Book Chapters by Bilkent* Authors (2008)
- Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture
- Department of Communication and Design
- M. Mutman, "Up Against the Wall of the Signifier: Gegen die Wand?", Shifting Landscapes: Film and Media in European Context, M. Christensen, N. Erdogan (Eds.), pp. 317-335, Cambridge Scholar Press (2008)
- M. Siray, "The Problematization of Borders and Identities", Video Installation 1+1=1, K. Ataman (Eds.), Munich: Episode (2008)
- Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design
- S. Ozaloglu, "The Lived Spatiality of Ankara (1935-1950) through the Memories of its Citizens", Power and Culture III: New Perspectives on Spatiality in European History, P. Francois, T. Syrjamaa, H. Terho (Eds.), pp. 19-44, Pisa: Edizoni Plus - Pisa University Press (2008)
- Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Design
- G. Mugan, F. Erkip, "The Impact of Mobile Phone Use on Privacy Concerns in Public Spaces: A Preliminary Work on Young People", Mediacity - Situations, Practices and Encounters, F. Eckardt, J. Geelhaar, L. Colini, K.S. Willis, K. Chorianopoulos, R. Hennig (Eds.), pp. 339-362, Frank & Timme, Berlin (2008)
- Faculty of Business Administration
- Department of Management
- L. Gumusluoglu, S. Elci, "How to Address the Turkish Paradox of Innovation to Build a Competitive Economy?", Innovation Policies, Business Creation and Economic Development, N. Aydogan (Eds.), pp. 267-293, New York: Springer (2008)
- U. Berkman, S. Ozen, "Culture and Management in Turkey: State-Dependency and Paternalism in Transition", Gestion En Contexte Intercultural: Approaches, Problematiques, Partiques Et Plongees, E. Davel, J-P. Dupuid, J-F. Chanlat (Eds.), pp. 6.4:1-25, Quebec: Les Presses de l'Universite Laval (2008)
- G. Chen, C.I. Gogus, "Motivation in and of teams", Work motivation: Past, present and future, R. Kanfer, G. Chen, R. Pritchard (Eds.), pp. 285-319, Routledge: Taylor & Francis Group (2008)
- Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences
- Department of History
- E. Kermeli, "Caught in between faith and cash: the ottoman land system of Crete, 1645-1670", The Eastern Meditteranean under Ottoman Rule: Crete, 1645-1840, C. Woodhead (Eds.), pp. 17-49, Crete University Press (2008)
- M. Kalpakli, "Eski Siirin Ruzgarinda Bir Avrupali: Yahya Kemal", Hayal, Siir: Yahya Kemal Beyatli Siiri Uzerine Makaleler, A. Akgul (Eds.), Is Bankasi Yayinlari: Istanbul (2008)
- Department of International Relations
- E. Aydinli, J. Mathews, "Towards Homegrown Theorizing and Building a Disciplinary Community in Turkish IR", International Relations Scholarship Around the World, London: Routledge (2008)
- N.B. Criss, "Turkish Foreign Policy and the West (1946-1999): Change and Continuity in Turkish Foregin Policy", Philologiae at Historiae Turcicae Fundamenta, E.J. Zurcher (Eds.), pp. 567-585, Berlin: Klaus Schwarz Verlag (2008)
- N.B. Criss, "Europe and Turkey: Does Religion Matter?", Religion, Polities and Turkey's EU Accession, D. Jung, C. Raudvere (Eds.), pp. 67-89, New York: Palgrave Macmillan (2008)
- N.B. Criss, "Turkey's relations with the West, 1908-1945", Philologiae at Historiae Turcicae Fundamenta, E.J. Zurcher (Eds.), pp. 549-565, Berlin: Klaus Schwarz Verlag (2008)
- P. Bilgin, "The Politics of Security and Secularism in Turkey: From the Early Republican Era to EU Accession Negaotiations", Religion, Politics and Turkey's EU Accession, D. Jung, C. Raudvere (Eds.), pp. 139-156, London: Palgrave MacMillan (2008)
- P. Williams, "New Configuration or Reconfiguration? Conflict in North-South Energy Trade Relations", North and South in the World Economy, R. Reuveny, W.R. Thompson (Eds.), pp. 65-87, Oxford, UK:Blackwell (2008)
- S. Guner, "Evolutionary Explanations of Syrian-Turkish Water Conflict", Mountains: Sources of Water, Sources of Knowledge, E. Wiegandt (Eds.), pp. 149-159, Springer (2008)
- Department of Political Science and Public Administration
- A. Erdentug, "Turkey", Nations and Nationalisms in Global Perpective: An Ecyclopedia of Origins, Development, and Contemporary Transitions, D.H. Kaplan, G.H. Herb (Eds.), ABC-CLIO (2008)
