Book Chapters by Bilkent* Authors (2002)
- Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture
- Department of Graphic Design
- N. Erdogan, "Powerless Signs: Hybridity and the Logic of Excess in Turkish Trash", Mapping the Margins: Identity Politics and the Media, K. Ross, B. Dervin, D. Derman (Eds.), pp. 240, Hampton Press (2002)
- Faculty of Business Administration
- Department of Management
- A. Shaukat, "Telecommunications in Thailand: An Analysis of the Mobile Phone Sector", Business in Asia Pacific: Text and Cases, S. Kahal (Eds.), pp. 354-371, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK (2002)
- C.S. Mugan, N. Akman, "World Accounting-Turkey", World Accounting[reprinted in 2009-org published in 1990], K. Schulzke (Eds.), Matthew Bender&Co (2002)
- D. Onkal-Atay, M.E. Thomson, A.C. Pollock, "Judgemental Forecasting", A Companion to Economic Forecasting, M.P. Clements, D. Hendry (Eds.), pp. 133-151, Oxford: Blackwell Publishers (2002)
- U. Berkman, M. Heper, "Political Dynamics and Administrative Reform in Turkey", Administrative Reforms in Developing Nations, A. Farazmand (Eds.), pp. 151-162, Greenwood Publishing (2002)
- Z. Onder, "Real Estate Research and Education in Turkey", Real Estate Education Throughout the World: Past, Present and Future, K.W. Shulte (Eds.), pp. 287-297, Kluwer Academic Publishers (2002)
- A.C. Pollock, A. Macaulay, D. Onkal-Atay, M.E. Thomson, "Consistent Judgmental Directional Probability Exchange Rate Predictions", Advances in Business and Management Forecasting, K.D. Lawrence, M.D. Geurts, J.G. Guerard Jr. (Eds.), pp. 161-175, Oxford, JAI (2002)
- Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences
- Department of Economics
- E. Yeldan, "On the IMF-directed disinflation program in Turkey", The Ravages of NeoLiberalism, N. Balkan (Eds.), New York: Nova (2002)
- F. Selcuk, "Seigniorage, Currency Substitution and Inflation in Turkey [reprint]", Inflation and Disinflation in Turkey, A. Kibritcioglu, L.Rittenberg, F.Selcuk (Eds.), pp. 159-170, Ashgate Publishing (2002)
- S. Alpay, "What do We Know About the Interactions Between Trade and the Environment?", Trade and Environment, H. Singer, N. Hatti, R. Tandon (Eds.), pp. 215, B.R. Publishing (2002)
- S. Alpay, "Does Trade Always Harm the Environment? A Case for Positive Interaction [reprint]", New Perspectives on Globalization, E.V. Smith (Eds.), Nova Science Publishers (2002)
- S. Koray, A. Postlewaite, "Introduction", Special Issue of Review of Economic Design on Electoral System Design, S. Koray, A. Postlewaite (Eds.), pp. 229-232, Springer Verlag (2002)
- A. Ertugrul, F. Selcuk, "Turkish Economy: 1980-2001 [revised]", Inflation and Disinflation in Turkey, A. Kibritcioglu, L.Rittenberg, F.Selcuk (Eds.), pp. 13-44, Ashgate Publishing (2002)
- A. Kibritcioglu, L. Rittenberg, F. Selcuk, "Introduction: Turkey's Disinflation Struggle", Inflation and Disinflation in Turkey, A. Kibritcioglu, L.Rittenberg, F.Selcuk (Eds.), pp. 184, Ashgate Publishing (2002)
- E. Alper, H. Berument, K. Malatyali, "The Impact of a Disinflation Program on the Structure of the Turkish Banking Sector: Evidence from 1988-1999 [reprint]", Inflation and Disinflation in Turkey, A. Kibiritcioglu, L. Rittenberg, F. Selcuk (Eds.), pp. 51-77, Ashgate Publishing (2002)
- G. Turhan-Sayan, S.Sayan, "Use of Time-Frequency Representations in the Analysis of Stock Market Data", Computational Methods in Decision-Making, Economics and Finance, E. Kontoghiorghes, B.Rustem, S.Siokos (Eds.), pp. 429-453, Kluwer Academic Publishers (2002)
- Department of History
