Book Chapters by Bilkent* Authors (1998)
- Faculty of Business Administration
- Department of Management
- D. Onkal-Atay, "Financial Forecasting with Judgement", Forecasting with Judgement, G. Wright and P. Goodwin (Eds.), pp. 139-167, John Wiley & Sons (1998)
- A. Yuce, C. Simga-Mugan, "Cointegration analysis of official and free market exchange rates in an emerging market: the Turkish case", Emerging Capital Markets: Financial and Investment Issues, J. Doukas, J. Choi (Eds.), pp. 85-96, Quorum Books (1998)
- Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences
- Department of Economics
- B. Yilmaz, "International Competitiveness of Turkey to the EU: A comparison with Greece, Portugal and Spain, and the EU/9", The Political Economy of Turkey in the Post-Soviet Era; Going West and Looking East?, L. Rittenberg (Eds.), Praeger Publishers (1998)
- F. Selcuk, "A Brief Account of Turkish Economy, 1987-1996", The Political Economy of Turkey in the Post-Soviet Era: Going West and Looking East, L. Rittenberg (Eds.), pp. 17-33, Praeger Publishers (1998)
- S. Sayan, O. Zaim, "The Black Sea Economic Cooperation Project", The Political Economy of Turkey in the Post-Soviet period: Going West and looking East?, L. Rittenberg (Eds.), pp. 115-136, Praeger Publishers (1998)
- S. Togan, "Central, East European, Baltic and Turkish Economies", Open Doors to the World: A new trade agenda for the Middle East, R. Safadi (Eds.), pp. 337-387, American University Press (1998)
- E. Balkan, E. Yeldan, "Financial liberalization in developing countries: The Turkish experience", Financial reform in developing countries, J. Fanelli, R. Medhora (Eds.), pp. 129-155, Houndmills (1998)
- Department of History
- D.E. Thornton, "Orality, Literacy and Genealogy in Medieval Ireland and Wales", Literacy in Mediveal Celtic, H. Pryce (Eds.), pp. 83-98, Cambridge (1998)
- Department of International Relations
- Department of Political Science and Public Administration
- B. Helvacioglu, "Europe in Turkish Discourse: How does one conceive of oneself?", Boundaries of Europe?, R. Larsson (Eds.), pp. 45-71, Stockholm: Swedish Council for Planning and Co-ordination of Research (1998)
- J. Salt, "History and the Meaning of Disaster: Arab and Palestinian Politics from 1948-1993", Remaking the Middle East, W.S. Logan (Eds.), Oxford: Berg (1998)
- J. Salt, "Europe and the 'Islamic Threat': Putting the Spectre into Perspective", Europe: Rethinking the Boundaries, P. Murray, L. Holmes (Eds.), Ashgate Publishing (1998)
- O.F. Genckaya, "Turkey", World Encyclopedia of Parliaments and Legislatures, G.T. Kurian (Eds.), pp. 676-683, Congressional Quarterly, Washington D.C. (1998)
- T. Erman, "Semi-public/semi-private spaces in the experiences of Turkish migrant women in a squatter settlement", Werkstattberichte, W. Gerlich (Eds.), pp. 44-50, Planning Dept of City of Vienna (1998)
- Faculty of Engineering
- Department of Computer Engineering
- E. Tin, V. Akman, "Situated Analysis of Anaphora in Turkish", The Mainz Meeting, L. Johanson (Eds.), pp. 728-750, Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz (1998)
- B. Say, V. Akman, "An information-based treatment of punctiation in discourse representation theory", Mathematical and computational analysis of natural language, C. Martin-Vide (Eds.), pp. 359-373, John Benjamins Publishing (1998)
- Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- H.M. Ozaktas, "Levels of abstraction in computing systems and optical interconnection technology", Optical interconnections and parallel processing: Trends at the interface, P. Berthome, A. Ferreira (Eds.), pp. 1-18, Kluwer Academic Publishers (1998)
- H.M. Ozaktas, M.A. Kutay, D. Mendlovic, "Introduction to the fractional Fourier transform and its applications", Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics, P.W. Hawkes (Eds.), pp. 239-291, Academic Press (1998)
- D. Mendlovic, Z. Zalevsky, H.M. Ozaktas, "The applications of the Fractional Fourier Transform to optical character recognition", Optical Pattern Recognition, T.S. Yu, S. Jutamulia (Eds.), pp. 89-125, Cambridge University Press (1998)
- Department of Industrial Engineering
- Faculty of Humanities and Letters
- Department of Archaeology
- J. Ozturk, "Lydian Jewellery", The Art of the Greek Goldsmith, D. Williams (Eds.), pp. 41-47, British Museum Press (1998)
- J. Ozturk, S. Mitchell, "Three Churches at Antioch", Pisidian Antioch, the Site and its Monuments, S. Mitchell, M. Waelkens (Eds.), pp. 201-218, London: Duckworth (1998)
- Department of English Language and Literature
- G. Pultar, "Ethnic Fatigue", Multilingual America: Transnationalism, Ethnicity, and the Languages of American Literature, W. Sollors (Eds.), pp. 124-140, New York Univ Press (1998)
- R. Tamplin, "Troubles and the Irish Tradition", J.G. Farrell: The Critical Grip, R.J. Crane (Eds.), pp. 48-64, Four Courts Press (1998)
- S. Schutt, "Rivalry and Influence: French and English Nineteenth Century Detective Narratives", The Art of Murder, New Essays on Detective Fiction, G. Klaus, S. Knight (Eds.), pp. 38-50, Stauffenberg Verlag (1998)
- Faculty of Science
- Department of Mathematics
- C.Y. Yildirim, "A survey of results on primes in short intervals", Number Theory and its Applications, C.Y. Yildirim, S.A. Stepanov (Eds.), pp. 307-343, Marcel & Dekker Inc. (1998)
- M. Gurses, "Extremely Charged Static Dust Distributions in General Relativity", Current Topics in Mathematical Cosmology, M. Rainer, H.J. Schmidt (Eds.), pp. 452-492, World Scientific (1998)
- S.A. Stepanov, "Fibre products, character sums and geometric Goppa codes", Number Theory and its Applications, C.Y. Yildirim, S.A. Stepanov (Eds.), pp. 227-259, Marcel & Dekker Inc. (1998)
- Department of Physics