- B. Burcak, "The Eighteenth Century and the Institution of Ottoman Embassy", Identity and Identity Formation in the Ottoman Middle East and the Balkans, K. Barbir, B. Tezcan (Eds.), Routledge (2008)
- D. Cindoglu, M. Cemrek, S. Toktas, G. Zencirci, "The Family in Turkey: the Battleground of the Modern and the Traditional[2nd edition in 2010 in Families in a Blobal Context from Routledge Press]", Diversity in Families a Global Perpective, C.B. Hennon, T.H. Brubaker (Eds.), pp. 235-263, Routledge:Taylor and Francis (2008)
- E. Cuhadar-Gurkaynak, B. Dayton, "Intaractable Conflicts and Track Two Diplomacy: perspectives from Political Psychology", Advances in Poliitcal Psychology, M. Hermann (Eds.), Elsevier (2008)
- H. Shambayati, "The Guardian of the Regime", Constitutional Politics in the Middle East, S.A. Arjomand (Eds.), Oxford: Hart (2008)
- M. Heper, "Tha Mainstream Political Parties in Turkey", Turkey in the Twentieth Century, E-J. Zurcher (Eds.), pp. 147-181, Berlin: Klaus Schwarz Verlag (2008)
- S. Ozcurumez, "Conclusions: Crossing Borders of States and Border Crossing of Rights", Of States, Rights and Social Closure: Governing Migration and Citizenships, O. Schmidtke, S. Ozcurumez (Eds.), pp. 279-284, New York: Palgrave MacMillan (2008)
- S. Ozcurumez, "Immigrants and Participation beyond the Nation-State: Opportunity-Capability Rift in EU Immigration Policy Process", Of States, Rights and Social Closure: Governing Migration and Citizenships, O. Schmidtke, S. Ozcurumez (Eds.), pp. 257-278, New York: Palgrave MacMillan (2008)
- Z. Tandogan, "Anthropology in Turkey: Impressions for an Overview", Other People's Anthropologies: Ethnographic Practice on the Margins, A. Boskovic (Eds.), pp. 97-110, New York-Oxford: Berghahn Books (2008)
- Faculty of Education
- N. Aksit, "Turkey 2010: Transforming education to meet challenges", Research on education in Africa, the Caribbean, and the Middle East. Volume V: Undertaking educational challenges in the 21st century, K. Mutua, C.S. Sunal (Eds.), pp. 149-168, Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing (2008)
- Faculty of Engineering
- Department of Computer Engineering
- P. Duygulu, M. Bastan, D. Ozkan, "Combining Textual and Visual Information for Semantic Labeling of Images and Videos", Machine Learning Techniques for Multimedia Content, M. Cord (Eds.), pp. 205-226, Springer-Verlag (2008)
- U. Gudukbay, B. Ozguc, A. Memisoglu, M.S. Yesil, "Modeling, Animation and Rendering of Human Figures", Three-Dimensional Television: Capture, Transmission and Display, H.M. Ozaktas, L. Onural (Eds.), pp. 201-238, Springer, Heidelberg, Germany (2008)
- U. Gudukbay, F. Durupinar, "Three-Dimensional Scene Representations: Modeling, Animation, and Rendering Techniques", Three-Dimensional Television - Capture, Transmission and Display, H.M. Ozaktas, L. Onural (Eds.), pp. 165-200, Springer, Heidelberg, Germany (2008)
- K. Kaya, B. Ucar, C. Aykanat, "Adapting Iterative-Improvement Heuristics for Scheduling File-Sharing Tasks on Heterogeneous Platforms", Metaheuristics for Scheduling in Distributed Computing Environments, F. Xhafa, A. Abraham (Eds.), pp. 121-151, Springer Verlag, Germany (2008)
- Y. Dedeoglu, B.U. Toreyin, U. Gudukbay, A.E. Cetin, "Surveillance Using Both Video and Audio", Multimodal Processing and Interaction: Audio, Video and Text, P. Maragos, A. Potamianos, P. Gross (Eds.), pp. 143-155, Springer Science+Business Media (2008)
- Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- H.M. Ozaktas, "Three-Dimensional Television:Consumer, Social, and Gender Issues", Three-Dimensional Television: Capture, Transmission and Display, H.M. Ozaktas, L. Onural (Eds.), pp. 599-629, Springer, Heidelberg, Germany (2008)
- L. Onural, H.M. Ozaktas, "Three-dimensional television: from science-fiction to reality", Three-Dimensional Television: Capture, Transmission and Display, H.M. Ozaktas, L. Onural (Eds.), pp. 1-9, Springer, Heidelberg, Germany (2008)
