Book Chapters by Bilkent* Authors (2001)
- Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture
- Department of Communication and Design
- M. Mutman, "Benevolence", Routledge Encyclopedia of Postmodernism, C.E. Winquist, V. Taylor (Eds.), pp. 37-38, Routledge (2001)
- Department of Graphic Design
- N. Erdogan, D. Gokturk, "Turkish Film", Companion Encyclopedia of Middle Eastern and North African Film, O. Leaman (Eds.), Routledge (2001)
- Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences
- Department of Economics
- O. Zaim, "The Effect of Financial Liberalization on the Efficiency of Turkish Commercial Banks [reprint]", The Regulation and Supervision of Banks, M.J.B. Hall (Eds.), Edward Elgar Press (2001)
- O. Zaim, F. Taskin, "The Relative Efficiency of the Public Manufacturing Industry in Turkey", State Owned Enterprises in the Middle East and North Africa, M. Celasun (Eds.), pp. 274-290, London: Routledge (2001)
- S. Togan, "The Turkish Economy and European Economies in Transition", Turkey, Central and Eastern European Countries in Transition, S. Togan, V.N. Balasubramanyam (Eds.), pp. 7-50, Palgrave Press (2001)
- D. Xinshen, E. Yeldan, "Turkey's Strategic Trade Policy Alternatives in a World of Multi-Polar Trade Blocs:", Regionalism in Europe:Geometries and Strategies After 2000, J. von Hagen, M. Widgren (Eds.), pp. 195-221, Kluwer Academic Publishers (2001)
- H. Ulugbay, O. Zaim, "Fiscal Policy in Turkey and Transition Economies of Europe", Turkey, Central and Eastern European Countries in Transition, S. Togan, V.N. Balasubramanyam (Eds.), pp. 65-97, Palgrave Press (2001)
- K. Boratav, A.E. Yeldan, A.H. Kose, "Turkey: Globalization, Distribution and Social Policy, 1980-1998", External libaeralization, economic performance, and social policy, L. Taylor (Eds.), pp. 317-363, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK (2001)
- T. Arat, E. Basci, I. Atiyas, T.Tan, "The Legal Framework for Private Sector Activities in Turkey", Turkey, Central and Eastern European Countries in Transition, S. Togan, V.N. Balasubramanyam (Eds.), pp. 222-242, Palgrave Press (2001)
- Department of History
- D.E. Thornton, "Names within Names: Hagiophoric and Toponymic Anthroponymy in Early Medieval Ireland", Onomastique et Parente dans l'Occident medieval: Prosopographica et Genealogica II, C. Settipani, K.S.B. Keats-Rohan (Eds.), pp. 267-282, Oxford, UK: Unit for Prosopographical Research (2001)
- M. Kalpakli, "A Trial Reading of Behcet Necatigil's Poem, 'Olu'", Cultural Horizons: A Festchrift in Honor of Prof. Talat S. Halman, J. L. Warner (Eds.), pp. 561-566, Syracuse University Press (2001)
- S.J. Shaw, "Turkey and the Jews of Europe during World War II", Turkish-Jewish Encounters: Studies on Turkish Jewish Relations Through the Ages, M. Tutuncu (Eds.), pp. 301-318, SOTA Harlem (2001)
- S.J. Shaw, "The End of the Greek Millet in Istanbul", Cultural Horizons: A Festschrift in Honor of Talat S. Halman, J. Warner (Eds.), pp. 136-143, Syracuse University Press (2001)
- Department of International Relations
- A. Karaosmanoglu, "Europe's Geopolitical Parameters", Turkey, Central and Eastern European Countries in Transition, S. Togan, V.N. Balasubramanyam (Eds.), pp. 271-289, Palgrave Press (2001)
- A. Karaosmanoglu, "Turkey's Objectives in the Caspian Region", Caspian Security, G. Chufrin (Eds.), pp. 151-165, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK (2001)
- G. Aybet, "Ambitions and Ambiguities: European Moves During the 1980's", NATO the First Fifty Years, G. Schmidt (Eds.), Macmillan Press (2001)
- M. Kibaroglu, "Managing Non-Proliferation: A Turkish Perspective", Reshaping Asian Security, Jasjit Singh (Eds.), pp. 244-249, Knowledge World (2001)
- N. Stone, "Army and Empire", The Decline of Empires, E. Brix, K. Koch, E. Vyslonzil (Eds.), pp. 54-59, Verlag für Geschichte und Politik (2001)
- N. Stone, "Der Englische Sonderweg", Der Zeitgeist Und Die Historie, H. Hiery (Eds.), pp. 79-84, J.H. Roll, Dettelbach (2001)
- P. Bilgin, "Turkey and EU: Yesterday's Answers to Tomorrow's Security Problems?", EU Civilian Crisis Management, G. Herd, J. Huru (Eds.), pp. 34-51, Conflict Studies Reasearch Centre (2001)
- Department of Political Science and Public Administration
- A. Guney, "Turkey: Beyond the Customs Union", The Barcelona Process and Euro-Mediterranean Issues from Stuttgart to Marseille, F. Attina, S. Stavridis (Eds.), pp. 201-225, Frank Cass Publishing (2001)
- E. Ozbudun, "Parties & Party System in Turkey", Political Parties & Democracy, L. Diamond, R. Gunther (Eds.), pp. 238-265 (2001)
- M. Heper, "The State and Bureaucracy: The Turkish Case in Historical Perspective", Handbook of Comparative and Development Public Administration, A. Farazmand (Eds.), pp. 1019-1028, Marcel & Dekker Inc. (2001)
- O. Tekelioglu, "An Inner History of Turkish Music Revolution - Demise of a Music Magazine [reprint]", Sufism, Music and Society in Turkey and the Middle East, A. Hammerlund, E. Ozdalga (Eds.), pp. 111-124, Richmond, UK: Curzon Press (2001)
- U.C. Sakallioglu, "Turkey's Kurdish problem:Borders, Identity, and Hegemony", Rightsizing the State, B. O'Leary, I. Lustick, T. Callagy (Eds.), pp. 222-252, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK (2001)
- Faculty of Engineering
- Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- B. Barshan, D. Baskent, "Map Building from range data using mathematical morphology [adapted]", Active Sensors for Local Planning in Mobile Robotics, P.Probert Smith (Eds.), pp. 111-135, World Scientific Series in Robotics and Intelligent Systems (2001)
- M. Alanyali, "On Dynamic Wavelength Assignment in WDM Optical Networks", Optical Networks, Lu Ruan, Ding-Zu Du (Eds.), pp. 1-18, Kluwer Academic Publishers (2001)
- Faculty of Humanities and Letters
- Department of Archaeology
- D. Kassab Tezgör, "Diphilos", Kunsterlexikon der Antike, R. Volkommer (Eds.), pp. 284, K.G. Saur Verlag, Munich-Leipzig (2001)
- Department of English Language and Literature
- G. Pultar, "Leda and the Swan", Cultural Horizons: A Festschrift in Honor of Talat Sait Halman, J. Warner (Eds.), pp. 454-466, Syracuse University Press (2001)
- G. Pultar, "Endgame in Upstate New York: Farce and Fatality in Raymond Federman's Amer Eldorado", Not English Only: Redefining "American" in American Studies, O. Overland (Eds.), pp. 133-140, Amsterdam, VU University Press (2001)
- Department of Philosophy
- Faculty of Science
- Department of Physics
- A. Shumovsky, "Quantum multipole radiation", Modern Nonlinear Optics, M.W. Evens (Eds.), pp. 395-490, John Wiley & Sons (2001)