia (2009)
- M. Heper, U. Berkman, "Bureaucracy in the Ottoman-Turkish Polity", Handbook of Bureaucracy[second enlarged edition], A. Farazmand (Eds.), pp. 65-82, Roca Baton, Florida: CRC Press (2009)
- Faculty of Engineering
- Department of Industrial Engineering
- M.C. Pinar, "Overdetermined linear systems", Encyclopedia of Optimization (2nd Edition), C.A. Floudas, P.M. Pardalos (Eds.), pp. 2894-2896, Springer (2009)
- Faculty of Humanities and Letters
- Department of English Language and Literature
- M. Ozyurt-Kilic, "Introduction", Winterson Narrating Time and Space, M.J-M. Sonmez, M. Ozyurt-Kilic (Eds.), pp. 9-30, Cambridge Scholars Publishing (2009)
- M. Ozyurt-Kilic, "Emma Goldman", Encyclopedia of Gender and Society, J. O'Brian (Eds.), Sage Publications (2009)
- V. Kennedy, "In Search of the "Imaginative Golden Age in Time or Space"", Winterson Narrating Time and Space, M.J-M. Sonmez, M. Ozyurt-Kilic (Eds.), pp. 139-154, Cambridge Scholars Publishing (2009)
- V. Kennedy, "Dickens and Englishness: A Fundamental Ambivalence", Englishness Revisited, F. Reviron-Piegay (Eds.), pp. 262-275, Cambridge Scholars Publishing (2009)
- Department of Philosophy
- S. Berges, "Moral Development", Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics, R. Chadwick (Eds.), Elsevier (2009)
- V. Akman, "Situational semantics", Key Ideas in Linguistics and the Philosophy of Language, S. Chapman, C. Routledge (Eds.), pp. 209-212, UK: Edinburg University Press (2009)
- Faculty of Law
- Faculty of Law
- A.E. Gurbuz-Usluel, "Araci Kuruluslarda Bilgi Izolasyonu", Haluk Konuralp Anisina Armagan, pp. 433-455, Ankara: Yetkin Yayinevi (2009)
- C. Manavgat, "Kayitli Sermaye Sisteminde Yonetim Kurulunun Imtiyazli Pay Cikarma Yetkisi ve Sinirlari", Haluk Konuralp Anisina Armagan, pp. 671-682, Ankara: Yetkin Yayinevi (2009)
- E. Goztepe, "Hukuk Devleti Ilkesinin Ulusal ve Ulusustu Boyutta Korunmasi ile Ilgili Sorunlar - Yasin El Kadi Ornegi", Prof. Dr. Mumtaz Soysal'a Armagan, C. Erogul, F. Saglam, S. Esen (Eds.), pp. 309-340, Ankara: Yetkin Yayinlari (2009)
- H. Pinar, "Elektrik Satislari Uzerinden Alinan %2'lik TRT Payinin Hesaplanmasinin Hukuki Yonden Degerlendirilmesi", Haluk Konuralp Anisina Armagan, pp. 773-793, Ankara: Yetkin Yayinevi (2009)
- N. Toroslu, "Ceza Hukuku Sistemleri", Haluk Konuralp Anisina Armagan, pp. 1211-1214, Ankara: Yetkin Yayinevi (2009)
- O.B. Gurzumar, "Turk Medeni Kanunu'nun 'Vakiflarda uyelik olmaz' Hukmunu Iptal Eden Anayasa Majhkemesi Karari Hakkinda", Haluk Konuralp Anisina Armagan, pp. 523-547, Ankara: Yetkin Yayinevi (2009)
- O.B. Gurzumar, "Zehn Jahre turkisches Wettbewerbsrecht: Ein zusammenfassendes Bild im Lichte des europarechtlichen Harmonisierungsprozesses", Kompatibilitaet des turkischen und europaeischen Wirtschaftsrechts, Y. Atamer, K.J. Hopt (Eds.), pp. 228-270, Mohr Siebeck, Tubingen (2009)
- O.B. Gurzumar, K.C. Sanli, "Akaryakit Bayileri ile Akaryakit Dagitim Sirketleri Arasinda Akdedilen Bayilik ve Intifa Hakki Sozlesmelerinin 4054 Sayili Kanunu'nun 4. Maddesine Aykiri Kabul Edilmesi Ihtimalinde Ortaya Cikacak Ozel Hukuk Sorunlari", Haluk Konuralp Anisina Armagan, pp. 548-577, Ankara: Yetkin Kitapevi (2009)
- T. Akillioglu, "Some critical considerations on the European Social Charter and the Collective Complaints Protocol", Studies in Labor Law and Social Policy (Liber Amicorum Prof. Dr. Habil Andrej Marian Swiatkowski), pp. 59-79, Krakow, Poland (2009)
- T. Katoglu, "Kabahatler ve Zaman Yonunden Uygulamaya Iliskin Kimi Soruınlar", Haluk Konuralp Anisina Armagan, pp. 1021-1034, Ankara: Yetkin Yayinevi (2009)
- School of Applied Languages
- Banking and Finance
- M.N. Solakoglu, "7 entires "Futures Contract", "Option Contract", "Long Position", "Exercise Option", "Public Offering", "Strike Price", "Multi-Strategy Fund"", Encyclopedia of Alternative Investments, G.N. Gregoriou (Eds.), pp. 171---449, Chapman-Hall/Routledge Taylor and Francis London: UK (2009)