Book Chapters by Bilkent* Authors (2003)
- Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture
- Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design
- C. Wilson, "Who Really Cares Where George Washington Slept?", The Memories of Cities, B. Dieterle, Y. Clavaron (Eds.), pp. 315-322, Saint-Etienne University Press, France (2003)
- Faculty of Business Administration
- Department of Management
- O. Sandikci, B.E. Ilhan, "Dowry: A Cherished Possession or An Old-Fashioned Tradition in A Modernizing Society?", Contemporary Consumption Rituals: A Research Anthology, C. Otnes, T. Lowrey (Eds.), pp. 149-178, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates (2003)
- Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences
- Department of Economics
- E. Basci, I.Saglam, "On the Importance of Sequencing of Markets in Monetary Economies", Advances in Economic Design, S.Koray, M.R.Sertel (Eds.), pp. 297-316, Springer Verlag, Berlin (2003)
- E. Yeldan, "Outlook for the Middle East", Real World Economic Outlook, A. Pettifor (Eds.), pp. 75-83, Palgrave, New York (2003)
- S. Koray, M.R. Sertel, "Introduction", Advances in Economic Design, S. Koray, M.R. Sertel (Eds.), pp. 1-15, Springer Verlag (2003)
- S. Togan, "Labor Market Flexibility in Turkey", Competitiveness in the Middle Eastern and North African Countries, S. Togan, H. Kheir-El-Din (Eds.), pp. 207-248, Iran and Turkey Research Report Series, Cairo:ERF (2003)
- S. Togan, "Trade and Foreign Exchange Regime in Turkey", Competitiveness in the Middle Eastern and North African Countries, S. Togan, H. Kheir-El-Din (Eds.), pp. 73-130, Iran and Turkey Research Report Series, Cairo:ERF (2003)
- S. Togan, "Epilogue", Competitiveness in the Middle Eastern and North African Countries, S. Togan, H. Kheir-El-Din (Eds.), pp. 425-446, Iran and Turkey Research Report Series, Cairo:ERF (2003)
- S. Togan, "Investment Incentives and Conditions of Competition in Turkey", Competitiveness in the Middle Eastern and North African Countries, S. Togan, H. Kheir-El-Din (Eds.), pp. 309-332, Iran and Turkey Research Report Series, Cairo:ERF (2003)
- S. Togan, "Productivity of Labor", Competitiveness in the Middle Eastern and North African Countries, S. Togan, H. Kheir-El-Din (Eds.), pp. 385-420, Iran and Turkey Research Report Series, Cairo:ERF (2003)
- S. Togan, "Changing Pattern of Competitiveness in MENA Countries", Competitiveness in the Middle Eastern and north African Countries, S. Togan, H. Kheir-El-Din (Eds.), pp. 3-29, Iran and Turkey Research Report Series, Cairo:ERF (2003)
- A. Ertugrul, E. Yeldan, "On the Structural Weaknesses of the post-1999 Turkish Disinflation Program[reprint]", The Turkish Economy in Crisis, Z. Onis, B. Rubin (Eds.), pp. 53-66, Frank Cass: London (2003)
- R. Fare, S. Grosskopf, O. Zaim, "An Environmental Kuznets curve for the OECD Countries", New Directions: Efficiency and Productivity, R. Fare, S. Grosskopf (Eds.), pp. 79-90, Kluwer Academic Publishers (2003)
- Z. Kotan, S. Sayan, "Price Competitiveness of Turkish Exports against East Asian Products in the European Union Market: An Empirical Investigation for 1990-1999", Trade Policy and Economic Integration in the Middle East and North Africa, H. Hakimian , J. Nugent (Eds.), pp. 119-137, London: Routledge-Curzon (2003)
- Department of History
- C.D.A. Leighton, "(a series of short entries)", Encyclopedia of Ireland, B. Lalor (Eds.), Gill and Macmillan (2003)
- T. Roberts, "12 historical entries", Dictionary of American History, 3rd ed., S. Kutler (Eds.), Charles Scribner's Sons (2003)
- Department of International Relations
- H. Kirimli, "Turko-Ukranian Relations and the Crimean Tatars", Tatarii in Istorie si in Lume, G. Bolat (Eds.), pp. 313-321, Bucharest: Editoria Kriterion (2003)
- M. Kibaroglu, "Turkey will play an active role in the Middle East:Reflecting U.S.,other Western interests,Turkey can become a successful bridge with the M.E. Central", History Dispute: The Middle East Since 1945, D. Lesch (Eds.), St. James Press (2003)
- M. Kibaroglu, "Changing Strategic Context and Deterrence", Security Studies: An Agenda for Security Studies in Transition, N. Basic, F. Tanner (Eds.), pp. 296-311, Bosnia&Herzegovina (2003)