- M. Kovachev, R. Ilieva, P. Benzie, G.B. Esmer, L. Onural, J. Watson, T. Reyhan, "Holographic 3DTV Displays Using Spatial Light Modulators", Three-Dimensional Television: Capture, Transmission and Display, H.M. Ozaktas, L. Onural (Eds.), pp. 529-556, Springer, Heidelberg, Germany (2008)
- Y. Dedeoglu, B.U. Toreyin, U. Gudukbay, A.E. Cetin, "Surveillance Using Both Video and Audio", Multimodal Processing and Interaction: Audio, Video and Text, P. Maragos, A. Potamianos, P. Gross (Eds.), pp. 143-155, Springer Science+Business Media (2008)
- Department of Industrial Engineering
- I. Kara, B.Y. Kara, M.K. Yetis, "Cumulative Vehicle Routing Problems", Vehicle Routing Problem, T. Caric, H. Gold (Eds.), pp. 85-98, Vienna-Austria, I-Tech Education and Publishing (2008)
- Faculty of Humanities and Letters
- Cultures, Civilizations and Ideas
- L. Barry, "Water, Power, Technology and Art: Hydraulic Wonders in Scudery's Promenade de Versailles", Words on Water Literary and Cultural Representations, M. Devine, C. Grewe-Volpp (Eds.), pp. 39-52, WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier (2008)
- Department of English Language and Literature
- M. Ozyurt-Kilic, "Jeanette Winterson", Women in Science Fiction and Fantasy: an Encyclopedia, R.A. Reid (Eds.), New York: Greenwood (2008)
- Department of Philosophy
- L. Vinx, "Kelsen's Identitatsthese und das Problem der Rechtsstaatlichkeit", Hans Kelsen und die Europaische Union, T. Ehs (Eds.), pp. 57-74, Baden-Baden: Nomos (2008)
- U. Steinvorth, "Menschenwurde, Menschenrechte, Menschenpflicht", Menschenwurde, Begrundung, Konturen, Geschicte, G. Brudermuller, K. Seelmann (Eds.), pp. 93-106, Konigshausen & Neumann (2008)
- V. Akman, "On a Proposal of Strawson Concerning Context vs. "What is Said"", Perspectives on Contexts, P. Bouquet, L. Serafini, R. Thomason (Eds.), pp. 79-94, Stanford: CSLI Publications (2008)
- V. Akman, "Situated Semantics", Cambridge handbook of Situated Cognition, P. Robbins, M. Aydede (Eds.), pp. 401-418, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press (2008)
- A. Akkoyunlu-Wigley, S. Wigley, "Basic Education and Capability Development in Turkey", Education in Turkey, A.M. Nohl, A. Akkoyunlu-Wigley, S. Wigley (Eds.), pp. 271-298, New York / Munster: Waxmann Verlag Publishing (2008)
- Department of Turkish Literature
- L. Mignon, "Portrait of the Traveller as a Young Man: Mustafa Sami Efendi and his essay on Europe", Sensibilities in the Islamic Meditterranean, R. Ostle (Eds.), pp. 103-117, London& New York: I:B: Tauris (2008)
- L. Mignon, "A poet in Dialoque with the World", Ataol Behramoglu: I've Learned Some Things, W. Andrews (Eds.), pp. 15-33, Austin: Texas University Press (2008)
- Faculty of Law
- Faculty of Law
- E. Goztepe, "Muhakeme Etmek ya da Karar Vermek: Anayasa Mahkemesi'nin '367 Karari' icin Kavramsal bir Cerceve Denemesi", Prof. Dr. Ergun Ozbudun'a Armagan, S. Yazici, K. Gozler, E. Goztepe (Eds.), pp. 339-363, Yetkin Yayinlari: Ankara (2008)
- N. Toroslu, "Objektif Cezalandirilabilirlik Sartlari", Ugur Alacakaptan'a Armagan, M.M. Inceoglu (Eds.), pp. 705-709, Ist. Bilgi Univ. Yayinlari (2008)
- O.B. Gurzumar, "Die Ubernahme westlichen Rechts in der Turkei vor 1926 Ein hinkender Versuch der Modernisierung", Revolution Islamischen Rechts, H-L. Kieser, W. Stoffel (Eds.), pp. 35-48, Chronos Verlag, Zurich (2008)
- R. Isik, "Ekonomik ve Sosyal Kararlara Katilim", Ugur Alacakaptan'a Armagan, M.M. Inceoglu (Eds.), pp. 359-370, Ist. Bilgi Univ. Yayinlari (2008)
- T. Tan, "Yeni Anayasa Hazirliklari ve Ekonomi", Prof. Dr. Ergun Ozbudun' a Armagan, pp. 635-646, Yetkin Yayinevi (2008)
- Faculty of Science
- Department of Mathematics
- F. Dobarro, B. Unal, "Hessain Tensor and Standard Static Space-times", Advances in Lorentzian Geometry, N. Plaue, M. Scherfner (Eds.), pp. 101, Berlin, Shaker Publishing (2008)
- School of Applied Languages
- Banking and Finance
- M. Orhan, M.N. Solakoglu, "The Role of Macro and Country-Specific Factors on the Use of Credit Derivatives: Sovereign Credit Default Swap Market", The Credit Derivatives Handbook, G.N. Gregoriou, P.U. Ali (Eds.), pp. 77-90, McGraw-Hill (2008)