Book Chapters by Bilkent* Authors (1997)
- Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture
- Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design
- C. Baykan, "Design Strategies", Analysing Design Activity, N. Cross, H. Christiaans and K. Dorst (Eds.), John Wiley & Sons (1997)
- G.B. Nalbantoglu, "Silent interruptions: Urban encounters with rural Turkey", Rethinking modernity and national identity in Turkey, S. Bozdogan, R. Kasaba (Eds.), pp. 192-210, Univ of Washington Press (1997)
- G.B. Nalbantoglu, "Limits of Tolerance: The carved dwelling in the architectural and urban discourse of modern Turkey", Postcolonial Space(s), G.B. Nalbantoglu, W.C. Thai (Eds.), pp. 89-100, Princeton Architectural Press (1997)
- Faculty of Business Administration
- Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences
- Department of Economics
- E. Cakmak, "Water resources in Turkey: Availability, use and management", Decentralization and Coordination of Water Resource Management (Natural Resource Management and Policy), D.D. Parker and Y. Tsur (Eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers (1997)
- I. Atiyas, "Bankruptcy policies, restructuring and economic efficiency", Current legal issues affecting central banks, Volume: 4, R.C. Effros (Eds.), International Monetary Fund (1997)
- S. Togan, "Determinants of Economic Growth in Turkey", Economic challenges facing Middle Eastern and African Countries, N. Shafik (Eds.), pp. 159-177, Macmillan Press (1997)
- S. Togan, "The customs union agreement between Turkey and the European Union", Free trade agreements and customs unions: Experiences, challenges and constraints, M.O. Hosli, A. Saether (Eds.), pp. 293-311, European Institute of Public Administration (1997)
- Department of History
- D.E. Thornton, "Kings, chronicles and genealogies: Reconstructing medieval Celtic dynasties", Family Trees and the Roots of Politics, K.S.B. Keats-Rohan (Eds.), pp. 23-40, Woolbridge (1997)
- E. Kermeli, "Ebu's Su`ud's definition of Church vakfs: Theory and Practice in Ottoman Law", Islamic Law: Theory and Practice, R. Gleave, E. Kermeli (Eds.), pp. 141-156, I.B. Tauris Publishers (1997)
- H. Inalcik, "Ottoman State: Economy and Society", An Economic and Social History of Ottoman Empire, H. Inalcik, D. Quataert (Eds.), Cambridge University Press (1997)
- Department of Political Science and Public Administration
- A.Kadioglu, "Is Racism Being Combated Effectively in Germany? The new immigration legislation", Encountering Strangers: Responses and Consequences, G. Rystad (Eds.), pp. 73-92, Lund University Press, Sweden (1997)
- E. Ozbudun, "Constitution making and democratic consolidation in Turkey", Institutions and democratic statecraft, M. Heper, A. Kazancigil, B. Rockman (Eds.), pp. 227-243, Westview Press (1997)
- M. Heper, "Introduction", Institutions and democratic statecraft, M. Heper, A. Kazancigil, B.A.Rockman (Eds.), pp. 3-10, Westview Press (1997)
- M. Heper, "Urbanization and Metropolitan Municipal politics in Turkey", Population, poverty and politics: Middle East Cities in Crisis, M.E. Bonine (Eds.), pp. 25-45, Univ Press of Florida (1997)
- M. Muftuler, M. Yuksel, "Turkey: A middle power in the new order", Niche Diplomacy : Middle Powers After the Cold War (Studies in Diplomacy), A.F. Cooper (Eds.), St. Martin's Press (1997)
- Faculty of Engineering
- Department of Computer Engineering
- V. Akman, P. Bernus, P. ten Hagen, J. Rogier, T. Tomiyama, P. Veerkamp, "An integrated data description language for coding design knowledge", Interactive Systems 1985-1996, R. van Liere (Eds.), pp. 183-201, CWI (1997)
- Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Faculty of Humanities and Letters
- Department of English Language and Literature
- J. Dubino, "Virginia Woolf: From book reviewer to literary critic, 1904-1918", Virginia Woolf and the Essay, J. Dubino, B. Rosenberg (Eds.), pp. 25-40, St. Martin's Press (1997)
- Faculty of Science
- Department of Mathematics
- Department of Physics
- A. Serpenguzel, S. Arnold, G. Griffel, J.A. Lock, "Optical spectroscopy of microcavities", Concepts and advances in quantum optics and spectroscopy of solids, T. Hakioglu, A.S. Shumovsky (Eds.), pp. 237-248, Kluwer Academic Publishers (1997)
- A. Shumovsky, "Quantum optics and solid state spectroscopy", Concepts and Advances in quantum optics and the spectroscopy of solids, T. Hakioglu, A.S. Shumovsky (Eds.), pp. 57-68, Kluwer Academic Publishers (1997)
- B. Tanatar, "Band-gap renormalization in quasi-one-dimensional systems", Optical spectroscopy of low dimensional semiconductors, G. Abstreiter, A. Aydinli, J.P. Leburton (Eds.), pp. 179-190, Kluwer Academic Publishers (1997)
- I.O. Kulik, "Persistent current and persistent charge in nanostructures", Concepts and advances in quantum optics and spectroscopy of solids, T. Hakioglu, A.S. Shumovsky (Eds.), pp. 45-56, Kluwer Academic Publishers (1997)
- S. Ciraci, A. Buldum, "Microscopic Aspects of Friction", Micro/Nonotribology and its applications, B. Bhushan (Eds.), pp. 339-353, Kluwer Academic Publishers (1997)
- T. Hakioglu, "Interaction of two level atomic system with a single mode radiation field", Conceps and advances in quantum optics and the spectroscopy of solids, T. Hakioglu, A.S. Shumovsky (Eds.), pp. 121-131, Kluwer Academic Publishers (1997)
- H. Mehrez, S. Ciraci, "Conductance in Nanowires", Optical spectroscopy of low dimensional semiconductors, G. Abstreiter, A. Aydinli, J.P. Leburton (Eds.), pp. 213-234, Kluwer Academic Publishers (1997)