- N.B. Criss, "A Short History of Anti-Americanism and Terrorism: The Turkish Case[reprint]", History and September 11th, J. Meyerowitz (Eds.), pp. 56, Philadelphia: Temple University Press (2003)
- S. Guner, D. Druckman, "Tushratta's Requests to the Pharaohs", How People Negotiate: Resolving Disputes in Different Cultures, G.O. Faure (Eds.), pp. 67-71, Kluwer Publishers (2003)
- U. Ozdag, E. Aydinli, "Winning a low-intensity conflict: Drawing lessons from the Turkish Case[reprint]", Democracies and Small Wars, E. Inbar (Eds.), pp. 101-132, Frank Cass (2003)
- Department of Political Science and Public Administration
- O.F. Genckaya, "Politics of Constitutional Amendments in Turkey, 1987-2002", Constitutions of the Countries of the World, G.H. Flanz (Eds.), pp. 1-82, Dobbs Ferry, New York: Oceana Publications Inc. (2003)
- T. Erman, "Turkey", Women's Issues in Europe, L. Walter (Eds.), pp. 671-706, Greenwood Publishing (2003)
- Faculty of Engineering
- Department of Computer Engineering
- D. Davenport, "Anonymity on the Internet: Why the Price may be too High?[reprint]", Computers in Society, J.F. George (Eds.), Prentice Hall (2003)
- I. Cicekli, H.A. Guvenir, "Learning Translation Templates From Bilingual Translation Examples", Recent Advances in Example-Based Machine Translation, M. Carl, A. Way (Eds.), pp. 255-286, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers (2003)
- Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- H.M. Ozaktas, "Fractional Fourier Transform", Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics, E.W. Weisstein (Eds.), Wolfram Research (2003)
- E. Ayanoglu, N. Akar, "B-ISDN (Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network)", Wiley Encyclopedia of Telecommunications, J.G. Proakis (Eds.), pp. 262-275, John Wiley&Sons (2003)
- R. Ansari, A.E. Cetin, "2-D FIR Filter Design", The Circuits and Filters Handbook (2. Ed), W.K. Chen (Eds.), pp. 2809-2835, IEEE Press and CRC Press (2003)
- Faculty of Humanities and Letters
- Cultures, Civilizations and Ideas
- P. Rosenberg, "A convenient degree of Blindness: Punitive Violence and the English Press, 1650-1700", Penal Practice and Culture, 1500-1900:Punishing the English, P. Griffiths, S. Devereaux (Eds.), London: Palgrave MacMillan (2003)
- Department of American Culture and Literature
- T. Winter, "40 entries", American Masculinities: A Historical Encyclopedia, B.E Carroll (Eds.), Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications (2003)
- Department of Archaeology
- J. Bennett, "Ancyra, Metropolis Provinciae Galatiae", The Archaeology of Roman Towns, P.R. Wilson (Eds.), pp. 1-12, Oxbow, Oxford (2003)
- Department of English Language and Literature
- S. Schutt, "French Crime Fiction", The Cambridge Companion to Crime, M. Priestman (Eds.), pp. 59-77, Cambridge University Press (2003)
- S. Schutt, "European Crime Fiction", The Cambridge Companion to Crime, M. Priestman (Eds.), pp. 308, Cambridge University Press (2003)
- Department of Philosophy
- W. Wringe, "International Justice, Intervention and the Prevention of Evils'", Understanding Evil: An Interdisciplinary Approach, M.S. Breen (Eds.), pp. 75-94, Amsterdam: Rodopi (2003)
- W.J. Korab-Karpowicz, "Plato's Political Philosophy", The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, University of Tennessee (2003)
- A.P. Saygin, I. Cicekli, V. Akman, "Turing Test: 50 years later[reprint]", The Turing Test: The Elusive Standard of Artificial Intelligence, J.H. Moor (Eds.), pp. 23-78, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht (2003)
- Faculty of Science
- Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics
- M. Ozturk, R. Cetin-Atalay, "Biology of Hepatocellular Cancer", Gastrointestinal Cancers: Biology, Diagnosis and Therapy, 2nd Edition, A. Rustgi (Eds.), pp. 575-591, Lippincott-Raven, New York (2003)
- T. Nagatake, K. Ahmed, "Burkholderia Pseudomallei", Recent Progress in Bacterial Pathogens, 3rd Ed., K. Matsumoto (Eds.), pp. 433-441, Yaku Journal Co., Tokyo (2003)
- T. Nagatake, K. Ahmed, "Moraxella (Branhamella) Catarrhalis", Recent Progress in Bacterial Pathogens, 3rd Ed., K. Matsumoto (Eds.), pp. 312-326, Yaku Journal Co., Tokyo (2003)