Book Chapters by Bilkent* Authors (2007)
- Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture
- Department of Communication and Design
- A. Gurata, "Hollywood in Vernacular: Translation and Cross-Cultural Reception of American Films in Turkey", Going to the Movies: Hollywood and the Social Experience of Cinema, M. Stokes, R.C. Allen, R. Maltby (Eds.), pp. 333-347, Exeter: University of Exeter Press (2007)
- M. Mutman, "Difference, Event, Subject: Antonio Negri's Philosophy as Postmodern Metaphysics", The Philosophy of Antonio Negri, T. Murphy, A. Mustapha (Eds.), pp. 143-168, Pluto Press (2007)
- Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Design
- D. Altay, A. Erendil, "Changing Nature of Segregation in Ankara, History and Meaning Matters", Globalizing Cities: Inequality and Segregation in Developing Countries, R. Sandhu, J. Sandhu (Eds.), pp. 271-308, Rawat Publications, New Delhi (2007)
- Faculty of Business Administration
- Department of Management
- E. Erkut, S.A. Tjandra, V. Verter, "Hazardous Materials Transportation", Operations Research Handbook on Transportation, C. Barnhart, G. Laporte (Eds.), pp. 539-621, Elsevier (2007)
- Z. Karakitapoglu-Aygun, K.Z. Sayim, "Understanding the role of relationships in making career choices among Turkish MBA students", Career Choice in Managementand Enterpreneurship: A Research Companion, M. Ozbilgin, A. Malach-Pines (Eds.), pp. 127-156, Cheltenham and New York: Edward Elgar (2007)
- Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences
- Department of Economics
- S. Togan, "EU Maritime Rules and Transport Sector Policy Reform in Turkey", Economic Development through World Trade: A Developing World Perspective, Yong-Shik Lee (Eds.), pp. 303-341, KluwerLaw International (2007)
- D. Aykut, S. Sayek, "The Role of the Sectoral Composition of FDI on Growth", Do Multinationals Feed Local Development and Growth?, L. Piscitello, G.D. Santangelo (Eds.), Elsevier (2007)
- Department of History
- D. Thornton, "Some Welshman in Domesday and Beyond: Aspects of Anglo-Welsh Relations in the Eleventh Century", Britons in Anglo-Saxon England, N. Higham (Eds.), pp. 144-164, Woodbridge, UK: Boydell Press (2007)
- Department of International Relations
- N.B. Criss, "Turkish Perspectives of the United States of America", What They Think of US: International Perceptions of the United States and the "War on Terrorism", D. Farber (Eds.), Princeton University Press (2007)
- P. Bilgin, A.D. Morton, "Rethinking State Failure: The Political Economy of Security", State Failure Revisited I: Globalization of Security and Neighbourhood Effects, D. Lambach, T. Debiel (Eds.), Institute for Development and Peace- INEF Report (2007)
- S. Guner, "Greek-Turkish Waters Game", Diplomacy Games-Formal Models and International Negotiation, R. Avenhaus, I.W. Zartman (Eds.), pp. 181-196, Springer Verlag (2007)
- Department of Political Science and Public Administration
- A. Cinar, "The Imagined Community as Urban Reality: The Making of Ankara", Urban Imaginaries: Locating the Modern City, A. Cinar, T. Bender (Eds.), pp. 151-181, Minnesotta: University of Minnesotta Press (2007)
- A. Cinar, T. Bender, "Introduction, The City: Experience, Imagination, and Place", Urban Imaginaries: Locating the Modern City, A. Cinar, T. Bender (Eds.), pp. 11-26, Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press (2007)
- A. Cirakman, "Reflections of European Self-Image in Ottoman Mirrors", Remaking Turkey, F. Keyman (Eds.), pp. 17-31, Lexington Books (2007)
- D. Altay, A. Erendil, "Changing Nature of Segregation in Ankara, History and Meaning Matters", Globalizing Cities: Inequality and Segregation in Developing Countries, R. Sandhu, J. Sandhu (Eds.), pp. 271-308, Rawat Publications, New Delhi (2007)
- O.F. Genckaya, "Turkey, Parties and Democracy", The KAS Democracy Report 2007, pp. 333-352, Bonn: Bouiver Verlag (2007)
- U. Cizre, "The Justice and Development Party and the Military: recreating trhe Past after Reforming It?", Secular and Islamic Politics in Turkey: The Making of the Justice and Development Party, U. Cizre (Eds.), pp. 132-171, London, New York: Routledge (2007)
