Book Chapters by Bilkent* Authors (2005)
- Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture
- Department of Architecture
- B. Senyapili, "A System Model for Pin-pointing the Historical Buildings with respect to Multiple Typologies", Learning from the Past a Foundation for the Future, pp. 109-118, Vienna: Osterreichischer Kunst und Kultur verlag (2005)
- Faculty of Business Administration
- Department of Management
- K.Z. Girgin, "Human resources in an international context", International Human Resource Management, M. Ozbilgin (Eds.), pp. 46-62, London: Palgrave Macmillan (2005)
- O. Sandikci, G. Ger, "Aesthetics, Ethics and Politics of the Turkish Headscarf", Clothing As Material Culture, S. Kuechler, D. Miller (Eds.), pp. 61-82, London: Berg Publisher (2005)
- U. Gurler, E. Berk, "Newsboy Inventory Problem", Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, N. Balakrishman, S. Kotz, R. Campbell, B. Vidakovic (Eds.), pp. 5459-5465, Elsevier (2005)
- Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences
- Department of Economics
- K. Metin-Ozcan, K. Simsek, "Turkish Banking Crisis and the Debt Restructing Process: Istanbul Approach", Financial Crisis in Emerging Markets: Capital Flow, Saving, Debt and Banking Reforms, S. Gazioglu (Eds.), pp. 96-129, J. Net Publishers (2005)
- K. Metin-Ozcan, Y.Z. Ozcan, ""Determinants of Private Savings in the Middle East and North Africa" Money and Finance in the Middle East: Missed Opportunities or Future Prospects?", Research in Middle East Economics, S. Naime, N.A. Colton (Eds.), pp. 95-113, Amsterdam and Oxford: Elsevier (2005)
- S. Togan, "Economic Implications of EU Accession", Turkey: Economic Reform and Accession to the European Union, S. Togan, B. Hoekman (Eds.), pp. 311-330, World Bank and Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) (2005)
- S. Togan, A. Bayaner, J. Nash, "Analysis of the Impact on Agricultural Markets and Incomes of EU Enlargement to Turkey", Turkey: Economic Reform and Accession to the European Union, S. Togan, B. Hoekman (Eds.), pp. 39-85, World Bank and Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) (2005)
- S. Togan, B. Hoekman, "Overview", Turkey: Economic Reform and Accession to the European Union, S. Togan, B. Hoekman (Eds.), World Bank and Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) (2005)
- S. Togan, H. Ersel, "Macroeconomic Policies for EU Accession", Turkey: Economic Reform and Accession to the European Union, S. Togan, B. Hoekman (Eds.), pp. 3-35, World Bank and Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) (2005)
- S. Togan, H. Nebioglu, S. Dogan, "Integration and Manufacturing Industry", Turkey: Economic Reform and Accession to the European Union, S. Togan, B. Hoekman (Eds.), pp. 87-121, World Bank and Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) (2005)
- Department of History
- M. Kalpakli, W. Andrews, "The Ottoman Gazel in the Age of Beloveds: Poems About Poetry", Ghazal as a Genre of World Literature, T. Bauer, A. Neuwirth (Eds.), pp. 355-365, Orient Inst der Deutsche Morgenlandische Gesellschaft (2005)
- T. Roberts, "Atlanticism", France and the Americas: Culture, Politics, History, B. Marshall (Eds.), ABC-Clio (2005)
- T. Roberts, "Sugar", France and the Americas: Culture, Politics, History, B. Marshall (Eds.), ABC-Clio (2005)
- T. Roberts, "Timber", France and the Americas: Culture, Politics, History, B. Marshall (Eds.), ABC-Clio (2005)
- Department of Political Science and Public Administration
- B. Helvacioglu, "Love as a Metonym for National Mourning: Handan, Ankara and Pause", Masculinities in Middle Eastern and North African Literature and Film, L. Ouzgane (Eds.), Indiana University (2005)
