Book Chapters by Bilkent* Authors (1994)
- Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture
- Department of Graphic Design
- N. Erdogan, "Das Neue Turkishe Kino", Gebrochene Blick Nach Western, Z. Senocak (Eds.), pp. 293-302, Babel Verlag (1994)
- N. Erdogan, "Das Fernsehen in der Turkei", Gebrochene Blick Nach Western, Z. Senocak (Eds.), pp. 281-292, Babel Verlag (1994)
- Faculty of Business Administration
- Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences
- Department of International Relations
- D.B. Sezer, "Implications for Turkey's Relations with Western Europe", The Implications of Yugoslav Crisis for Western Europe's Foreign Relations, M. Jopp (Eds.), pp. 65-82, Institute for Security Studies (1994)
- N.B. Criss, "Istanbul: Die Russischen Fluechtlinge am Bosporus", Der Grosse Exodus: die Russische Emigration und ihre Zentren 1917 bis 1941, K. Schlogel (Eds.), pp. 42-63, Verlag C.H. Beck, Munchen (1994)
- Department of Political Science and Public Administration
- A. Erdentug, "A comparative study of socio-cultural change in two Turkish Villages: Saray and Gicik", Mediterrannean Societies: Tradition and Change, A. Lopasic and P. Rudan (Eds.), pp. 77-89, Croation Antropological Society and Institute (1994)
- M. Heper, "Bureaucracy in the Ottoman Turkish Polity", Handbook of Bureaucracy, A. Farazmand (Eds.), pp. 659-674, Marcel & Dekker Inc. (1994)
- O.F. Genckaya, "The Kurdish Issue in Turkish Politics", The Search for Peace in the Mediteranean Region, J. Calleja, H. Wiberg and S. Busuttil (Eds.), pp. 187-212, Mirava (1994)
- A.A. Razzaq Shikara, O.F. Genckaya, "Democratization and the Legislative Development in the Middle East: the Case of Turkey", Democratization in the Middle East, pp. 81-129, Institute of Developing Economies (1994)
- Faculty of Engineering
- Department of Computer Engineering
- E. Tin, V. Akman, "Situated processing of pronominal anaphora", Tagungsband KONVENS'94 Verarbeitung naturlicher Sprache, H. Trost (Eds.), pp. 369-378, Informatik Xpress 6, Vienna (1994)
- E. Tin, V. Akman, "BABY-SIT: Towards a situation-theoretic computational environment", Current Issues in Mathematical Linguistics, C. Martin-Vide (Eds.), pp. 299-308, North-Holland, Elsevier (1994)
- V. Akman, P.J.W ten Hagen, T. Tomiyama, "Desirable functionalities of intelligent CAD systems", Intelligent Systems in Design and Manufacturing, Series on International Advances in Design Productivity, C.H. Dagli and A. Kusiak (Eds.), pp. 119-138, ASME Press (1994)
- V. Isler, C. Aykanat, B. Ozguc, "Subdivision of 3D Space Based on the Graph Partitioning for Parallel Ray Tracing", Photorealistic Rendering in Computer Graphics, P. Brunet and F.W. Jansen (Eds.), pp. 182-190, Springer Verlag, New York (1994)
- Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- O. Morgul, "On the Stabilization of the wave equation", Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, R.F. Curtain, A. Bensoussan and J.L. Lions (Eds.), pp. 531-542, Springer Verlag, New York (1994)