- A-M. Thornton, "Translating the Garden: References to Philip Miller's The Gardener's Dictionary in the Encyclopedie", Using the Encyclopedie: Ways of Knowing, Ways of Reading, J. Hayes, D. Brewer (Eds.), pp. 211-228, Oxford: Voltaire Foundation (2002)
- R. Johnson, "Volunteer While You May: Civil War Mobilization in Dubuque Iowa", Look Homeward: Union Soldiers and Sailors and the Northern Homefront Before and After the Civil War, P.A. Cimbala, R.M. Miller (Eds.), pp. 508, New York: Fordham Univ Press (2002)
- T. Roberts, "American Reactions to the European Revolutions of 1848", The European Revolutions of 1848 and the Americas, G. Thomson (Eds.), pp. 76-99, Univ. London Institude of Latin American Studies (2002)
- Department of International Relations
- A. Karaosmanoglu, "UNFICYP and the Problem of Consent", Cyprus and International Law, R. Arim (Eds.), pp. 89-120, Kluwer Law International (2002)
- A. Karaosmanoglu, "Defense Reform in Turkey", Post-Cold War Defense Reform: Lessons Learned in Europe and the United States, T. Winkler, S. Vesel (Eds.), pp. 135-164, East West Institude, Brassey's, New York (2002)
- Y. Inan, "Georgia-Turkey, Report No. 8-10", International Maritime Boundaries, vol. 4, J.I. Charney, R. Smith (Eds.), pp. 2865-2868, Kluwer Law International (2002)
- Y. Inan, "Bulgaria-Turkey, Report No. 8-13", International Maritime Boundaries, vol. 4, J.I. Charney, R. Smith (Eds.), pp. 2871-2886, Kluwer Law International (2002)
- Department of Political Science and Public Administration
- A. Guney, "The Military Politics and Post-Cold War Dilemmas in Turkey", Political Armies, K. Koonings, D. Kruijt (Eds.), pp. 162-175, London: Zed Books (2002)
- A. Guney, "People's Democracy Party(HADEP)[reprint]", Political Parties in Turkey, B. Rubin, M. Heper (Eds.), pp. 122-137, Frank Cass Publishing (2002)
- A.Cinar, B.Arikan, "Nationalist Action Party: Representing the State, the Nation or the Nationalists?", Political Parties, Civil Society, and Democracy in Turkey, M.Heper, B.Rubin (Eds.), pp. 25-40, Frank Cass Publishers (2002)
- B. Helvacioglu, "An Ethical Politics of Our Times: Moral Selves or Solidarity?", Critical Political Studies: Debates and Dialogues from the Left, A. Bakan, E. MacDonald (Eds.), pp. 368-386, Montreal: McGill-Queen's Univ. Press (2002)
- E. Ozbudun, "The Institutional decline of Parties in Turkey", Political Parties and Democracy, L. Diamond, R. Gunther (Eds.), pp. 238-265, John Hopkins University Press, London (2002)
- E. Ozbudun, F. Keyman, "Cultural Globalization and Turkey: Actors, Discourses, Strategies", Many Globalization, P. Berger, S. Huntington (Eds.), pp. 296-316, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK (2002)
- E.Ozbudun, A.Cinar, "Mesut Yilmaz: From Ozals Shadow to Mediator", Political Leadership and Democracy in Turkey, M.Heper, S.Sayari (Eds.), pp. 181-198, Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books (2002)
- H. Shambayati, "Turkey", Legal Systems of the World, B. Kritzer (Eds.), pp. 1657-1663, ABC-CLIO Santa Barbara (2002)
- J. Salt, "Trouble Whereever Went: American Missionaries in Anatolia and Ottoman Syria in the Nineteenth Century[reprint]", Altruism and Imperialism: Western Cultural and Religious Missions in the Middle East, E.H. Tejirian, R. Spector Simon (Eds.), pp. 143-166, Middle East Inst. Occasional Papers, Columbia University (2002)
- M. Heper, "Conclusion", Political Leaders and Democracy, M. Heper, S. Sayari (Eds.), pp. 217-238, Lexington Books, Lanham, New York-Oxford (2002)
- M. Heper, "The Consolidation of Democracy versus Democratization in Turkey [reprint]", Political Parties in Turkey, B. Rubin, M. Heper (Eds.), pp. 138-146, Frank Cass Publishers (2002)