- O.F. Genckaya, "Turkey", Lobbying, Government Relations, and Campaign Finance Worldwide: Navigating the Laws, Regulations, and Practices of National Regimes, T.D. Grant (Eds.), pp. 513-530, Oceana Publications, New York (2005)
- A. Eraydin, A. Erendil-Turkun, "The Changing Roles of Female Labour in Economic Prosperity and Decline: the case of Istanbul Clothing Industry", A Companion to Feminist Geography, L. Nelson, J. Seager (Eds.), pp. 150-165, Blackwell (2005)
- C.J. Anderson, A. Paskeviciute, "Macro-Politics and Micro-Behavior: Mainstream Politics and the Frequency of Political Discussion in Contemporary Democracies", The Social Logic of Politics, A.S. Zuckerman (Eds.), pp. 228-248, Philadelphia: Temple University Press (2005)
- Faculty of Engineering
- Department of Computer Engineering
- A.U. Tansel, "Modeling and Querying Temporal Data", Database Encyclopedia, L.C. Rivero, J.H. Doorn, V.E. Ferraggine (Eds.), pp. 784, Idea Press Group Publishing (2005)
- S. Imberman, A.U. Tansel, "Frequent Itemset Mining and Association Rules", Encyclopedia of Knowledge Management, D. Schwartz (Eds.), pp. 902, Idea Group Publishing (2005)
- Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- H. Ozbay, "Principles of Feedback Control", The Engineering Handbook, R.C. Dorf (Eds.), pp. 170-1--8, CRC Press LLC, Boca Raton FL (2005)
- Department of Industrial Engineering
- A. Dogramaci, "Hibernation Durations for Chain of Machines with Maintenance Under Uncertainty", Optimal Control and Dynamic Games, C. Diessenberg, R.F. Hartl (Eds.), pp. 231-238, Springer (2005)
- U. Gurler, "Estimation in Hazard Change Point Models", Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, N. Balakrishnan, S. Kotz, R. Campbell, B. Vidakovic (Eds.), pp. 3085-3088, Elsevier (2005)
- U. Gurler, E. Berk, "Newsboy Inventory Problem", Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, N. Balakrishnan, S. Kotz, R. Campbell, B. Vidakovic (Eds.), pp. 5459-5465, Elsevier (2005)
- Faculty of Humanities and Letters
- Department of Archaeology
- C. Gates, "The Place of the Achaemenid Persian Period in Archaeological Research in Cilica and Hatay(Turkey)", L'archeologie de l'empire achemenide: Nouvelles Recherches, P. Briant, R. Boucharlat (Eds.), pp. 49-69, Paris: De Boccard (2005)
- M.H. Gates, "Archaeology and the Ancient Near East: Methods and Limits", Blackwell's Companion to the Ancient Near East, D. Snell (Eds.), pp. 65-78, Blackwells, Oxford (2005)
- Department of English Language and Literature
- S. Schutt, "Close-up From A Distance: London and Englishness in Ford, Bram Stoker and Conan Doyle", Ford and the City, S. Haslam (Eds.), pp. 249, Rodopi (2005)
- V. Kennedy, "Ireland in 1812: Colony or Part of the Imperial Main? The ' Imagined Community'", 'The Absentee' Was Ireland A Colony, T. McDonough, T. Boylan, T. Folay (Eds.), pp. 260-279, Irish Academic Press (2005)
- Department of Philosophy
- G. Bowe, "Heraclitus", Meet the Philosophers of Ancient Greece, O Grady (Eds.), pp. 63-67, Aldershot: Ashgate (2005)
- G. Bowe, "Carneades", Meet the Philosophers of Ancient Greece, O Grady (Eds.), pp. 185-189, Aldershot: Ashgate (2005)
- G. Bowe, "Ancient Corinth", Meet the Philosophers of Ancient Greece, O Graddy (Eds.), pp. 261-265, Aldershot: Ashgate (2005)
- V. Akman, "Situation semantics", Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics[second edition in 2006], K. Brown (Eds.), pp. 398-402, Amsterdam: Elsevier (2005)
- Faculty of Science
- Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics
- I. Yulug, "Genetic Risk Assessment", Essentials in the Management of Breast Disease, E. Gazioglu (Eds.), pp. 167-174, Celsius Medical Publications (2005)
- M. Ozturk, R. Cetin-Atalay, "Molecular Biology of Liver Cancer", Encyclopedia of Molecular Cell Biology and Molecular Medicine, R.A. Meyers (Eds.), pp. 323-333, Wiley_VCH Verlag GmbH&Co. (2005)