Book Chapters by Bilkent* Authors (1995)
- Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture
- Department of Architecture
- B. Senyapili, "Introduction of a Start-up scale menu to Improve the Use of Dynamic Simulations in Architectural Design", 4D Dynamics, A. Robertson (Eds.), pp. 151-155, Leicester: Demontfort University (1995)
- Department of Communication and Design
- M. Mutman, "Under western eyes. The media in the Gulf War", Prosthetic Territories, G. Brahm Jr. and M. Driscoll (Eds.), pp. 30-54, Westview Press (1995)
- Faculty of Business Administration
- Department of Management
- C. Simga, "Turkey", World Accounting, L.L. Orsini, J.P. McAllister and R.N. Parikh (Eds.), pp. 1-117, Matthew Bender (1995)
- Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences
- Department of Economics
- I. Atiyas, "Bankruptcy policies", Regulatory policies and reform: A comparative perspective, C. Frischtak, C. Gray, J. Mitchell and S. Ramachandran (Eds.), pp. 144-169, The World Bank (1995)
- O. Zaim, "The Effect of Financial Liberalization on the Efficiency of Turkish Commercial Banks", Development of Financial Markets in the Arab Countries, Iran and Turkey, pp. 63-78, ERF Publication Services, Egypt (1995)
- S. Sayan, "Economic Cooperation as a Means of Maintaining Palestinian-Israeli Peace: A conceptual framework", Contribution of Turkey for Reconstruction and Development of Palestine, pp. 209-228, Ankara: Ankara Univ and Friedrich Nauman (1995)
- Department of International Relations
- A. Karaosmanoglu, "A Turkish Perspective on Arms Control", Arms Control and Security in the Middle East: The search for common ground, R. Eisendorf (Eds.), pp. 59-69, Washington D.C.:Initiative for peace and (1995)
- D.B. Sezer, "Balance of Power in the Black Sea in Post Cold War Era: Russia, Turkey and Ukraine", Crimea: Dynamics, Challenges and Prospects, M. Drohobyceky (Eds.), pp. 157-194, Lantam, Maryland, American Assoc of Advancement of Science (1995)
- D.B. Sezer, "Turkey in The Post-Cold War Era: Evolving Domestic and Foreign Policy Trends and Challenges", The Southeast European Year Book 1994-95, pp. 519-541, Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (1995)
- I. Bokhari, "Internal negotiations : the case of Afganistan", Elusive Peace : Negotiating an End to Civil Wars, I.W. Zartman (Eds.), Brooklyns Institution (1995)
- N.B. Criss, "International Institutions and European Security: A Turkish perspective", European Security and International Institutions after the Cold War, M. Carnovale (Eds.), pp. 199-214, New York: St. Martin's Press (1995)
- Department of Political Science and Public Administration
- A. Icduygu, "Turks in Australia: 'We came to winter here... leaving the summer behind", Turks d'Europe... et d'ailleurs, pp. 253-278, Inst. Nation. Langues Civil. Orientales (1995)
- A. Icduygu, O. Tekelioglu, "Turks in the Nordic Countries: An overview", Turcs d'Europe... et d'ailleurs, Paris: INALCO and CNSR (1995)
- E. Ozbudun, "Turkey: Crises, Interruptions and Reequilibrations", Politics in Developing Countries: Comparing Experiences with Democracy, L. Diamond, J.J. Linz and S.M. Lipset (Eds.), pp. 219-261, Boulder: Lynne Reinner (1995)
- E. Ozbudun, "The Continuing Ottoman Legacy and the State Tradition in the Middle East", Imperial Legacy: The Ottoman Imprint on the Balkans and the Middle East, L.C. Brown (Eds.), pp. 133-157, New York: Columbia University Press (1995)
- E. Ozbudun, "Paradoxes of Turkish Democratic Development: The struggle between the military-bureaucratic "founders" of democracy and new democratic forces", Politics, Society and Democracy: Comparative Studies, H.E. Chehabi and A. Stepan (Eds.), pp. 297-309, Boulder: Westview Press (1995)
- O.F. Genckaya, "Republic of Turkey", Constitutions of the Countries of the World, G.H. Flanz (Eds.), pp. lix+8, New York: Oceana Publications Inc. (1995)
- Faculty of Engineering
- Department of Computer Engineering
- T. Aytekin, E.E. Korkmaz, H.A. Guvenir, "An Application of Genetic Programming to the 4-OP problem using map-trees", Progress in Evolutionary Computation, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Xin Yao (Eds.), pp. 28-40, Springer Verlag, New York (1995)
- Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- A. Atalar, H. Koymen, A. Bozkurt, G. Yaralioglu, "Lens geometries for quantitative acoustic microscopy", Advances in acoustic microscopy, A. Briggs (Eds.), pp. 117-151, Plenum Press (1995)
- A.E. Cetin, H. Koymen, "Compression of Digital Biomedical Signals", The Biomedical Engineering Handbook, J.D. Bronzino (Eds.), pp. 853-865, CRC Press (1995)
- H. Ozaktas, B. Barshan, D. Mendlovic, H. Urey, "Space-Variant Filtering in Fractional Fourier Domain", Optical Computing, pp. 285-288, Institute of Physics Publishing, Bristol (1995)
- R. Ansari, A.E. Cetin, "Two-dimensional FIR Filters", The Circuits and Filters Handbook, W.K. Chen (Eds.), pp. 2732-2760, IEEE Press and CRC Press (1995)
- Department of Industrial Engineering
- Faculty of Humanities and Letters
- Department of Archaeology
- C. Haldane, "Ancient Egypt and the Shipwreck at Uluburnu", Proceedings of the Geosciences and Archaeology Sem, pp. 83-86, Geological Survey of Egypt Special Publi (1995)
- C. Haldane, "The Potential for Nautical Archaeology in Egypt", Proceedings of the Geosciences and Archaeology Sem, pp. 201-204, Geological Survey of Egypt Special Publi (1995)
- J. Ozturk, "Christian Cremna", Cremna in Pisidia. An Ancient City in Peace and in War, S. Mitchell (Eds.), pp. 219-232, London: Duckworth (1995)
- Faculty of Science
- Department of Physics
- A. Shumovsky, "Non-classical Fluctuations in Solids and Their Observation in quantum optics", Nonlinear Optics, O. Keller (Eds.), pp. 485-510, Nova Sci. Pub. N.Y. (1995)