- M. Heper, U. Berkman, "Political Dynamics and Administrative Reform in Turkey", Administrative Reforms in Developing Nations, A. Farazmand (Eds.), pp. 280, Greenwood Publishing (2002)
- M. Muftuler-Bac, "Turkey and the European Security", Towards a European Security and Defence policy positions, perceptions, problems, perspectives, Hans-George Ehrhart (Eds.), pp. 206-216, Nomos (2002)
- U.C. Sakallioglu, "From Roler to Pariah: The Life and Times of True Path Party [reprint]", Political Parties in Turkey, B. Rubin, M. Heper (Eds.), pp. 82-101, Frank Cass Publishers (2002)
- U.C. Sakallioglu, "Tansu Ciller: Lusting for Power and Undermining Democracy", Political Leaders and Democracy in Turkey, Metin Heper, Sabri Sayari (Eds.), pp. 199-216, Lexington Books, Lanham, Maryland (2002)
- U.C. Sakallioglu, "The Military and Politics: A Turkish Dilemma", Middle Eastern Armies: Politics and Strategy, Barry Rubin, Thomas Keaney (Eds.), pp. 189-205, Frank Cass Publishers (2002)
- A. Durakbasa, D. Cindoglu, "Encounters at the Counter: The Gender Dimension of the Shopping Experience in Contemporary Turkey", Fragments of Culture: The Everday Life in Modern Turkey, D. Kandiyoti (Eds.), I.B. Tauris, London (2002)
- F.Colombijn, A.Erdentug, "Conclusion", Urban Ethnic Encounters: The Spatial Consequences, A.Erdentug, F.Colombijn (Eds.), pp. 227-245, Routledge (2002)
- F.Colombijn, A.Erdentug, "Introduction", Urban Ethnic Encounters: The Spatial Consequences, A.Erdentug, F.Colombijn (Eds.), pp. 1-23, Routledge (2002)
- Faculty of Engineering
- Department of Computer Engineering
- Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- M.A. Kutay, H.M. Ozaktas, S. Yuksel, "Synthesis of optical fields characterized by their mutual intensity functions", Optical Information Processing: A Tribute to Adolf Lohmann, H.J. Caulfield (Eds.), pp. 103-121, SPIE Press, Washington (2002)
- S. Topcu, H. Koymen, A. Altintas, I. Aksun, "A GIS Aided Frequency Planning Tool for Terrestrial Broadcasting and Land Mobile Services", Geographical Information Systems (GIS) for Emergency Preparedness and Health Risk Reduction, D. Briggs, P. Forer, L. Jarup, R. Stern (Eds.), pp. 157-171, Kluwer Publications (2002)
- Faculty of Humanities and Letters
- Department of American Culture and Literature
- S. Pound, "Writing/Repeating Community: Robin Blaser's Image Nations", Even on Sunday: Essays, Readings and Archival Materials on the Poetry and Poetics of Robin Blaser, M. Nichols (Eds.), The National Poetry Foundation (2002)
- Department of Archaeology
- J. Bennett, L. Biek, "Analysis of Mortar and Plaster from Catterick Bypass (Site 433)", Roman Catterick (Cataractonium): a Roman Town and its hinterland, P.R. Wilson (Eds.), English Heritage, London (2002)
- Department of English Language and Literature
- S. Schutt, "The Clitter of Small Sounds: Desire and the audible in Ford's 'A Call'", Ford Madox Ford and 'The Republic of Letters', V. Fortunari, E. Lamberti (Eds.), pp. 123-129, Univ. Bologna Press (2002)
- Department of Philosophy
- G. Bowe, "What Glaucon Said", New Millennium Perspectives in the Humanities, J. Uptown-Ward (Eds.), pp. 40-49 (2002)
- Faculty of Science
- Department of Mathematics
- V. Matsaev, I. Ostrovskii, M. Sodin, "The Hilbert transform, rearrangements, and logarithmic determinants", Fourier Analysis and Related Topics, W. Zelazko (Eds.), pp. 95-105, Polish Academy of Science, Warszawa (2002)
- Department of Physics
- A. Shumovsky, "Locality of quantum electromagnetic radiation", Extensions of Quantum Physics, A. Horzela, E. Kapuscik (Eds.), pp. 19-28, Montreal: Apeiron (2002)