- Faculty of Engineering
- Department of Computer Engineering
- I. Korpeoglu, "Energy-Efficient Routing", Sensor Networks and Configuration: Fundamentals, Standards, Platforms, and Applications, N.P. Mahalik (Eds.), pp. 167-188, Springer (2007)
- M. Schaal, "Notification Value in Personal Travel Asisstance", Business Intelligence: Methods and Applications, V. Koppen, R.M. Muller (Eds.), pp. 244, Hamburg (2007)
- J. Pan, H. Yang, C. Faloutos, P. Duygulu, "Cross-modal Correlation Mining using Graph Algorithms", Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: Challenges and Realities with Real World Data, X. Zhu, I. Davidson (Eds.), pp. 49-76, Idea Group Reference (2007)
- Faculty of Humanities and Letters
- Department of American Culture and Literature
- L. Demirturk, "Richard Wright[reprinted in Encyclopedia of African-American History, vol.5, Ed. P. Finkelman, 193-196(2009)]", Encyclopedia of African-American Literature, W. Samuels (Eds.), pp. 566-568, Facts on File (2007)
- Department of Archaeology
- C. Gates, "Ancient Cities, Daily Life", Encyclopedia of Archaeology, D.M. Pearsall (Eds.), pp. 996-1002, Elsevier/Academic Press (2007)
- Department of Philosophy
- V. Akman, "Similar situations", Context and Appropriateness: Micro Meets Macro, A. Fetzer (Eds.), pp. 31-54, Amsterdam: John Benjamins (2007)
- Faculty of Law
- Faculty of Law
- E. Goztepe, "Avrupa Insan Haklari Mahkemesi Kararlarinin Ic Hukuka Etkisi Sorunu: Federal Alman Anayasa Mahkemesi'nin Iki Kararinin Bir Degerlendirmesi", Erdogan Tezic'e Armagan, pp. 417-429, Galatasaray Universitesi Yayinlari (2007)
- E. Goztepe, "Das Kopftuchverbot: Die letzte Bastion des turkischen Laizismus", Die Stelllung der Frau im islamischen Religionsunterricht, J. Oebbecke (Eds.), pp. 49-65, Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt (2007)
- T. Tan, "Idari Yargi da Ozellesiyor mu? Demokrasi ve Politika, Hukuk Yonetim ve Iktisat Uzerine", Prof. Dr. Rusen Keles'e Armagan, pp. 101-110, Imge Yayinevi (2007)
- T. Tan, "Droit Administratif, Modernisation de l'Etat et Globalisation", Prof.Dr. Erdogan Tezic'e Armagan, pp. 153-160, Galatasaray Universitesi Hukuk Fakultesi (2007)
- Faculty of Science
- Department of Physics
- E. Ozbay, G. Ozkan, "Negative Refraction and Subwavelength Focusing in Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystals", Springer Series in Materials Science No:98-Physics of Negative Refraction and Negative Index Materials, C.M. Crowne, Y. Zhang (Eds.), pp. 149-165, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2007)
- S. Ciraci, T. Yildirim, S. Dag, O. Gulseren, "Ab-initio atomic study of nearly frictionless surfaces", Superlubricity, A. Erdemir, J.M. Martin (Eds.), pp. 57-76, Elsevier (2007)
- School of Applied Languages
- Banking and Finance
- M.N. Solakoglu, M. Orhan, "Influence of M&A's on Firm Value: Turkish Experience", Mergers and Acquisitions, G.N. Gregoriou, K.N. Neuhauser (Eds.), pp. 83-95, Palgrave-Macmillan (2007)
- Translation and Interpretation
- T. Inal, M. Kaya, "La litterature au service du monde des affaires-sensibiliser a l'alterite et aux affaires par le monde litteraire", Litterature, Language et arts: recontres et creation, D. Bonnet, M.J. Chaves, N. Duchene (Eds.), Service de Publications de l'Universite de Huelva (2007)
- T. Inal, M. Kaya, "La litterature au service du monde des affaires-sensibiliser a l'alterite et aux affaires par le monde litteraire", Litterature, Language et arts: recontres et creation, D. Bonnet, M.J. Chaves, N. Duchene (Eds.), Service de Publications de l'Universite de Huelva (2007)
- School of Applied Technology and Management
- Tourism and Hotel Management
- A.Bas-Collins, "Opportunities and Obligations in Dealing with the Disabled staff and customers in Hospitality Industry", Tourism Management in 21st Century, P.R. Chang (Eds.), pp. 157-179, Nova Science , Inc. New YorkPublishers (2007)
- S. Elmas, "Gender and tourism development: a case study of the Cappodoccia Region of Turkey", Tourism and Gender: Embodiment, Sensuality and Experience, A. Pritchard, N. Morgan, I. Atelyevic (Eds.), pp. 352, CABI Publishing (2007)